2010-08-27 06:24:00 来源: 华西都市报(成都)
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Chen Zhu: Chinese residents of cancer as the first cause of death
2010-08-27 06:24:00 Source: Huaxi Dushi Bao (Chengdu)
Recently released data indicate that the International Union Against Cancer, 2008, 1270 million people worldwide have cancer, the death toll reached 7.6 million, more than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis deaths combined. Health Minister Chen Zhu said the Chinese residents of cancer has become the first cause of death, there are 180 million people each year
This case died. International Union Against Cancer President pointed out that about 4 percent by the lifestyle factors of cancer, infectious diseases, infection factors, occupational or environmental factors, smoking is the largest single preventable carcinogenic factors.
According to "Beijing Daily"