著名中学中国面试:阿什维尔中学高中Asheville School

近日著名中学阿什维尔中学Asheville School招生老师联系李秉光教授,希望李教授推荐学生在中国面试,如果学生获得李教授的推荐,因为学校的信任关系,对提高录取几率会有很大帮助。阿什维尔中学Asheville School招生老师会在10月底11初在中国几个城市,如果对这所学校感兴趣,请尽快联系李教授,提前拿下单独在酒店面试的机会。

阿什维尔中学Asheville School招生老师邮件:"Dr. Li, I know Asheville School greatly enjoyed hosting you during your visit here last spring ...... If, by chance, you are in China during these times I would love to get a chance to meet with you. In addition, if you know of any candidates who may be a good fit for Asheville School I would love to get a chance to sit down with them as well. ....... I hope things are well and I look forward to meeting and speaking with you soon."

李秉光教授受邀参观访问顶级中学阿什维尔中学高中Asheville School