
                         附件: 秋心《读后感》





    其一,你非常善于从实践中学习。在实习中,你学到了许多知识、技能,而且感到不解渴、要求延长实习期限。我非常羡慕你有这种特长。回想我在研究班跟苏联专家学 “电力网及电力系统” 专业时,与同班同学一起两次到现场实习,我们竟不知道该学什么,因为在正常运行的情况下,一切都顺利进行,值班人员各人守着自己的岗位、我们东张张,西望望,发现不了任何问题。厂方给我们拿来一大堆资料,我们就整天坐着看资料,抄资料,以备实习结束时好写实验报告。这样学习是毫无意义的,因为我们并不是要在这里长期工作,没有必要对它的设备一一详细了解,而活生生的电网运行经验,我们却看不到摸不着。有一天,系统出故障了,值班人员心急如焚,东奔西走,处理故障。我们却觉得这是个绝好的学习机会,兴致勃勃地紧盯着问这问那,让一位老师傅训了我们一通:“没看到我们都忙成啥样了?你们还添什么乱!以后再问吧!”





    维松:初步读了一遍《包钢初轧厂采用的自主创新技术》  和《在自动化研究院的工作》。我想所写内容是大大浓缩了的。即使这样,我也只能走马看花、不求甚解地过了一遍。一则因为我是外行,即使再下功夫,在技术上我也没有发言权、二则因为我想你在等着看我的《读后感》。所以我想把一些初步感受先谈一谈。


    我们搞教育工作的人常有挂在口头的话:“为国家培养栋梁之才” 或 说:“为国家培养合格人才” 。这种话概念比较模糊,“栋梁之才” 和 “合格之材”能等同吗?看了你的材料后,我明白了:你这样的人才就是栋梁之才,我们培养的大学生中,有一部分日后会成为国家栋梁之才,其余的大部分则是合格人才。拿盖房子作比喻,栋梁是为数不多的几根,但它们是承重的部分。砖和瓦,只要不是废品,就可以用来砌挡风的墙和盖防雨的屋顶。人们常说自已的工作是为社会主义建设添砖加瓦,这种比喻对大多数人来说是确切的。









     读完 《培养业余爱好,提高动手能力》 、《健 康新理念》和《保持身心健康的实践和经验》 ,谈一点感想。


    在《阅后感》(续1)中,我把你归属于 “栋梁之才” ,现在感觉这样说还是太一般化了。你还有几大特点:


     之二、你既是专家、又是博士,不是指现时取得博士学位的 “博士” ,这种博士确切地说应属于 “专家” 。






            Impression of The Autography by Qiu Xin

     This Impression of The Autography is written by my classmate Gu Qiu Xin of Jiao Tong University after she had skimmed through my memoir and delivered this  to me by E—mail.

      Wei song,I had skimed through these six volumes of your handwriting My Memoir.I would like to express my impression.As I hadn’t consider attentively,may be they are not exact.

     一、The contents written in the two volumes The working experiences in Ben xi Coal and Iron

      Company and The Experiences of practice in USSR

are very abundant.May be there are too many incidents could be written,you only selected some technological contents of every item,which made your Memoir  a technical document to be pigeonholed. If you can widen their contents,add in some interesting episodes,they might be more vivid and vigorous.       

     In these two periods,you had participated many important and significant technological engineering items。You described clearly and concretely all of their backgrounds,the problems should be solved and the steps to solve them.I admire your memory。In these two recollections reflected two distinguishing features:

     Firstly,you can extraordinarily learn from your practices.You have mastered much knowledge and technical abilities。But you still felt you hadn’t quench your thirst and asked to prolong the period of your practice. I admire your speciality very much.When I was a graduate student of “ Power Net and Power System” taught by a Soviet specialist ,I even didn’t know what I should pay attention when I and my classmates went to practice in a power plant.At that time,as the power network was working under normal condition,all person on duty paid attention to their post.We scattered here and there ,but couldn’t find any problem.The Factory gave us a lot of documents.We read and copied them in order to write the report of our practice.But such kind of learning is meaningless as we would not work here for a long period and hadn’t the necessity to know the details of their installations.One day,a breakdown occurred to  the power plant.The workers on duty burned with impatience ,running here and there to deal with the breakdown.But we found that it was a good chance for us to know more ,so we asked a lot of  questions with joy and curiosity.It made one of the masters reprimanded us:“Haven’t you  seen that we are so busy right now?Don’t be noisy and disorder!Please ask us later!” 

