


    http://www.rednet.cn  2010/9/9 14:48:27  红网 
  本报讯(记者 蒋文辉 通讯员 贵蔷)“我们生活在一个有艾滋病的时代,历史将记住并评判我们的努力。”昨天,武陵区13名妇联基层骨干在区疾控中心举办的“艾滋病综合防治妇女面对面宣教”培训上,认真地读着这段话。





Wuling Qu women "face" of AIDS Prevention Studies
http://www.rednet.cn 2010/9/9 14:48:27 Red Net
(Reporter Correspondent your Qiang Jiang Wenhui) "We live in an era of AIDS, history will remember and judge our efforts." Yesterday, Wu Lingqu 13 Women's primary backbone in the area CDC's "of AIDS Women face to face combat mission "training, carefully read this passage.

Women's Federation, said a staff member, his past is full of fear of AIDS patients, each infected person to the condolences are worried about being infected, and then I will not be transmitted daily contact. Therefore, she hoped to attend the training in the Women's primary key back after the face of the backbone of the township and volunteers, not only to tell them, "Do not be afraid", and make it clear why the fear.

It is learned that Wu Lingqu as the city's only national AIDS prevention and control demonstration zone, will carry out women "face to face" missionary activities, such women would be better to care for women. Event Time will continue to December 2013. Activities will help women to understand and master the basic knowledge of AIDS, to mobilize women and their relatives participate in HIV testing, to assist government in the work of living with HIV PMTCT; mobilize the whole community to help HIV-infected patients and families and foster confidence in return to normal life and continue funding for AIDS affected children work.


[Manuscripts: Changde Evening News]
[Author: Jiang Wenhui]
[Editor: Wang Jin]



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