


中国网滨海高新:www.022china.com  时间: 2010-09-20 17:39:27 


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  • Oral: I am not afraid of AIDS but was afraid he might divorce me
    China Network Binhai New: www.022china.com Time: 2010-09-20 17:39:27

    They are a group and AIDS share a common destiny, their lives were closely linked with AIDS. Let's hear how they think of AIDS, treat people with AIDS to live ... ...

    Oral: Small Le (a pseudonym), female, 28 years old. Love your neighbor as strong (a pseudonym) HIV-positive, 36 years old, have a 4-year-old daughter.

    "I am not a he did not marry"

    I and my husband, had together was cut in not easy. First, their home conditions, especially poor, his mother died early, brothers and sisters and great, life's special hardship; Second, he is 8 years older than me, age difference too much on my mom do not agree; Third, our home people generally think he restless, had worked out and consequently the transport down clothing.

    Just know breath, I have more than 20 points, his 28-year-old, we knew in a friend's house, he took the initiative to pursue my first time meeting face in front of many people say that a lot of good. Another good looking, what are the social experience than me, with the home compared with those who are quite different, so I told him quickly from the.

    But we firmly oppose family. And on until I was 22 years old, that age at home all the Zhaopo Jia, only then to marry him.

    "I am proud to marry him"

    He has been doing business in the field, occasionally come back home, marriage is living together off and more. During that time we always fight, mainly because I do not trust him. His long years of absence, drinking, playing mahjong, eating, Hupenghuanyou not corpuscles, have been quarreling, our daughter was born.

    That year he gave me a surprise: in Beijing, bought an apartment, my daughter took it. That is, in 2003, the three of us in Beijing to buy their own house reunion. Really quite proud of, but now they feel very proud, we could say that our village is the town of the first people settled down in Beijing, buy a house. This proves that I did not marry the wrong person.

    "I do not regret marrying him,"

    Still later, he identified with AIDS, but my daughter is healthy. I remember especially well, the doctor is watching us Announcement of AIDS, many months later science tells us that my husband may be carrying HIV. Therefore, the results of the two weeks waiting for return visit, we almost day and night of hysterical crying in the noisy playing in trouble ... ...

    I can not stand is that he was carrying me and other women of ill disorder, he could not bear many of his buddies were there all right but his thing, we are clamoring to sleep, woke up then and then ... ... until he made noise like I am divorced, I realized that the divorce made me far more than AIDS, can not accept.

    Suddenly I began to calm the. I thought: a lot of things has passed, does not help me to pursue. My daughter also so small, can not live without my father. This disease is not immediately dead, it will not immediately attack, cancer and accidents is relatively better than that. And he is too poor, and if I did not help him he would go to extremes, we are husband and wife, before the disease should never betray. Fortunately, my daughter also are healthy ... ... the last reason for me to get out from despair.

    "I love him more than ever"

    I like coax a child Quan Zhao as he coaxes him, until now, too. We are no ordinary family with no difference. Emotionally, we should say better than ever, before he was always busy with business, not very homely, now off for home from work in time, help me to do housework, play with his daughter, more love at home, socializing is also less. Usual, he went to his classes, I on my class, and occasionally a little awkward what busy weekend we drove out to play together.

    Others simply do not see anything, in fact, between us and rarely mention this. A normal married life, is more cautious, use of condoms, he is very careful, I'd not be afraid. Every year I go to regularly check antibody, or a recent health inspection. Of course, the fear is there, mainly because of what he opportunistic infections, but a good foundation of his body, now free to eat the medicine the government to temporarily did not find any problems.

    As for the future, of course, to make money, first, her children, the burden increases, the second is to save some money here, if disease can eat a small point of drug side effects, say it may soon be curable. Everything's in good shape Bai.


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