      Secondly,you are adapted to utilize your knowledge to your work ,which will bring into play your potential energy.When I was in Ben Xi, I had asked you:“What’s the matter that I couldn’t apply the knowledge I learned in the university to my work”?You replied:“ When you can apply the knowledge learned in the university,you would be a skilled engineer .”I believe that you had already passed through this critical juncture.That’s why you can work with high proficiency and be able to achieve success one way or another in your works.I believe these specialties are the fundamental factors which bring you to success.

      Your experience makes me understand that theory and ractice are two supplementary elements. From the examples in yourThe examples and experiences of keeping the initiative in one’s hands,there wouldn’t be any example of achievements that could be successful without abundant practical experiences and solid theoretical basis.It is completed in the process of theory and practice repeatedly inspiring each other,promoting  each other and upgrading each other.In its process not only the theory of natural science has been implicated ,but also the theory of Scientific philosophy.Such kind of ability couldn’t be cultivated by one’s own efforts, favorable circumstances and talent are necessary,optimistic state of mind,stubborn and enduranceare are also important.

    Your life could be smooth sailing if there hadn’t been the Cultural Revolution.But as all of others,you hadn’t avoid this disaster.During the period of being placed in confinement,you not only had endured the physical and mental sufferings,but also had acquired the motive power and confidence from the veteran confined in the same cowshed.When you had been released,you still keep your optimistic state of mind and endurance, recovered from surgical wounds and several sickness, began the research of another scientific topic:Duel motor driven with differential speed regulation system,which is a successful technical invention based on theoretical and practical experiments.This work was published and was awarded the Governmental Invention Premium。You are really a dauntless hero and couldn’t be embarrassed。    

     These are my preliminary understanding,they might not touch the exact topics.I believe when I read them more attentively later I could have more understanding. 

     Wei Song:I had skim over the chapters of The initiative technologies applied in the Bao Gong Bloom Mill。and My experience in The Beijing Research and Design Institute。I believe its contents have been much concentrated。As I am unprofessional,even I put in a lot of work,still I haven’t any right of speaking in the technical region,moreover I know you are waiting for my Impression of The Autography,so I write and deliver my some preliminary impression.

       Firstly、I find that your work is extraordinarily difficult,it strides across many specialties:electrical engineering,mechanical engineering,metallurgy,heat energy and automatic engineering etc.If in details,much more specialties had been utilized.The area of your work concerns the investigation,evaluation,argumentation,decision,design and installation ,and even the analysis of the influence of a small part of a control system.A light negligence might cause serious losses.It shows that you are daring and with particularity. Also                                                                   you are patient and with endurance in your work。   

       Secondly,the team of us engaged in education often talk about:“Cultivate the ridgepole for the  state” or“ cultivate qualified persons”. But how can“ridgepole of the state”and “qualified persons”are the same?I know clearly after I had skimmed your autobiography,I know that you are really a ridgepole of the state.In the students we cultivated,some of them might become the ridgepole of the state,while the others are qualified persons.Let us take the example of house building.Although ridgepoles are only several pieces,but they undertake the weight of the building.Bricks and tiles, if not being waste products,they could be used to build walls and house tops.Most  persons often say that their works are to lay bricks and tiles for the socialistic constructions。Such comparison is exact and precise for most persons。   

     Thirdly,the process of your work is also the process of study.During your work you are deepening  your understanding of the knowledge learned in the university.Also you can increase more knowledge which  you hadn’t studied in school and university.When you have completed a project,which will produce more wealthy for our native country,you have improved your ability simultaneously.At present,the percentage of our university students engaged in advanced studies of masters and doctors increases every year,as if graduates couldn’t be considered as a qualified persons.

