2011年05月25日 18:00 来源:国际在线
国际在线消息(驻瑞士记者 段秀杰):第64届世界卫生大会24号晚在瑞士日内瓦落下了帷幕。作为联合国旗下负责全球卫生事务的专门机构,每年的世卫大会制定的政策都与每个百姓的生活息息相关。今年的世卫大会关注了哪些主要问题,取得了什么样的成果呢?下面本网连线了中国国际广播电台驻瑞士记者段秀杰。
记者: 大会通过了指导世界卫生组织今后工作和应对世界卫生领域主要问题的28项决议和3项决定。可谓成果颇丰,在这些决议和决定中,有两个成果最为引人注目。

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图示∶2011年5月正式出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构事迹 |

The 64th World Health Assembly concludes
At 18:00 on May 25, 2011 Source: International Online
International online news (in the Swiss press section Xiu-jie): The 64th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland 24 night came to a close. Its responsibility as a United Nations specialized agencies, global health matters, the annual WHA policies are closely related to each people's lives. This year's WHA What are the main issues concerned, what kind of results have made it? Here the connection of this site in Switzerland, China Radio International news section Xiu-jie.
Reporter: The General Assembly adopted the World Health Organization guide future work and response to major world health problem of the 28 resolutions and three decisions. Can be described as very fruitful, in these resolutions and decisions, there are two most striking results.
First, to share samples of influenza vaccine on the resolution. We know that pandemic influenza is the most important threats to human health, WHO has been committed through sound and effective vaccine to prevent system to deal with the risk of a pandemic. However, during the past several influenza outbreaks, research and development on vaccines for influenza virus samples obtained there are serious disputes on the issue. Developing countries complained about the flu samples provided free of charge to the pharmaceutical giants, pharmaceutical companies in the production of the vaccine at a higher price, but who can not afford to provide samples of the vaccine to deal with their disease. WHO coordinated the lead and, after ten years of negotiation talks, the problem was a relatively satisfactory solution. According to the agreement reached by the Assembly, the WHO received delivery of the influenza outbreak of the virus, it will immediately be distributed to different parts of the world distribution of six viruses CENTER. Based on the results, pharmaceutical production of vaccine immediately to produce part of the vaccine will be provided to the WHO, and then by the WHO to grant developing countries in need.
The second outcome was the development of AIDS prevention and control of a new five-year plan. The plan covers the time period is 2011 to 2015, and 2015, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to achieve the target date. According to UNAIDS statistics, at present there are 333 million people living with AIDS worldwide, of which two thirds live in sub-Saharan Africa. Requirements of the new five-year plan developed countries in terms of AIDS on mortality and the reduction of mother to child transmission as the focus, and to identify new specific target: the 15-year-old to 24-year-old youth infection rate reduced by half, the infant infection rate reduced by 90%, the mortality rate will be reduced by a quarter of AIDS patients.
Moderator: In addition to these two major achievements in this meeting, the States is also concerned about what the focus of public health?
Reporter: The focus of this session a lot, I would like to talk about the two of them major. The first is the WHO Influenza H1N1 influenza outbreak two years ago, should the evaluation results. 2009 Influenza A H1N1 influenza swept the world to WHO taut the nerves, more than two months after the outbreak of the epidemic warning level raised to highest level, and requires States to immediately develop a vaccine to prevent spread of the epidemic extensive vaccination. WHO questioned by some of these decisions was to the European Parliament as the representative voice of that response over the outbreak of WHO, the vaccine uses a large number of pharmaceutical companies not only make a handful of full, also caused a certain amount of waste. More extreme arguments that this epidemic is in itself a conspiracy, the WHO's decision-making by unscrupulous drug manufacturers use for their profit, and even the WHO experts jointly with pharmaceutical giant fortune complicit. These remarks to the WHO under enormous pressure, from the expert group conducted a two-year evaluation report was submitted to the WHO Assembly in this discussion. WHO evaluation report that a flow of basic proper handling of the epidemic, there is no profit for pharmaceutical companies to the problem of illegal, but also made a dozen recommendations, required to be improved in future work. Conclusion The results of this assessment is widely accepted by the WHO, the EU acknowledged expert report on behalf of some speculation proved unfounded.
The second focus is on the final fate of the smallpox virus samples problem. WHO General Assembly during the discussion of the issue by the media described as "stormy" debate, we can see large differences. We know that the United Nations 32 years ago, has announced the smallpox virus be destroyed on a global scale. However, as research purposes in the United States and Russia still retains a smallpox laboratory samples. In 1996, WHO started the destruction of smallpox virus samples laboratory discussion. United States and Russia remained opposed completely destroyed, that its still has research value, and most of the countries that completely destroyed the ground that these viruses storage security, worry about the theft might be a terrorist organization to launch chemical and biological warfare. Other countries have the intention of the United States and Russia to retain smallpox had doubts that the two countries as a unique strategic resource for other critical purposes. All differences not as indemnity, WHO made a compromise decision to the General Assembly will discuss the United States and Russia after five years made the motion to discuss the final three years later the fate of smallpox virus.