
 Introduction of cancer therapy of element and acid-base balance
  该疗法是元素医学 研究成果,根据元素平衡理论:世界是物质构成的,人体是由元素组成的,组成生命的元素有无机元素和有机元素,即酸性元素和碱性元素,酸碱平衡构成生命的统一体。有些元素既不能过多也不能太少,平衡才会健康。元素与酸碱平衡疗法使用的冲剂成分由无机元素和有机元素组成,由生命元素组成的冲剂既是药品也是食品,药食两用,元素之间的比例越恰当准确杀死癌细胞的效果就越强。
This therapy is the research result of element medical science, according to the element balance theory: the world is composed of material, the human body is composed by the element, and the element of the life includes organic and inorganic element, namely acidic element and alkaline element, and acid-base constitutes the unity of life. Some element can neither too much nor too little; keeping the element balance will be healthy. The component element of powder used by element and acid-base treatment are inorganic element and organic element, they are not only food but also medicine, if the proportion between element is more appropriate, the accurate effect to kill cancer is more stronger.
The kinds of cancer are different, the element that the patients lack of or excessive is also different, this is depending on the organs that the cancer occurred. The enrichment element of every human organs are different, we have found that cancer is caused of lack or excessive various composite element, according to the antagonism and cooperative principle between element, we have found out different proportion application to different cancer, we can only adjust the element proportion during the treatment according the humoral PH value of cancer patients, and determine the cancer treatment direction, namely element and acid-base proportion technique.
In the early and middle period of cancer, if we use this technology the cancer can be cured completely, and even in the terminal period it can also prolong the life, but need more doses, cost also increases accordingly. In the circumstance of understanding the etiology and with symptomatic treatment, nearly all cancer can be healed.
The scientific research found that all kinds of disease of human body is caused by lack or excessive of some element, has relationship with element unbalanced of human, and cancer has the same reason. Cancer villages and endemic can provide accurate basis.
This treatment mainly resolves the lack or excessive of element in human body, only element balance can achieve acid-base balance.
Treatment principle: first, we use the element can restrain cancer cell, Secondly, these element and adjustment of the patients, according to a weak acidity tends to humoral element, element of the principle of balance between the collaborative and antagonism is the core technology of this therapy.
My research result concludes that: "cancer cells grow well in the acidic humoral environment of the element imbalance in the body, and will die in the weakly alkaline humoral environment of PH 7.4."
Promotion element and acid-base treatment still need some time, but the early patients who used this treatment have experienced the joy of retrieving health, you can believe the miracle only it occurs on yourself, and all the nightmare will be finished.
If the patient has confidence to enjoy diet treatment at home, we are willing to guide free charge; you can accept this element and acid-base treatment after you saw the miraculous effect of it.
I hope this research can benefit more and more cancer friends, can save more lives, to help them get out of trouble. Character decides destiny, concept can guide life, whether you can seize this chance is according to your wisdom.
Inventor: XuQingGuo
Contact No.:  +86-130-1928-1132