2010-08-25 19:43:21 来源: 卫生部网站 卫生部新闻办公室
(本文来源:卫生部网站 )
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Ministry of Health, the health care of migrant workers to carry out pilot projects
2010-08-25 19:43:21 Source: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health Press Office web site
Ministry of Health issued a notice, in addition to the decision outside the Tibet Autonomous Region, Hainan Province, and 29 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to select 65 counties (cities, districts) to carry out the health care of migrant workers pilot projects, effectively protect the health of migrant workers .
Health care for migrant workers project includes five aspects: First is the health education of migrant workers, rural workers, and AIDS, tuberculosis, immunization and other infectious diseases prevention and control knowledge, awareness, hypertension and other chronic diseases will be included in basic public health services management, and enhance mental health guidance; second is the establishment of migrant workers and to update the health record, the progressive realization of computer management; third, to conduct tuberculosis prevention and control of migrant workers and their children, the work of immunization programs for migrant workers Tigong free anti-TB drugs in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment and provide supervisory management and to strengthen national immunization programs children of migrant workers vaccination; Fourth, migrant workers carry HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B PMTCT project, the implementation of relevant screening and testing, and provide prevention, treatment and follow-up; Fifth, farmers carry out occupational disease prevention and care work projects, to strengthen publicity and education, increase the occupational health supervision and inspection, to strengthen migrant workers occupational disease diagnosis and identification of management focus on migrant workers to carry out the monitoring of occupational diseases. To ensure the experimental work carried out, effective, notice of the specific tasks of the content of the target.
Ministry of Health asked the pilot areas to strengthen organizational leadership, combined with existing projects, organization and implementation step by step, to explore mode, make-stage assessment, conscientiously sum up experiences, and comprehensively promote the pilot work.
(This article Source: Ministry of Health website)