感谢各位朋友的美好建言,上次发了几个封面征求意见,竟收到了九十余条,收益良多。再次感谢。根据建议又设计了几个,拜请赐教。 王大伟敬礼
·感谢各位朋友的美好建言,上次发了几个封面征求意见,竟收到了九十余条,收益良多。再次感谢。根据建议又设计了几个,拜请赐教。 王大伟敬礼
"Superior Police ----The dialogue about police philosophy with Mr. Anderson.“
The Nature of Policing
1、 The exercise of power and authority
2、 Ethics in policing
3、 Corruption of police
4、 styles of policing
5、 The doctrine of minimum force
Police and Related Topics
6、Police culture
7、Police and the media
8、Police and technology
9、Crime and its inevitability
10、Consideration of crime
11、Tolerance of crime
12、Crime:prevention or enforcement
Towards the new modle
13、Trends in policing
14、A quest for new models
15、Ten declarations
·感谢各位朋友的美好建言,上次发了几个封面征求意见,竟收到了九十余条,收益良多。再次感谢。根据建议又设计了几个,拜请赐教。 王大伟敬礼