去年超500万艾滋病感染者获治疗 世界卫生组织建议艾滋病毒感染者可以在CD4细胞减少至每立方毫米血液350个的时候开始治疗
2010-07-26 00:18:00 来源: 人口导报(济南)
人体免疫系统的强弱通过CD4细胞来衡量。健康人的血液CD4细胞计数在每立方毫米1000至1500个左右。世界卫生组织建议艾滋病毒感染者可以在CD4细胞减少至每立方毫米血液350个的时候开始治疗,而不是像2006年建议的那样,待CD4细胞减少到每立方毫米血液200个时开始治疗。世卫组织这一建议意味着需要治疗的感染者人数将从现在的1000万增加到1500万。 仁民
(本文来源:舜网-人口导报 )
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Last year over 5 million people living with HIV by the World Health Organization recommends treatment of HIV-infected CD4 cells can be reduced to 350 per cubic millimeter of blood when starting treatment
2010-07-26 00:18:00 Source: Population Review (Jinan)
The United Nations Web site reported that the World Health Organization on July 19 at the 18th World AIDS Conference, said the end of 2009, the world number of people receiving HIV treatment to 5.2 million, which is the fastest-growing number of people receiving treatment for one year. At the same time, WHO recommends early treatment of infection, therefore, the number of people in need of treatment will increase significantly. World Health Organization said that beginning in 2009 the number of people receiving HIV treatment increased by 1.2 million, to the end of the year, the global treatment of the total number of 5.2 million.
WHO also urged to expedite the provision of HIV antiretroviral therapy, rather than when they are weakened immune systems have been sick after they begin treatment. WHO said that this would help people living with HIV survive longer, live more healthy. Early treatment can prevent, including opportunistic infections, including tuberculosis. TB is the number one killer of AIDS, if HIV and TB who start treatment early due to tuberculosis and AIDS deaths will be reduced 90%.
Through the strength of the immune system to measure CD4 cells. Healthy blood CD4 cell count per cubic millimeter from 1000 to 1500 or so. WHO recommends that HIV-infected CD4 cells can be reduced to 350 per cubic millimeter of blood, when starting treatment, rather than as proposed in 2006, when CD4 cells were reduced to 200 per cubic millimeter of blood when treatment is initiated. The recommendations of WHO mean number of infected persons in need of treatment from the current 10 million increase to 15 million. Jen
(The source: Shun Net - Population Guide)