湖南累计报告艾滋病人3164例 人数居全国第七
2010-09-10 08:24:18 湖南在线
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- 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
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Hunan total number of 3164 cases of AIDS reported ranks seventh
2010-09-10 08:24:18 Hunan Online
Sexually transmitted HIV in the province show a fast rising trend, particularly among MSM infected with expanding, and the trend showed a younger age. Reporter from the just-concluded international cooperation projects in Hunan AIDS briefing on the implementation of informed MSM has become a province of AIDS infection rate of HIV infection increased the fastest way of a.
It is understood that, as of the end of June 2010, Hunan had reported HIV / AIDS cases in 9730 cases, of which 3,164 cases of AIDS, died 2211 cases. At present, the report ranks the number of the first seven. In accordance with the unified method of estimation, in 2009 the survival of our province are infected with HIV and patients as 2-3 million people.
Provincial CDC chief of STD and AIDS prevention Professor Chen Xi told reporters, sexual transmission and injecting drug use is still the main way of HIV transmission in our province. Have been found in infected persons, 41.9% heterosexual, homosexual, 2.2%, injection drug use accounted for 32.0%, 0.8% mothers, past paid blood donation and transfusion of blood and blood products, infection accounted for 2.6%, unknown 20.5%.
Concern is that sexual contact showed rapid upward trend, particularly among MSM infected with expanding. MSM increasingly younger age groups, has become a concern at high risk of new infections. A survey, Changsha reported AIDS population, by the MSM transmission rate of HIV-infected population significantly increased. After 2007, MSM accounted for the spread of AIDS reported the city 4% the number of HIV infections in 2008 was 15%, 22% in 2009, from January to June this year reached 39%.
"Now, we should do first is to increase publicity and education efforts so that more MSM to grasp the knowledge of AIDS prevention." Chen Xi reminder. Currently, the public can any one in the province CDC AIDS prevention knowledge, advice and free testing services. Disease control departments of AIDS will be kept confidential personal information, financial difficulties can receive free AIDS antiretroviral therapy drugs.