发达国家艾滋病防治可控 发展中国家患者数量攀升
http://www.youth.cn 2010-07-30 08:28:00 中国青年网
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Developed countries, the number of AIDS patients in developing countries increased control
http://www.youth.cn 2010-07-30 08:28:00 China Youth Net
Is the World AIDS Conference held in Vienna, announced the field of AIDS prevention and encouraging people to scientific research. But what is worrying is that the global AIDS status and outlook is not optimistic.
UNAIDS figures released during the meeting, outlined the global AIDS prevention and control of "two worlds": a world in developed countries, AIDS has become a "controllable disease," mortality, maternal infection rates were significantly reduced, most patients have Nengzaiyaowu sick a long time under the Bangzhu life; Er other world countries, particularly least developed countries, the number of AIDS patients rose Chi Xu, Siwang Shuai, Qing Shaonian infection and mother to child transmission Lv high.
In 2008, North America, the total number of AIDS patients is 1.4 million, then infected people is 5.5 million, the number of patient deaths was 2.5 million adult population infection rate is 0.4%. In sharp contrast, in sub-Saharan Africa, a total of 22.4 million AIDS patients, is 1.9 million infected that year, the number of patient deaths was 1.4 million, more than 5% infection rate of the adult population.
"Two Worlds" in the formation of difficult to understand: the developed countries with advanced medical technology, improve the health system, the economic base enough to carry the fight against AIDS spending; and poor countries not only lack of drugs and treatment of health systems, weak economy AIDS treatment unbearable burden. Take the most significant effect of antiretroviral drugs, for example, patients taking these drugs the most expensive saquinavir, also need an annual cost of nearly 3,000 U.S. dollars, exceeding the per capita income of most developing countries.
In the era of globalization, the unprecedented exchanges between people in close contact, spread of the disease knows no borders, the face of AIDS, no country can be spared. UNAIDS statistics show that the original low incidence of AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the incidence increased significantly in recent years, this was in an alarm. For this reason, the developed countries to poor countries in the field of AIDS prevention and assistance, not only moral and responsibility, and also the interest. Facts have proved that a small amount of assistance the developed countries, the spread of AIDS in poor countries can have a significant effect.
It is worrying that, in the context of the international financial crisis, many developed countries take the lead in reducing AIDS treatment for poor countries the aid, resulting in the global fight against AIDS funding gap, endangering the achievements of recent years. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at the AIDS conference, AIDS spending cuts in some countries the main concern for people. Archbishop Tutu of South Africa is also the United States, "New York Times" published an article on the U.S. government cut aid to Africa to fight AIDS, said "sad."
Poor countries, a strategy to improve the fight against AIDS is also worth thinking about. Over the years, developed countries and big pharmaceutical companies dominate the field of AIDS research, expensive, patented drugs may be the only way to deal with, while the price of these drugs in poor countries as early as is Unbearable Weight. If in accordance with their national conditions should be focused on prevention, working to eliminate the spread of AIDS social soil, may play a multiplier effect. AIDS during the General Assembly, the World Bank issued the relevant to a study in Malawi's report shows that a small amount of monthly cash Butie local Qing Shaonian Nvxing, we can effectively Jianshao of prostitution, AIDS will be the proportion of young women Ganran half Jiangdi above.
Since AIDS was first found 30 years ago, to human beings since the deadly disease has killed more than 2,500 million lives worldwide, so far the disease has no cure or effective drug prevention vaccine. However, as long as mankind can jointly deal with the disease, coexistence is not terrible. "Two Worlds" will only undermine the efforts of mankind response to AIDS, threaten the survival of mankind and the future, each country should strive to eliminate this unreasonable situation.