临海小红之家” 关怀艾滋人群
新华网浙江频道(2010-09-13 10:35:04) 来源临海新闻网
9月7日, 临海市首个以关怀救助艾滋病毒感染者及病人为主要目的的“临海小红之家”开展了成立后的首次活动,主题是修订《临海市为感染者和病人提供持续的关怀与支持项目活动实施方案》,当日活动邀请了临海市五位艾滋病病毒感染者及病人。
据相关负责人介绍,接下来,“小红之家”将以HIV感染者为核心,根据实施方案在感染者小组中开展一系列自身关怀和同伴关怀的活动,向其提供抗病毒治疗的教育、感染者的阳性预防技能,从而达到更好的阳性预防效果,提高艾滋病毒感染者及病人随访依从性,切实提高其生命质量,从真正意义上落实国家四免一关怀政策。 (作者:叶小红)
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Linhai Little Red House "HIV care groups
Zhejiang Xinhua Channel (2010-09-13 10:35:04) from Linhai News
September 7, Linhai City, the first aid to care for patients with HIV infection and the main purpose of the "Linhai Little Red House" launched after the establishment of the first activities, the theme is to amend the "Linhai City, and patients infected continuing care and support the implementation of project activities program, "The event invited Linhai City and five patients infected with HIV.
Activities are infected with the physician had adequate communication, to tell their own true thoughts in mind, we from different angles as to these amendments put forward views and suggestions to make the program more operational activities.
It is reported that in May this year, the City Division of the CDC led to slow, the "Linhai Little Red House" was established to the Global Fund AIDS Program Office, Zhejiang Province, for the "Linhai City for the infection and provide ongoing care for patients and support "project, was officially accredited by the end of August, and signed the Global Fund to community organizations in AIDS prevention project four contracts was 20,000 yuan fund project activities.
According to the relevant person in charge, then, "Little Red House" will be HIV infected as the core, according to the implementation of the program in the infected group launched a series of self-care and companion care activities, to provide antiretroviral therapy education , infection prevention skills, positive, positive prevention so as to achieve better results and improve living with HIV and patients were followed up for compliance, and effectively improve their quality of life, from the true sense of the implementation of the national Four Frees and One Care policy. (Author: Ye Xiaohong)