中国江西网: 2010-8-20 12:03:07
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艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考Haikou in the first half of 35 cases of HIV infection found
Jiangxi, China Web: 2010-8-20 12:03:07
From today (19th) 2010 held in Haikou City AIDS comprehensive technical supervision and inspection feedback meeting was informed that the first half of the city by men and male sex were found in the spread of AIDS in 5 cases of HIV infection among MSM was taking advantage of rapid growth.
The first half of the city were found HIV positive in 35 cases, 26 male and 9 female, than the first half-year increase of 16.6% last year, of which 6 cases of AIDS patients, HIV infection in 29 cases, 6 died. The analysis found that, in terms of transmission, mainly by sexual transmission, particularly among MSM showed a rapid growth trend of infection. In the 35 cases in 19 cases transmitted through sexual contact, including 14 cases of heterosexual transmission, male and male homosexual transmission in 5 cases. Meeting revealed that will enhance the MSM intervention in the prevention and control efforts and actions to control AIDS among MSM in the region in the spread.
At the meeting, the Steering Group province improve the working mechanism of the city, and invest more funds, actively carry out international cooperation in the cover AIDS projects, the Global Fund for AIDS, the effectiveness of projects, be affirmed. According to reports, city and district fiscal year beginning in 2009 the standard of 0.2 yuan per capita priority to AIDS prevention funds, beginning this year to carry out drug users, young students, sex workers and MSM groups and other four national sentinel detection work 100% of the city's public entertainment place and use condoms.
Since May 1992 the city discovered the first cases of HIV infection, as of June 30 this year, the city had reported 305 cases of HIV-positive, of which now live in Haikou City, 109 cases, male 88 cases, 21 females; AIDS patients 32 cases, 77 cases of HIV infection and death in 16 cases.
Author: Wu Yue
Source: Haikou Network
Editor: Xue Fang