


  艾滋病( A I D S ) 是由人类免疫缺陷病毒( HI V)引起的一种严重影响人民健康的传染病。艾滋病病毒可通过血液传播、性传播、母婴垂直传播。H I V进入人体后,直接侵犯人体的免疫系统,攻击和杀伤人体免疫系统中最具有进攻性的C D一T淋巴细胞,使机体免疫力降低,临床表现为人体的免疫功能逐渐受到损害而发生一系列相应症状和体征,最后导致死亡…艾滋病在全世界广泛流行已成为重要的公共卫生问题和社会问题。艾滋病在我国经历了传人期、播散期,现已进入快速增长期。因此在目前缺乏疫苗和安全有效的抗HI V药物的情况下,有效的预防措施更为重要。


    (1)医务人员对艾滋病防治基本知识欠缺,自我保护意识差:艾滋病同乙肝、丙肝等其他传染病一样,从被发现就出现医源性感染,由于艾滋病潜伏期时间较长,很多HIV病毒携带者常常因酗酒、吸毒、打架斗殴或其他疾病就医和入院。如果医务人员不加防范则极易导致感染。曾有报道 ,对医务人员的艾滋病知识调查发现,医务人员对艾滋病基本定义和传播途径以及如何预防和控制艾滋病等知识贫乏,主要是因为广大医务人员接受艾滋病的健康教育和培训缺乏。医务人员对艾滋病认识不足, 在医疗活动 中就会疏忽大意,警惕性不高,造成 H I V医源性感染的危险性增加。   

  (2)医疗环境中的H I V污染造成的交叉感染:随着我国艾滋病感染和发病人数的增加,到医疗机构就诊的人数也相应增多。医务人员在诊疗、护理操作过程中,被艾滋病病毒( H I V)污染的血液或其他体液有可能直接或间接通过被感染者破损的皮肤、黏膜侵入其体内造成医患之间的交叉感染。患者在疾病的诊治过程中,特别是在各种介入治疗过程中,进行各种插入性操作,动、静脉插管、各种引流、导尿、内镜检查、血液透析等。许多医疗用具的重复使用也是一个重要的H I V感染传播途径,尤其是有些医疗用具没有被彻底清洗消毒就在患者之间重复使用,造成患者之间的交叉感染。

   (3)医务人员锐器伤造成职业感染危险性增加:锐器刺伤是导致职业性感染的最主要途径。造成皮肤损伤常见有针头、玻璃、利器3大物件,医务人员在进行手术、注射、抽血、穿刺、清洗处理医疗器械等操作时,有可能被含有 H I V感染 的针头 ( 注射针头、缝合针) 刺伤;玻璃( 安瓿 )划伤;锐利器械 ( 手术刀、剪 、巾钳、克氏针、骨折碎片等)损伤或破损部位不慎接触含有 H I V感染 的血液或体液等,而造成职业感染。


  加强对医务人员的宣传教育和培训:有研究表明,加强对医务人员的教育已经被公认为是减少职业性损伤的有效措施之一。医务人员应接受更多的教育,使他们有充分的知识为社会服务。对医务人员进行全员轮训,这是预防和控制艾滋病医源性传播的重要措施。在医疗卫生系统中,通过知识讲座、学习班、研讨会等形式多样的方式,组织医务人员进行艾滋病医源性感染预防控制、医疗废物的分类管理、标准预防、如何正确洗手和手消毒、检验技术及艾滋病血样的处理、艾滋病的诊断和治疗、医务人员职业防护等有关知识培训,使他们掌握艾滋病的传播途径,医源性H I V /A I D S感染的危害性和防治措施,提高对艾滋病的诊断和治疗水平以及医护技能等,增强医务人员的自我保护意识,养成职业防护习惯,降低医源性感染的发生。


艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




中国青年网 健康频道








And key elements of HIV prevention
AIDS (AIDS) is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HI V) caused a serious impact on people's health, infectious diseases. HIV can be spread through blood, sexual transmission, vertical transmission. HIV enters the body, a direct violation of the body's immune system attacks the body's immune system and killing the most aggressive of the CD of a T cell, so that lower immunity, clinical manifestations of the body's immune function and a series of progressive damage corresponding symptoms and signs, finally leading to death ... in the world pandemic of AIDS has become an important public health issues and social problems. AIDS transmission in China experienced a period of spread of, has now entered a period of rapid growth. Therefore, in the absence of a vaccine and anti-HI V safe and effective drugs, effective prevention is more important.

