中国艾滋病防控形势严峻 男男性行为传播上升明显
出处:时代商报 2011。02。16。
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |

China's AIDS prevention and control situation is grim MSM transmission increased significantly
Source: Times Daily 2011.02. 16.
The State Council recently issued the Circular on Further Strengthening AIDS notifications. The circular points out that China is the AIDS epidemic situation is still grim, sexual transmission has become the main mode of transmission, MSM spread increased significantly.
MSM transmission increases significantly
The circular points out that China is the AIDS epidemic situation is still grim, prevention work is facing some new situation: in some areas and population groups have entered the high prevalence of disease status, many infected people and patients have not yet found; more subtle way of HIV transmission, sexual transmission has become a major communication Way, MSM transmission increases significantly; have easily infected with HIV risk behaviors among populations and prevention and control work flow more difficult; some places there is awareness of AIDS is not high, not in place to implement the policy and other issues, prevention and control very difficult task.
Enrollment and employment protection rights infected
Notification should be made to strengthen the care assistance, to improve HIV infection and the patient quality of life. Enhance the infection and the patient's relief work and emotional support of patients with advanced and terminal care. Meanwhile, we should conscientiously implement relevant policies to eliminate social discrimination, protection of HIV patients and their family members and medical care, employment, schooling and other aspects of legal rights, strengthening AIDS prevention and control of infectious diseases designated general hospitals and academic hospitals and capacity building To increase the overall treatment capacity to ensure treatment of patients infected and interests. According to China