2011-01-10 11:35:14 来源: 健康报 编辑: 刘红玮
· “十一五”中国人均期望寿命预计至少提高1岁
1. 实现政府办基层医疗卫生机构全部实施基本药物制度,鼓励有条件的地方将村卫生室和非政府办基层医疗卫生机构纳入基本药物制度实施范围。
2. 抓紧研究调整国家基本药物目录(基层部分),适时启动完整版基本药物目录制定工作。
3. 做好基本药物采购配送工作。
4. 保证政府办基层医疗卫生机构全部配备使用基本药物,并实行零差率销售。
5. 完善基本药物报销支付政策,确保基本药物报销比例明显高于非基本药物。
6. 对基层医疗卫生机构实施基本药物制度开展监测评价。
7. 鼓励县及县以上医疗机构探索实施基本药物制度。
8. 通过对口帮扶,加强上级医院对基层医疗机构合理用药指导。
1. 优化公立医院结构布局,促进资源合理配置。
2. 建立公立医院与城乡基层医疗卫生机构的分工协作机制。
3. 优先建设发展县医院,人口超过30万的县(市)要有1所二甲以上水平的公立医院。
4. 开展便民服务,加强内部管理。
5. 改革收费结算和医保支付方式。
6. 通过提高待遇、完善职业发展条件、改善执业环境等多种措施,调动医务人员积极性。
7. 加快推进以电子病历为核心的医院信息化建设。
8. 推进公立中医医院改革发展。
1. 争取再次提高政府补助标准,提高住院补偿封顶线。全面推进儿童大病医疗保障试点工作,开展提高重性精神病、乳腺癌、宫颈癌、终末期肾病等大病保障救治水平的试点。
2. 提高经办机构精细化管理水平,确保基金安全。
3. 规范定点医疗机构服务行为,扩大新农合支付方式改革范围。
4. 推进统筹管理城乡基本医疗保障制度试点工作。总结保险业参与新农合经办的有益经验并逐步推广。
5. 争取《新农合管理条例》早日出台。
1. 提高人均基本公共卫生服务经费标准。
2. 相应增加服务内容,完善服务规范。
3. 抓住整合乡级卫生信息化和为村卫生室装备计算机的机遇,改善农村基本公共卫生服务的管理手段。
4. 制定《国家基本公共卫生服务规范(2011版)》,开展对基本公共卫生服务项目实施的监测和考核。
5. 进一步实施好重大公共卫生服务项目。
6. 继续做好“降消”项目,加强出生缺陷防治工作,开展儿童营养与健康监测试点。
7. 启动和实施好今年开始的提高精神卫生能力建设项目。
8. 开展全民健康生活方式行动及健康教育专项行动,提高全民健康素养,遏制慢性非传染性疾病快速上升趋势。
1. 完成2000所县级医院、5000所中心乡镇卫生院及社区卫生服务机构等建设项目,实现房屋、设备、人员“三配套”。
2. 推进基层医疗卫生机构综合配套改革,建立健全基层医疗卫生机构补偿机制。
3. 深化人事分配制度改革,实行全员聘任,强化绩效考核,调动基层医务人员积极性。
4. 逐步规范对乡村医生的补助政策,鼓励有条件的地区为乡村医生提供养老保障。
1. 加快推进卫生应急指挥决策系统建设和卫生应急队伍建设。
2. 启动全国紧急医学救援基地建设。
3. 加强各类突发公共事件卫生应急处置能力建设。
4. 做好鼠疫、人禽流感和不明原因疾病防控工作,防范各类突发公共卫生事件。
1. 健全疾病防控和爱国卫生工作体系,完善疾控公卫医师制度,推进绩效考核全面开展。
2. 加强艾滋病、性病、丙肝、结核病等传染病动态监测,继续做好国家免疫规划疫苗常规免疫,做好麻疹强化免疫后查漏补种。
3. 做好血吸虫、疟疾等重点寄生虫病和重点地方病防治工作。
4. 创建全国慢病综合防治示范区。加大重性精神病防治与社会治安综合防治工作结合力度。扩展中西部儿童口腔疾病综合干预项目的内容和覆盖面。
5. 继续加强农村无害化厕所建设,开展农村生活饮用水安全监测。
1. 促进医药经济发展方式转变。
2. 提高监管效能。
3. 加强基本药物监管。
4. 完善工作机制,逐步提高履职能力。
5. 加强法规建设,提高依法监管水平。
6. 规范药品生产经营秩序。
7. 全面提高监管队伍综合素质。
1. 进一步完善食品安全综合协调机制,推动《保健食品监督管理条例》出台,健全食品安全信息统一公布制度。
2. 继续开展打击违法添加非食用物质活动,完善“黑名单”制度。
3. 清理完善食品安全国家标准。
4. 推进国家食品安全风险评估机构组建,优先开展食品中铅、反式脂肪酸等5项风险评估。
5. 完善食品安全重大事故查处制度,提高突发食品安全事件应急调查和处置能力。
1. 启动卫生监督体系建设,全面提升执法能力。
2. 重视队伍建设,开展卫生监督绩效考核,提高稽查工作水平。
3. 开展对重点职业病的监测与调查,推进基本职业卫生服务试点,做好对职业健康检查、职业病诊断与鉴定的监督管理。
4. 以医疗机构为重点,加大放射卫生监督检查力度。
5. 全面履行饮用水卫生监督职责。在重点公共卫生场所推行卫生监督量化分级管理。
6. 加强传染病防治监督检查和学校卫生监管。加大对无证行医和非法采供血的监督检查力度。
1. 建立健全有利于发挥中医药特色的体制、机制和投入政策。
2. 组织开展中医优势病种临床协作中心建设,加快推进中医医疗机构卫生应急能力建设和中医药防治新发传染病应急体系建设。
3. 探索实施慢性病“治未病”菜单式服务,推动各级各类中医机构预防保健能力建设。
4. 完善中医药继承创新科技体系建设,加快基层中医药人才和技术骨干培养。
5. 深入开展“中医中药中国行·文化科普宣传周”活动。加大中医药文化宣传教育基地建设和中医药知识宣传普及力度。
6. 推进中医药立法进程和中医药标准化建设。
7. 加快推进中医药走向世界进程和发展中医药服务贸易。
1. 争取资金,设立专项,重点开展为县级医院培养骨干医师和专业技术人才、为贫困地区乡镇卫生院招聘执业医师、为农村订单定向免费培养医学生项目。
2. 全面完成城乡基层卫生人员在职培训任务。
3. 初步建立全科医生规范化培训制度。
4. 增加护理人员数量。启动公共卫生人员规范化培训试点。为城乡基层医疗卫生机构培训1万名药剂人员。探索建立药师制度。
1. 建立适宜技术遴选、开发、推广、评估的长效机制。
2. 做好各类重大科技计划的组织实施,强化过程监管。
3. 探索医学科技创新体系建设。充分发挥科技支撑作用,促进战略性新兴产业的培育和发展。
