UN human rights chief calls for journalists to get protection
Journalism is now regarded as one of the world's most dangerous professions.
According to the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, the situation has become so bad that a strategy is required to protect journalists.
She said: "Mapping out a UN plan of action on the safety of journalists, and to put an end to impunity for perpetrators of violations against them, is essential."
Her statements come against the background of almost weekly murders of journalists. The New York-based press freedom watchdog, the Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ), last year recorded 44 deaths worldwide. So far this year, the total stands at 35.
This week alone, radio reporter Abiaziz Ahmed Aden died in a bomb blast in Somalia and web editor Faisal Qureshi, was tortured and murdered in Pakistan.
Pillay is convinced about the value of the work of journalists. In a message to a UNESCO meeting on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity, she drew attention to journalists' reporting of the events unfolding in north Africa and the Middle East.
Journalists are central in times of both peace and conflict, she said, adding: "They report on human rights violations and bad governance, give voice to the victims and the oppressed, and contribute towards raising awareness of human rights issues."
She said states have "an obligation to end impunity for attacks against journalists."
Earlier this year, Pillay visited Mexico, one of the most dangerous places for journalists to work - nine have been murdered this year.
She urged its government to do more to safeguard freedom of expression and launched a campaign "Yo me declaro" [I declare myself] to rally support for human rights defenders.
One of the people who took part in the event was one of Mexico's bravest writers and activists, Lydia Cacho.
Undeterred by death threats and harassment she continues to write stories based on her investigations into corrupt and illegal practices, and to work for the rights of abused women.
Cacho's personal safety is regarded as so compromised that a number of global organisations - including the UN Human Rights Office, Pen International, and the CPJ - have called on the Mexican government to take urgent steps to ensure she is protected.
Despite a request to the government from the Inter-American commission on human rights two years ago "to guarantee" Cacho's "life and physical integrity", only some of the recommendations have been implemented.
Comments in chronological order (5 comments)
i have not know perfectly in English but i tell all about my telangana this is very bad time because telangana very foor pepules because andra political lidars very sadist lidars they are very curalu parasn i live in telangana i birth in telangana but my place is reddipuram reddipuram parsans tetal in andra so they are not give me any drinking water they are taking very bad