     I am affected by your enthusiasm and working untiringly。You often go to other cities to help those enterprise of craft brither,impart your invention to them.It transfers your invention to those of same specialties。It transforms your                                                                                                                           personal wealth into national wealth and promotes the advance of science。Our generation advocates such   spirit.I don’t appreciate the method of to promoting the enthusiasm of workers by material excitation utilized at present. 

   I admire your ability of English conversation .How could you perfect this skill in our motherland?

    You reply :“Practice at every opportunity .Don’t be ashamed when you couldn’t express your idea or speak with mistakes.Bring with you a dictionary to search the word you needed.Practice,practice and practice again.When I am in Luxingberg as a technical interpreter,I worked with a small dictionary.

      Lu jie is a good wife,although she was

not healthy,she supported your work with all of her spirit so that you needn’t to concern the home works .She should have a part of your achievement.

     I hve skimmed through the Cultivate My Avocation ,Enhance My Ability of Handcrafts,The Modern

Comprehension of Health,and The Practice and Experiences of Keeping healthy One’s Mental and Bodily Health.

               Please let me express my understanding.

      一、You was born and brought up in an outstanding  family.Although your father was dead in your early years and had brought diaster to your family,but you have several telented elder brothers.They substituted your father and shouldered the heavy load of your family.Your family not only hadn’t fell into dire straits,but also had arranged all their younger brothers receiving university education .You have rich knowledge about radio technology,super ability of handcrafts and ability of English reading and speaking.All of these are due to the influence of your brothers and the instrument box given by your mother,which had created the possibility for you to do some work with these instruments. You also have the instincts of digging into your job or a subject so that you had plain sailing in your learning and understanding with outstanding achievements。     

    In Impression of The Autography I had considered you to be one of the ridgepoles .I think it is too generalized.You have several distinguishing features:

      Firstly:You are not only a general Commander being able to master important engineering projects,,but also a skillful craftsman,especially a tailor,that can’t be compared by a common skillful craftsman.

      Secondly,you are a specialist and a doctor.I mean not the doctor with academic degree,but actually a specialist.

      Thirdly,in the society,you are a man successful in your undertakings,while in your family you are also a good husband and a good father.Generally speaking,outstanding in both areas is rather difficult.

      Fourthly,you have investigated the area and the way of how to keep one’s health for a considerable period.Although I haven’t investigate this topic,I believe it is worthwhile for you to do it.I understand that the way of how to keep one’s health couldn’t be found by learning from others.Generally speaking,take the same medicine to cure a same kind of disease for everybody couldn’t have the same effect.You analyze,sum up your health condition,and try to know the application and effect of many medicines and health protection units,sieving and trying out the appropriate quantity for yourself. With the improvement of your healthy you would change to take other appropriate medicines and health protection products.I believe your considerations accord with scientific principles.You had said that those persons who had been seriously sick would understand the importance of health,its is right.I had known that Jian Guan Shui had suffered severely in the Cultural Revolution and was sick seriously.He knows the science of medicine deeply.He had prescribed many prescriptions and introduced to me the property and special characteristics of each medicine.As I haven’t the experience of serious sickness,haven’t much understanding about them.Your Chapter Healthy is a good thesis,I would study it carefully later to grasp its essence.  

     Wei Song:Many thanks for your introduction of your parents and your family。Your father build up from nothing,manage laboriously and developed into a national capitalist.He had not only made your large family with eight sons living in a fortunate condition, but also  made agreat contribution in the development of our national industry.Your mother is a superexcellent female.After the death of her husband she shouldered the heavy load of your family,brought up and educated six young sons. She had her own view and foresight in the distribution of the inheritance, which made a big family of eight sons born by two different mothers live in harmony and help each other. If in the present years,your mother could be a  great woman. 

  I had skimmed the last two chapters of My autography: Education of Two Children and Chapter of old age.Now I try to write my impression.