4. 强化实验室生物安全管理。加强卫生部重点实验室等科研基地建设。
5. 是完善医学科技研究管理制度,推动生物医学研究伦理审查、知识产权管理和科研诚信体系建设。
1. 大力推进以电子健康档案、电子病历、远程医疗为切入点,以公共卫生、医疗服务、医疗保障、基本药物制度和综合管理为重点的国家卫生信息化战略建设。
2. 选择部分省(区、市)先行试点,在为基层医疗卫生机构统一装备信息化设备的同时,统一和规范农村基层信息化管理和技术标准。
3. 加快远程会诊系统建设,开展部、省三级医院与偏远地市综合医院,省级医院与偏远县级医院远程会诊系统建设试点。
4. 整合卫生信息化的需求和现有资源,争取财政支持,引导研究机构和社会力量广泛参与,推进卫生信息化建设。
1. 深入扎实地开展创先争优,结合医改任务,开展公开承诺、领导点评、群众评议等活动;开展全国医药卫生系统先进基层党组织、优秀共产党员和优秀党务工作者评选表彰等活动;大力宣传和弘扬医药卫生系统先进典型和先进事迹;完善创建文明单位考核标准,推动行业文明单位创建活动。
2. 加强规划指导,编制好“十二五”卫生发展规划和专项卫生规划。发挥区域卫生规划对卫生资源合理配置的引导作用,优化大型医用设备的配置。加强卫生资金和项目管理。切实落实好灾区恢复重建、卫生援疆援藏等任务。
3. 加强卫生法制建设,推进基本医疗卫生保健、精神卫生、中医药的立法和卫生法规规章标准制定,加强普法宣传和卫生行政复议工作。围绕发展改革中的理论和实践问题,开展卫生政策研究。
4. 不断健全卫生系统惩治和预防腐败体系,确保中央反腐倡廉有关决策部署落到实处。要结合卫生业务工作,严格落实党风廉政建设和纠风责任制,扎实做好医德考评、药品集中采购、院务公开等工作,努力取得卫生纠风和治贿工作新成效。
5. 发挥卫生优势,服务国家外交。积极争取国际组织技术支持,开展医改评估。主动开展多边卫生外交,深化双边和区域卫生合作。开创援外医疗新局面。落实内地与港澳台地区签署的协议。
6. 加快建立卫生系统重大事项社会稳定风险评估机制。加强卫生信访工作,总结推广医患纠纷第三方调处机制等经验。创建平安医院。做好卫生热点问题、突发事件信息发布和舆论引导。推进政务公开,主动接受社会监督。
7. 重视保健工作,提高工作水平。关心老干部、老职工生活和健康,发挥好老干部作用。
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |
Health work in 2011 "road map"
2011-01-10 11:35:14 Source: Health News Editor: Liu Hongwei
* "Eleventh Five-Year" average life expectancy in China is expected to raise at least 1 year
Prominence to a sound national essential drug system
1. To achieve government-run primary care health facilities all the basic drug system, and encourage qualified to village clinics and local non-government-run primary care health facilities into the scope of the basic drug system.
2. Step of adjusting the national essential medicines list (primary section), a timely start the full version of the formulation of essential medicines list.
3. To do the work of procurement and distribution of essential drugs.
4. To ensure that government-run primary care health facilities all with the use of essential drugs, and zero sales slip.
5. Improve the basic drug benefit payment policies to ensure that the basic drug benefit was significantly higher than non-essential drugs.
6. On primary health care and health care institutions to carry out monitoring and evaluation system for essential drugs.
7. Encourage medical institutions above the county level and explore the implementation of essential drugs.
8. Through the corresponding assistance to strengthen primary health care institution a higher level hospital guide rational drug use.
Promote the essential drugs throughout the system, we must learn from the experience of Anhui Province, through the comprehensive reform, the implementation of primary health care institutions in the functional orientation, preparation, financial aid, mechanisms such as policy changes and performance assessment, effectively the burden of drug costs down.
