- 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
- 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
- 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
- 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
- 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
- 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
- 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
- 三合皂甙,康生丹片
- 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
AIDS and TB prevention and control you and I peer
Dajiang Wang - Information Daily Time: 2010-07-27 05:26
26, D Road, Xihu District, Nanchang City streets, community residents lined up in front of medical personnel long queue, to participate in both tuberculosis and AIDS, and free medical screening activities of the reporter learned that this is "healthy peers, from me from "one of the theme activities, the activities from October 1, 2007 inception, the three cities of our province (Nanchang, Pingxiang City, Jingdezhen City) of the six counties have implemented the project. West Lake District, CDC staff member told a reporter, tuberculosis and AIDS are serious threats to human health, infectious diseases, the two diseases interact and promote each. Photo journalist Wang Qi ■