山东蓬莱一患者疑因蜱虫死亡 医院用抗艾滋病药治疗

山东蓬莱一患者疑因蜱虫死亡 医院用抗艾滋病药治疗


山东蓬莱一患者疑因蜱虫死亡 医院用抗艾滋病药治疗
    2010年09月10日 02:14第一财经日报














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  • Shandong Penglai an insect death in patients with suspected tick hospital because treatment with anti-HIV
    At 2:14 on the September 10, 2010 First Financial Daily
    By insect bites with Kangai Yao: doctors by surprise? Lee attack

    Penglai City, Shandong Province, Cai village in the old lady passed away on July 22 of this year's. Her relatives, the elderly and insect pests called ticks "struggle" more than a week time.

    Elderly relatives said she had tick bite insect death, but this statement yet by the local health departments and Penglai, Shandong Province Health Department confirmed.

    Cai's wife yesterday, the old lady on the phone to the "First Financial Daily" reporters that the old lady While Tsai has over seven late, but the body is in good health, also insisted that the fields do farm work. In mid-July day, she went to go kind of mountain land beans, the results were insect bites.

    For security purposes, they still find some aloe, broken stick after the old woman's wounds. Since then, the old wound healing occurs. But the wound has been a bruising round purple spots can not recede. In two days later, she appeared in symptoms such as fever and incontinence.

    According to the family members and introduce them on July 18 for the elderly has taken a local hospital Penglai and Yantai City, a municipal hospital.

    Choi, Choi told reporters that the old lady's son was found after the dramatic changes in health of the mother, would it sent to a hospital in Penglai. Doctors told him after the test, may have been bitten by insects. But this is no way the hospital said. Later, Tsai old woman was transferred to a municipal hospital in Yantai City.

    At that time, doctors say, "good governance of the disease, or prepare to die there." Choi told reporters, recalled that Mrs. Tsai hospital conducted a comprehensive examination, but treatment is symptom management in accordance with a fever.

    "It is incomprehensible that in the course of treatment, even anti-AIDS drugs were using." Choi told reporters after spending more than 12,400 yuan fee, after treatment, Cai old lady finally died.

    This reporter learned that the final cause of death in the hospital identified as "unknown origin."

    According to Cai's wife said the old lady, old lady of her family in the village of Cai, but also both due to insect bites result in death. One of the men were drug addicts recuperating at home two days after the bite, the Acute illness, not even enough time to the hospital already dead; while another old man, when he fell in the mountains.

    Yesterday, the reporter linked to the Institute for Communicable Disease Prevention Division of Penglai City, stakeholders, the people who told reporters that the year before last, there were reported cases of insect bites up, CDC investigation in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, reporting.

    Tick the current emergence Shandong whether insect bites cause death cases? The source said they are not entitled to release this information.

    As of press time, Shandong Provincial Health Department has not released such information.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-9-10    文章录入:nnb ]