8大千年目标10年未实现 贫困教育艾滋阴云不散
环球时报特约记者王凯报道 据英国《独立报》9月19日报道,2000年,全球189个国家齐聚一堂,就贫困、教育、女性权力、儿童死亡率、母亲健康、艾滋病传播、环境以及援助等问题,设置了雄心勃勃的“千年发展目标”。然而千年发展目标的订立已经过去了10年,这些目标大部分却未能实现。
1. 贫困
代表:法托和她6岁的女儿艾娃 塞内加尔
代表:58岁的奥克洛 来自乌干达
代表:社区领导人桑托斯 来自危地马拉
- 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
- 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
- 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
- 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
- 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
- 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
- 三合皂甙,康生丹片
- 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考8 Great Millennium Goals of poverty 10 years of education did not achieve HIV-dark ghost
At one past one p.m. on September 19, 2010 Globe and Mail
Wang Kai Global Times special correspondent reports, according to the British "The Independent" reported on September 19, 2000, the world's 189 countries gathered on poverty, education, women's power, child mortality, maternal health, the spread of AIDS, the environment and assistance and so on, set the ambitious "Millennium Development Goals." However, the Millennium Development Goals set for 10 years have passed, most failed to achieve these goals.
1. Poverty
Goal: to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Completion: Fails
Representative: Joyce, 20 years old, from Zimbabwe
Since parents can not afford my school and examination fees, I decided to South Africa. Three like-minded friends and I did not tell their parents in the case, relying on the rope across the Limpopo River. Across the border, we encountered an armed gang, they shot us a threat. We are hungry, but they force us to have sex with them. We were locked in the house more than a month, often force us to. One day, some neighbors to let us out. Then we know that if another stay, we will be sold into a brothel. We surrendered to the police and then deported back to Zimbabwe. Today, I'm learning how to sew clothes. After graduation, I get a sewing machine. I hope I can give a brother and sister have the opportunity to improve the fate and life.
2. Education
Goal: to complete the primary education for all by 2015
Completion: Fails
Representative: Urmila, 19 years old, from Nepal
When parents sent me to a wealthy banker in Kathmandu when the maid, I was 6 years old. Every day I work from 6 am to 10 pm, never had a rest day. I want to cook, clean rooms, child care. In addition to the market to buy food, I was prohibited to go out, also prohibits contact with her family. I am 6 years old, the owner should take care of 5-year-old daughter. Sit there and watch other children my age happy to play while I go to work, which made me feel very fair. In the provision of basic photography training "program in Nepal" organized help, I own a small village in the studio to open a bit, take pictures for the wedding and passports. I happened to still continue, we need to warn other parents not to repeat similar mistakes.
3. Women power
Objective: By 2005 the eradication of gender inequality in schools, comprehensive education by 2015
Completion: Fails
Representatives: Fato and her 6-year-old daughter Ava Senegal
When I came home and found her daughter was sleeping, she did not eat. The next morning, she did not bathe as usual, I found that there is blood on her underwear. At first, she did not dare tell me what happened, because of the atrocities committed by the man she threatened to kill her. I took her to the doctor, they told me that Eva was raped. Eva is the victims of toilets in schools, the school could do nothing, because the schools do not have any safety protection, people are free to access. Since then, Eva has changed, she did not want to stay in Dakar, she wanted to stay with her grandmother in the village do not want to go to school. Police are still looking for the rapist.
4. Child mortality
Goal: by 2015 children under 5 mortality by two thirds
Completion: Fails
Representative: Harakat and 穆比比拉赫 couple, from Afghanistan
穆比比拉赫 said, I send for a doctor, but he did not come. I sent a horse to invite him, he would come and give my wife hanging drip. We pay, he tells us can not continue to help us. I can only find cars, after the failure, I can only carry his wife to the clinic in the shoulder. On the road, Halakete has been bleeding. Finally, she gave birth to a child in the back of a car, but could not keep the child.
5. Maternal mortality
Objective: To improve maternal health
Completion: in progress at least eight goals
Representative: Mohammed and his son Hassan, from Sierra Leone
During pregnancy and had been a good wife, we plan to child is born, she went to school haircut, and I work as a tailor, but we can not afford the training fees. Wife is in the production of local traditional healers. During childbirth, her massive blood loss, and very weak. Three days later, we have to be sent to the hospital, but I could not afford the cost transfusion, doctors only gave us syrup and oral drugs. A few days later, his wife feel bad, a doctor said he could do nothing. Take a taxi to go home the next day, she died at home the time. Son Hassan so fragile, I do not know how to do in the future. Ruling the interception of my left leg, I can not take care of children, fortunately there are good people to help me.
Goal: to prevent the spread of AIDS by 2015
Completion of degree: some progress, but still failed
Representative: 58-year-old Oklo from Uganda
My husband died in the war at the beginning, he has AIDS, leaving behind 10 children. Her husband died, I found myself suffering from AIDS. His family refused to help me, even took away everything. Report of the Government, I lucky enough to get back to the land, but I have other things sold by them. To save money and get some small loans, I attended a women's organization. Now, I have been able to send five children to school, I also bought a bike and cows. The organization also helped me a lot, including to persuade me to do HIV testing, and encouraging me to take drugs, and now I'm strong a lot.
7. Environment
Goal: by 2015 half the population have safe water to drink to achieve, to prevent loss of resources, to improve the 100 million poor in 2020, life
Completion: most of the failure
Representative: Santos community leaders from Guatemala
Over the past rainy season is calm, but climate has changed. We are here to floods every year, our lives are threatened every year. Because we are too poor, we were forced to live in this disaster-prone areas. Since 1998, my house has been destroyed four times. We were the biggest threat is water pollution and water borne diseases, of course, include damage to property. We do not have a house before the repair and reconstruction.
8. Assistance
Goals: commitment to come up with the developed countries of 0.7% of national income for aid
Completion: 5%
Representative: 56-year-old Ibrahim, from Niger
I remember the first drought in 1974, when we are forced to grow crops and raise animals. Now, almost drought occurs every three to four years, we have eaten the food, the man left, they do not come back. But who can condemn them? They went out in search of food and work, women and children to become the first victims of the drought. Her husband left home, they can do is just wait for their money back. In the last severe drought in many of my neighbors have lost 20% of the livestock, and some have even lost 80%.