1, HIV risk factors for nosocomial infection

(1) medical staff lack basic knowledge of AIDS, poor awareness of self-protection: AIDS and hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other infectious diseases, as was found to occur from iatrogenic infections due to longer incubation period of AIDS, many HIV virus carrier are often due to alcoholism, drug abuse, assault or other diseases for medical treatment and hospitalization. If medical personnel do not guard could easily lead to infection. Been reported on the survey among medical staff found that the basic definition of medical personnel and the transmission of AIDS and how to prevent and control AIDS, lack of knowledge, mainly because the majority of medical personnel receive training in AIDS education and lack of health. Medical staff lack of knowledge of AIDS, the activities will be in the medical negligence, vigilance is not high, resulting in HIV increases the risk of iatrogenic infection.

(2) medical environment pollution in the cross-infection of HIV: With the incidence of HIV infection and the increasing number of medical institutions for treatment to a corresponding increase in the number of people. Medical staff at the clinic, care operation, has been HIV (HIV) contaminated blood or other body fluids may directly or indirectly through the broken skin of those infected, mucosal invasion of the body caused by cross infection between doctors and patients. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with the disease, especially in a variety of intervention process, for various inserts of the operation, artery and vein catheterization, all kinds of drainage, catheterization, endoscopy, blood dialysis. Repeated use of many medical devices is also an important route of transmission of HIV infection, especially in some medical equipment has not been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between patients to re-use in, resulting in cross-infection between patients.

(3) sharp injuries caused by medical personnel increased risk of occupational infection: causes of occupational needlestick injuries is the main way of infection. Common skin damage have needles, glass, sharp objects 3 large, medical personnel during surgery, injections, blood, puncture, cleaning and other operations dealing with medical devices, there may be with HIV infected needles (hypodermic needles, suture needles) stabbed; glass (ampoules) scratch; sharp instruments (scalpel, scissors, towel clips, Kirschner, fracture fragments, etc.) damage or broken parts case of contact with HIV infected blood or body fluids, etc., caused by occupational infection.

2, the preventive measures

Strengthen publicity and education of medical personnel and training: Some studies have shown to enhance the education of medical personnel has been recognized as an effective reduction of occupational injuries one of the measures. Medical personnel should receive more education, so that they have sufficient knowledge to serve the community. Full rotation on the medical staff, which is iatrogenic transmission of AIDS prevention and control of the important measures. In the health system, through lectures, classes, seminars and other various forms, organization of iatrogenic infection of medical workers in AIDS prevention and control, the classification of medical waste management, standard precautions, and how proper hand washing and hand disinfection, inspection Technology and processing of blood samples of AIDS, AIDS diagnosis and treatment, medical staff training in occupational protection and other relevant knowledge to enable them to master the transmission of AIDS, iatrogenic HIV / AIDS infection and prevention of the dangers of measures to improve the diagnosis of AIDS and treatment levels and health care skills, enhance self-protection awareness of medical staff, to develop a habit of occupational protection and reduce the incidence of iatrogenic infection.
Liu Jun AIDS treatment clinics experts Concord Center, professors, experts, Chinese medicine and long difficult disease cures website. Paper "on the Treatment of AIDS medicine," published in "China STD & AIDS" 2003 version of the magazine, Kang Sheng invented the AIDS treatment drug clinical application since 2002, has a significant effect, the only AIDS drug available 3rd generation ...


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-3-6    文章录入:nnb ]