Accelerate the reform of public hospitals
1. Optimize the structure and layout of public hospitals, and promote rational allocation of resources.
2. The establishment of public hospitals and health institutions of urban and rural primary health care division and collaboration mechanisms.
3. Give priority to construction and development of county hospitals, more than 30 million population of the counties (cities) have more than one level of dimethyl public hospitals.
4. To carry out convenient services, strengthen internal management.
5. Reform, Medicare billing and payment charges.
6. By improving treatment, and improve conditions for career development, and other measures to improve the practice environment, mobilization of medical workers.
7. Accelerate electronic medical records as the core hospital information construction.
8. To promote reform and development Hosps.
Pilot cities and regions in accordance with the "conduct of public affairs separate, separate management from operation, medical separation, separation of profit and non-profit" principle, in-depth reform of public hospitals and encouraged to explore the major institutional mechanisms Shekuaibanyi
Consolidate and perfect the new rural cooperative medical care system
1. For once again raise the standards of government subsidies to improve the patient compensation cap line. Comprehensively promote the protection of children's ill health the experimental work carried out to improve the gravity of mental illness, breast cancer, cervical cancer, end stage renal disease and other serious diseases where the level of protection of the pilot.
2. To improve the level of fine management agencies, ensure their security.
3. Specification service acts designated medical institutions to expand the new rural cooperative range of payment reform.
4. Promote the integrated management of urban basic medical insurance system for experimental work. Summarizes the insurance industry in new rural cooperative managers and gradually extend the useful experience.
5. For the "new rural cooperative Management Regulations" issued as soon as possible.
Basic public health services to promote equal access
1. Increase the per capita funding for basic public health services standards.
2. A corresponding increase in services, improve service standards.
3. Seize the integrated township level health information technology and computer equipment for the village health opportunities to improve basic public health services in rural areas of management tools.
