[转载][转载]【幸福感与成功(Happiness and success)】

珍惜拥有 幸福与成功是可以学习的 首先相信自己会很幸福很成功 业精于勤 勤能补拙 没有人规定有过失败的人就不能幸福 反之 那些经历过挑战并不断顽强站起来的人会更加成功 珍惜幸福 现在发现糖衣炮弹比那些直观的挑战更有破坏力 很多事业很成功的人却被温柔的诱惑弄得家破人亡 现在能体会到为什么那些简单 简朴的人 表面上看去不一定很"成功",但你看他们的言行举止,尤其是他们的面容,即使是那些爷爷奶奶,岁月在脸上留下许多皱纹, 但, 他们那慈善的双眼,和蔼可亲的微笑,从容淡定的精神......才发现, 幸福的定义包含很多很多. 我们追逐幸福,同时更要珍惜当下的幸福,因为幸福无边无际,幸福是无限的......知足常乐, 助人助己 ,珍惜 分享 传递 祝福 感恩 感谢......

[转载]【幸福感与成功(Happiness <wbr>and <wbr>success)】

 Happiness and Successful


    Happiness,rather than only working hard,is the key to success.


   It’s been found that happiness is essential to one’s comfort. What’s more, happiness can spread across an entire nation. And people in “happy” nations are more likely to help others.


   The connection between happiness and success was studied by a team from the university of California Riverside,led by Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky.

    幸福感与成功之间的关系由California Riverside大学Sonja Lyubomirsky.教授领导下的专家组所研究。

    First,they analyzed questionnaires (调查问卷) in which people were asked about their ways of life. “in consequence, they show that happy people tend to earn higher incomes,’ said Lyubomirsky. Having established the connection, they wanted to find out the cause.


  “It has been thought that things related to happiness are its causes. But it could be just the opposite that those things tend to be caused by happiness,”said Professor Ed Diener.

   “人们曾经认为,与幸福有关的事情是导致人们拥有幸福感的原因,但是也许正好相反,那些事情很可能是由幸福感带来的。”Ed Diene教授说道。

   “There is strong evidence that happiness leads people to be more sociable and generous, to make more money, and to have stronger immune systems.” Said Lyubomirsky.


    The research shows that people need happiness in the first place to achieve success.


    According to the study, around 4 out of 5 people in modern nations are happy at any time. Success is not just about earning lots of money.”We define success as obtaining things that culture or society values,whether friends, close family,money, or a long life,” said Diener.


    However, sorrowful people do not always fail. “ Our work suggests that sad people should try to increase the frequency of positive emotions by doing things that make them feel happy,” said Lyubomirsky, whose research is published in the Psychological Bulletin. But she has one warning: your happiness boosters (推动因素) should not be dangerous,like driving fast.


(英语原文来自《英语学习辅导报》(人教综合版)【阅读技能训练】,梅姐翻译,敬请朋友们雅正。祝愿每一位朋友都拥有幸福感,祝愿每一位朋友在工作和生活中都能获得成功!)Happy International Labour Day!


[转载]【幸福感与成功(Happiness <wbr>and <wbr>success)】