新疆新闻在线网3月29日消息(记者 金磊 实习记者 李冰冰):记者从昨天召开的自治区多部门防治艾滋病工作总结表彰会上了解到,目前,我区艾滋病防控形势严峻,今后将加大筛查防治力度。
到去年底,我区累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者33149例,感染者人数位居全国第五,人均感染率位居全国第二。因为艾滋病致贫、返贫,甚至留下孤儿寡老的现象在我区一些地区已开始出现,今后艾滋病对社会各方面的影响会更多表现出来。同时,艾滋病传播渠道也在发生重大变化,自治区卫生厅党组书记殷宇霖介绍说: "过去我们艾滋病的发病率吸毒人群是第一位的,是我们重点防控的,现在是性传播是第一位的,确实需要我们多部门的合作,来联合进行综合治理,才能有效地防范。"
今后我区将继续把预防艾滋病传播放在最根本的位置,把重点地区和人群作为防治关键,全力遏制艾滋病进一步蔓延的势头,医疗部门将进一步加大筛查力度,殷宇霖: "从今年开始,我们按照国家的要求,住院病人100%筛查,门诊病人今年是10%,这个要逐步扩大,重点地区要达到50%,我们过去的艾滋病防控,始终强调自愿的原则,甚至过去是隐姓埋名的,但是检测到了你防控不住,没有办法找到这个人,这样势必造成蔓延扩散的势头,那么现在这个政策的落实,我想这个检查防控能力的增强,及时发现及时预防。"
艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |
AIDS prevention and control of the grim situation in Xinjiang
【Release time】 【Source】 2011-03-29-10-16 Xinjiang News Online Network
Xinjiang News Online Network March 29 (Xinhuanet JinLei trainee journalist Li Bingbing): A reporter from the autonomous regions, held yesterday, summing up the work in recognition of multi-sectoral AIDS meeting that, at present, the district AIDS prevention and control situation is grim, the future will increase screening for prevention and control efforts.
By the end of the year, the district reported a total of 33,149 cases of HIV infection, the number of infections among the nation's fifth ranked second in per capita infection rate. Because of AIDS to poverty, returning to poverty, and even the phenomenon of leaving orphans and old widow in some areas in our region are beginning to emerge in the future in all aspects of AIDS impact on society will be more performance out. Meanwhile, AIDS is also significant changes in distribution channels, regional health department party secretary Yin Yulin, said: "We used the incidence of AIDS among drug users is the first, we focus on prevention and control, it is sexually transmitted is the first , and really need our multi-sectoral cooperation, to jointly conduct a comprehensive way, can effectively prevent. "
The future of our region will continue to prevent the spread of AIDS on the most fundamental position, the key areas and population groups as a key control, to curb the further spread of AIDS, the medical sector will further increase the screening efforts, Yan Yulin: "From this year, in accordance with the requirements of our country, 100% screening of patients, outpatients and 10% this year, this should be gradually expanded to reach 50% in key areas, AIDS prevention and control of our past, has always stressed the principle of voluntary, or even the past is incognito , but could not detect the prevention and control you, there is no way to find this person, this will inevitably cause the spread of the momentum spread, then the implementation of this policy now, I think this check prevention and control capabilities, to detect in a timely manner to prevent. "