2010年08月24日 07:04:16 来源: 新华网
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Assistance to the United States and Mozambique signed an agreement to prevent AIDS
August 24, 2010 07:04:16 Source: Xinhua
Xinhua Maputo, Aug. 23 (Xinhua Liu Dalong) Mozambique and the U.S. government signed in Maputo on 23 an assistance agreement. The U.S. government promised in the next four years has provided 250 million U.S. dollars to Mozambique to help the fight against AIDS in Mozambique.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique and the United States Ambassador to Mozambique baloy Leslie behalf of the two governments signed the agreement.
Baroy said after the signing ceremony, the signing of the agreement is very important for the meaning of Mozambique, the U.S. government's assistance will help the Government of Mozambique to implement the plan to combat AIDS. MO U.S. strategic objectives of bilateral cooperation to face common AIDS "disease of the century." AIDS is now dead in Mozambique one of the major diseases.
Baroy that to prevent AIDS than to take the necessary action, to address the AIDS patients and HIV carriers in the psychological problems should be given priority, to prevent people from discrimination against them.
Leslie said in his speech, the signing of the agreement to strengthen cooperation between the two countries provided an opportunity also to prevent the two countries share in the responsibility of the spread of AIDS in Mozambique.