


    2010年08月20日 08:11:49  来源: 新华网   编辑: 高璎璎









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  • 艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考Summary: Women are still the biggest victims of AIDS in South Africa
    August 20, 2010 08:11:49 Source: Xinhuanet Editor: Gao Ying Ying
    JOHANNESBURG, Aug. 18 Xinhua: Women still are the biggest victims of AIDS in South Africa

    Xinhua reporter Li Jianmin

    South Africa is the world's highest AIDS infection rate, while women suffered particularly severely affected. According to the South African Medical Research Council figures released by the South African 25-year-old to 29-year-old female HIV infection rates over 30%. This led to newborns each year in South Africa infected with HIV more than 70,000.
    Today, AIDS has become South Africa's high infant mortality rate culprit.

    In South Africa, the reason why women will become the main victims of AIDS, one of the major acts of violence against women, especially sexual violence is widespread.

    In the recently held a large-scale survey, more than 4 percent of South African men have admitted their female partners who used violence, and more than 25% of men admitted that there have been rape.
    Experts believe that South Africa can not simply protect the rights of women, rape and domestic violence remains high, this is a one of the main South African AIDS epidemic.

    For further study of male partner violence and unequal rights for men and the impact on the spread of AIDS, the South African Medical Research Council Professor Zhu Kesi-led research team spent two years on more than 1,000 young women in South Africa to investigate. It was found that male and female relations at the weak risk of HIV infection in women than in women is much higher strength.
    In addition, by the violent abuse of women infected with HIV is not likely to have been subjected to violence than the females.

    Important conclusions of this study is that gender inequality between men and women through improved, can reduce the number of HIV infected persons 13.9%. However, the achievement of gender equality is a difficult task because it involves thousands of years handed down by the South African culture, customs.
    South African men and women the right to education is very unequal, which lead to women later in life is difficult to escape inferior position.

    Jukes that to change this situation, create a culture of gender equality is particularly important.
    Education and legal knowledge is also indispensable tool.

    South African Medical Research Council called for AIDS prevention in the future, the establishment of gender equality and the prevention of partner violence should be the focus.


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