4. To develop "national basic public health services specification (2011 edition)" to carry out basic public health services for the monitoring and evaluation of project implementation.
5. To Better Implement the major public health services.
6. Continue to do well, "Reducing and Eliminating" projects, strengthen the prevention and treatment of birth defects, child nutrition and health monitoring to carry out the pilot.
7. To initiate and implement a good start this year, capacity-building projects to improve mental health.
8. To carry out national health lifestyles and health education action to the special action and improve their health literacy, and curb chronic non-communicable diseases rising rapidly.
Further improve the primary health service system
1. Complete 2000 county-level hospitals, 5,000 central township hospitals and community health service institutions and other construction projects, to achieve housing, equipment, personnel "three complementary."
2. To promote primary health care institutions comprehensive reform, establish and improve mechanisms for grassroots medical institutions.
3. Deepen the reform of personnel distribution system, the implementation of full employment, strengthening performance evaluation, mobilization of grassroots medical workers.
4. Gradually regulate the subsidy policy for rural doctors, and encourage qualified doctors for rural areas of old-age security.
Continue to do health emergency and major disease control
1. Accelerate the construction of health emergency command and decision system, and health emergency ranks.
2. Start the country's emergency medical rescue bases.
3. To enhance all kinds of public emergency health emergency response capacity building.
4. Good plague, bird flu and unexplained disease prevention and control, preventing all kinds of public health emergencies.
Promote disease prevention and control and patriotic health work
1. And improve disease control and patriotic health system, improve disease control public health physician system, promote the comprehensive performance assessment carried out.
2. To strengthen AIDS, venereal diseases, hepatitis C, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases dynamic monitoring of national immunization programs continue to do routine immunization vaccines, measles immunization do replant after the leak.
3. Well schistosomiasis, malaria and other key focus of endemic parasitic disease and prevention.
4. Create a national chronic disease prevention and control demonstration area. Increase the weight of mental illness prevention and comprehensive prevention and control of social order combined efforts. Children's oral disease in central and western extension of comprehensive intervention programs and coverage of the content.
5. To continue to strengthen the rural sound of the toilet building and developing the rural drinking water safety monitoring.
Strengthen the supervision of drug production and operation order
1. For the medical way of economic development changes.
2. Improve regulatory efficiency.
3. To strengthen monitoring of essential drugs.
4. Improve the working mechanism, and gradually improve the performance of their duties capacity.
5. Strengthen the laws, and enhance the level of supervision according to law.
6. Regulate pharmaceuticals production and operation.
7. Improve the overall quality supervisory team.
Strengthen food safety supervision and improve the national standards
1. To further improve the overall coordination of food safety mechanisms to promote the "health food supervision and management regulations" introduced, announced a unified food safety information and improve the system.
2. To continue to add non-food substances to combat illegal activities, improve the "black list" system.
3. Clean sound national food safety standards.
4. Promoting the national agency set up food safety risk assessment to prioritize the implementation of lead in food, trans fatty acids such as risk assessment 5.
5. Improve the food safety system of a major accident investigation, to improve food safety emergencies emergency investigation and disposal capacity.
Start health supervision system
1. Start health supervision system, to enhance the enforcement capacity.
2. Emphasis on team building, performance appraisal health inspection carried out to improve the level of inspection work.
3. Carry out the focus of the monitoring and investigation of occupational diseases, and promote occupational health service in the pilot, do on occupational health checks, occupational disease diagnosis and identification of the supervision and management.
4. To focus on medical institutions, increase the intensity of radiation hygiene supervision and inspection.
5. The full implementation of drinking water oversight responsibilities. The implementation of key public health areas in the health supervision of graded management.
6. To strengthen supervision and inspection of infectious disease prevention and school health supervision. Increase the practice of medicine without a license and illegal blood collection and supply of supervision and inspection.
Promote the development of Chinese medicine
1. Establish and improve the characteristics of Chinese medicine that will help the institutions, mechanisms and investment policies.
2. Organize dominant disease medicine center clinical collaboration and speeding up traditional Chinese medical institutions in the health emergency response capacity building and combating emerging infectious diseases, emergency medicine system.
