


    http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年02月25日10:05  生活新报
  生活新报 记者 赵勇 实习生 马捷思



艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




中国青年网 健康频道








"AIDS orphans " winter camp the camp in Kunming
     http://www.sina.com.cn 2011 02 25 10:05 Life Daily News
Life Hong Kong Daily News reporters Zhao Yong and Shi Xisheng Ma Jiesi

Yesterday, a special winter event kicked off, more than 20 people from poor areas of Yunnan "AIDS orphans " in the organization under the leadership of the staff side, visited the traffic police command center in Kunming, Yunnan Province Youth Science and Technology Center and other units . Organizers said the event's theme is to make these special feelings of social care of children and help them establish a positive and healthy outlook on life and values.

Winter Camp members live in a college hotels in Kunming, the head of Chen introduced, these children are from Eastern region, they are just "AIDS orphans"is a small part of a special group, the average age of only 12 years old. Most of them are the father or the mother infected with AIDS because of drug abuse was dead. They may not know, "AIDS " what it means, but many people have to bear the indifference and discrimination of the eye, they need more care from the community. This is why the organization of this winter's good mind.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-2-27    文章录入:nnb ]