英研究证实职业影响死因 理发师患艾滋死亡率高
来源:新华网 2010年07月31日09:58
新华网北京7月31日消息 据路透社纽约7月27日电 英国一项新研究称,一个人的谋生手段可能会影响他的死因。
她还说:“这项研究使得我们可以锁定高风险职业。” (来源:新华国际)
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British study has confirmed the cause of death of barber professional impact of high mortality risk of HIV
Source: Xinhua at 09:58 on the July 31, 2010
Xinhua Beijing on July 31, according to Reuters, New York, July 27 - Britain to a new study says a person's livelihood may be affected of his death.
British scientists have spent 10 years on the analysis of the death of 160 people found the painter, bricklayer, died of drug abuse and roof work on average 2 times more likely to normal at the same time, merchant seamen, chefs and bar employees with alcohol related causes due to the risk of death higher than the average person.
Tailor and hairdresser died of AIDS risk is 9 times the general population.
Southampton England Medical Research Council, Dr Davco is head of the research team. He said: "This study shows that the risk of death among occupational groups there is great difference. These risks range from drug abuse to the related diseases caused by alcohol."
Cogan said that although the cause of death associated with certain diseases are unlikely to be directly caused by the professional work, but the study, published in the "Occupational Medicine" magazine study may reveal new methods of prevention.
Cogan and his research team from 1991 to 2000 in England and Wales, all aged 16 to 74 years of her death were analyzed. They found that not only the merchant seamen suffering from liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, oral cancer and other diseases with high risk of alcohol-related, but there will also drop from the stairs high risk of such accidents.
Male tailors and male hairdressers, the average probability of AIDS deaths is higher than the average person, at the same time, male painter, bricklayer, plaster work and roof workers died due to accidental poisoning or drug abuse more likely.
"Social and Occupational Diseases," Monthly Leader Dr Olivia Carlton, said: "Although this may not be obvious, but the workplace is to provide health information about safe behavior is a good platform."
She added: "This study allows us to lock in high-risk occupation." (Source: Xinhua International)