如下是排名68的大学,各个学校的链接,供大家参考 Iowa State University Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology—托福85http://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/programs/APresults3.php?apnumber=130 biomedical science: http://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/programs/APresults3.php?apnumber=79---托福94分
Oregon State University—1月1日博士,分支生物 http://www.mcb.oregonstate.edu/graduate The graduate program in molecular and cellular biology strives to thoroughly prepare its students for careers in forefront areas of biomedical, environmental, and agricultural science by focusing on research and education in fundamental aspects of mechanistic biology |
Tufts University-80/12月15日-双学位的课程多 专业介绍:http://ase.tufts.edu/biology/graduate/index.asp 申请条件:http://ase.tufts.edu/biology/graduate/admissions.asp The area of Genetics and Molecular Biology is the study of the fundamental workings of the cell, and how cells function in the context of an organism. Areas of current research in our department cover a wide range of topics such as DNA replication and repair, gene regulation through chromatin structure, cell differentiation and cell signaling during development, and interaction of virulence factors and immune cells.
The deadline for Fall admission applications (Ph.D, Thesis MS and course work MS) is December 15 for foreign applicants and January 15 for U.S. applicants. The Spring deadline (only course work MS students accepted) is September 15 for foreign applicants and October 15 for U.S. applicants. What is the minimum GRE requirement? Biomedical science: http://www.tufts.edu/med/admissions/mbs/index.html 常见问题:http://www.tufts.edu/med/education/mbs/faq.html MBC和MPH两个学位可以先后获得 GRE也接受,托福100以上
University of California – Riverside—1100/80/3.2-1月5日 专业介绍:http://www.biology.ucr.edu/ 申请条件:http://www.cell.ucr.edu/admissions.html
Our faculty and graduate students are affiliated with several interdepartmental graduate programs, including Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (CMDB), http://www.cell.ucr.edu/ Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (EEOB), Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics (GGB) , Biomedical Sciences, --博士 http://www.biomedicalgraduateprogram.org/UCR/Introduction.html and Neuroscience. 本科背景: Application Requirements Applicants should have adequate undergraduate course work in: · Chemistry (two years) · Physics (one year) · Calculus (one year) · Statistics (one course) · Biochemistry (one course) · Biology (two years, including a course in genetics and two courses among cell, molecular, or developmental biology)
University of California - Santa Cruz-12月15日/MA/102 The Graduate Programs in the Department Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) 专业介绍:http://www.lifesci.ucsb.edu/mcdb/programs/graduate/department/department.php 本科背景要求:http://www.lifesci.ucsb.edu/mcdb/programs/graduate/admissions/admissions.html We welcome applications from students with strong academic preparation who have earned degrees in biology, biological specialty areas (such as biochemistry, cell and developmental biology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, genetics, or marine biology), chemistry or physical sciences. Undergraduate class work should include one year each of general biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, calculus, and physics. Upper division courses should include biochemistry, genetics, and additional specialized electives. Undergraduate research experience in a relevant discipline is particularly important. 海洋生物研究 Research in the areas of microbiology, neurobiology, stem cell biology, cancer biology, genetics, cell biology, marine biology, bodefense, and development is aimed at understanding the mysteries of how molecules combine to form living cells, and how dysfunction results in disease.
Note: Overall Band score of 7 or higher (if applicable), except those who have been, or will be, awarded a bachelor's or master's degree by an accredited U.S. institution
University of Massachusetts – Amherst、/80/12月15日/博士 各个专业申请条件:http://www.umass.edu/gradschool/quick_links_graduate_programs_and_degrees.htm 专业介绍:http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/graduate/interdisciplinary-graduate-programs 本科背景:生物,化学,物理,生化,数学基础学科 Biological Chemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Program Neuroscience and Behavior (NSB) Program Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB) Program