南宁年内配备1千个安全套免费自取箱 加强防艾

南宁年内配备1千个安全套免费自取箱 加强防艾


南宁年内配备1千个安全套免费自取箱 加强防艾
    2010-09-29 16:26   来源:广西新闻网   作者:韦娜
  南宁新闻网―南宁晚报讯(记者 韦娜 实习生 殷美娟)今年,南宁市把艾滋病综合防治列入为民办实事健康惠民工程。昨日,全市推广使用安全套预防艾滋病工作会议上,要求年底实现公共场所放置安全套或安全套发售设施覆盖率达80%,进一步加强艾滋病综合防治工作。


  目前,南宁市已完成1000个免费自取箱分散采购工作。下一步,将依托人口计生系统药具发放网络,完善免费安全套发放点设置,年内实现村 (居)覆盖面达到100%。同时,采取市场营销管理模式,由经营公共娱乐服务场所的业主提供有偿安全套的推广使用,年底实现公共场所(包括歌舞厅、夜总会、酒吧、洗浴城、桑拿城、按摩中心、宾馆、旅店、招待所等)放置安全套或设置安全套发售设施覆盖率达80%。

2010-09-29 16:26 Source: News of Guangxi: Veahna
News Nanning - Nanning Evening News (news Veahna intern Yanmei Juan) this year, Nanning City, the inclusion of AIDS prevention and control projects that benefit the health of tangible things. Yesterday, the city promote the use of condoms to prevent AIDS meeting, requested by the end placed in public places condoms or condom up to 80% coverage of available facilities, to further strengthen AIDS prevention and control work.

Required, street, neighborhood, village committees need to install the free condoms 100% self-created box, Nanning City, with 1,000 needed to free self-created box of condoms.

At present, Nanning has completed 1,000 free self-created box decentralized procurement. Next, the system will rely on family planning contraceptive distribution network, and improve free condom distribution points set up during the year to achieve the village (neighborhood) 100% coverage. Meanwhile, marketing management model adopted by the business owners of places of public entertainment to provide paid services to the promotion of condom use, by the end of public places (including dance halls, nightclubs, bars, bath city, the city sauna, massage center, hotel, hotels, guest houses etc.) placing condoms or condom sale facilities set up to 80% coverage.

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-9-30    文章录入:nnb ]