3. Explore the implementation of chronic "disease" menu of services to promote all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine institutions at all levels of prevention and health care capacity-building.
4. Improve the inheritance and innovation of TCM Science and Technology system, speed up the grassroots backbone of Chinese medicine personnel and technical training.
5. Carry out the "culture of Chinese Medicine in China Popular Science Awareness Week" activities. Culture of Chinese medicine to increase publicity and education in the medical knowledge base construction and popularization efforts.
6. To promote the legislative process of Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine standardization.
7. Accelerate the process of Chinese medicine into the world trade in services and the development of Chinese medicine.
Implementation of the health personnel the task of building
1. For money, set up special, focusing on development of the framework for the county hospital physicians and professional and technical personnel, recruitment of township hospitals in poor areas for the practicing physician, the order directed to rural medical students for free culture projects.
2. A comprehensive urban and rural primary health workers to complete job training tasks.
3. The initial establishment of standard training system for general practitioners.
4. To increase the number of nursing staff. Start standardized pilot training public health personnel. Urban and rural primary health care institutions for the training of 10,000 pharmacists. Explore the establishment of pharmacists system.
Medical technology innovation system to explore
1. The establishment of appropriate technology selection, development, promotion, evaluation of long-term mechanism.
2. To do all kinds of organization and implementation of major projects, and strengthen the process of supervision.
3. Explore medical technology innovation system. Give full play to the role of scientific and technological support to promote the strategic cultivation and development of new industries.
4. Emphasis on laboratory bio-safety management. Strengthening the Ministry of Health Laboratory and other research bases.
5. Is to improve the management system of medical research, and promote ethical review of biomedical research, intellectual property management and scientific integrity of system.
Promoting Health Information System
1. Vigorously promote electronic health records, electronic medical records, telemedicine as an entry point to public health, medical services, health care, integrated management of essential drugs system and focus on building the national health information strategy.
2. Select some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), the first pilot, basic medical and health institutions for information technology equipment, uniform and equipment at the same time, unify and standardize the rural grass-roots information management and technology standards.
3. Accelerate the construction of tele-consultation system, to carry out Department of the provincial tertiary hospitals and general hospitals in remote cities, provincial hospitals and district hospitals in remote tele-consultation pilot system construction.
4. Integration of health information needs and available resources, for financial support, and guide research institutions and broad participation of social forces, promote health information technology.
Planning and coordination of other health
1. In-depth solid A Good conduct, combined with health care reform task to carry out a public commitment, leadership reviews, mass appraisal and other activities; to carry out medical and health systems nationwide advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party members and party workers named in recognition of outstanding activities ; vigorously publicize and promote the medical and health system, advanced models and deeds; perfect civilized unit of assessment standards and create an event to promote the industry civilized units.
2. To strengthen planning guidance, the preparation of a good "second five" health development plan and special health programs. Regional health planning to play the rational allocation of health resources as a guide to optimize the configuration of large medical equipment. Strengthening health financing and project management. Effectively implement disaster recovery and reconstruction, health Yuanjiang Tibet and other tasks.
3. To strengthen health and legal system, promote basic health care, mental health, Chinese medicine and health laws and regulations legislative standards, increase publicity and health administrative review. Around the development and reform of the theoretical and practical issues, conducting health policy research.
4. Continuously improve the health system for punishing and preventing corruption, ensure that the central anti-corruption relevant policy decisions into effect. To work with health services, and strictly implement the responsibility system for the rectification of honest government, and do a solid job evaluation of medical ethics, medicine, centralized purchasing, Opening Hospital Affairs, etc., to obtain health rectification and new achievements in the work of governing bribery.
5. To play a health advantage, the country's foreign service. Actively seek international support to carry out healthcare assessments. Multilateral health diplomacy initiatives to deepen bilateral and regional health cooperation. Medical aid to create a new situation. Implementation of the Mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions signed agreements.
6. Accelerate the establishment of major issues of health systems and social stability risk assessment mechanism. Strengthen health petition work, summed up third-party mediation to promote patient disputes mechanism experience. Create a safe hospital. Good health hot issues, emergency information dissemination and public opinion guidance. Of governments, the initiative to accept social supervision.
7. Attention to health care, improve work standards. Concerned about the veteran, the old life and health workers play a good veteran role.