A Road Lead to Prosperity for the Future

A Road Lead to Prosperity for the Future 

——The Theory and Practices of Intellectual Property Economy & Its Competitive Advantages

Author  Guo Minsheng





Part I  Theoretical Basis

1. Introduction

Introductory example


1.1 Backgrand and significance of the project

1.2. Summanry on researches at home and abroad

1.2.1 Summary on IPE-related researches

1.2.2. Summary on theoretical researches of competitive strategy and IPA

1.2.3 Summary on theoretical researches of IPR strategy

1.2.4 Summary on researches of IPR operation

1.2.5 Summary on researches of IPR evaluation

1.3 Purpose and significance of the research

1.3.1 Purpose

1.3.2 Significance

1.4 Research methods and technical route

1.5 Innovative points of the thesis

2. Theoretical analysis over IPE

Introductory example


2.1 System of basic concepts of IPE

2.1.1 Public properties and their categories

2.1.2 Knowledge and knowledge products

2.1.3 IPR and its attributes

2.1.4 IPR and its scope

2.1.5 IPE and its characteristics

2.2 Criteria for IPE division

2.2.1 Economic patterns

2.2.2 Basis for division of economic patterns

2.2.3 Criteria for IPE recognition

2.3 Correlative analysis over IPE, traditional economy and knowledge economy

2.4 Utility analysis over IPE

2.4.1 Utility analysis over new economic growth theories and knowledge elements

2.4.2 Efficiency market and its competition modes


2.5 Analysis over value chain of IPE

2.5.1 Analysis over enterprise value chain

2.5.2 Analysis over industrial value chain

2.5.3 Analysis over strategic loops of national, industrial and enterprise value chains

2.5.4 Value chain modes of IPE

2.6 Initial proposals about theoretical system of IPE

2.6.1 Elements and functions of IPE

2.6.2 Research object, scope, purpose and methods of IPE

2.6.3 Frame of basic IPE theories

2.7 Summary of this chapter

3. Forming mechanism and model structure of IPA

Introductory example


3.1 Basic concept of IPA

3.1.1 Competition and competitive theory

3.1.2 Competitiveness, competitive advantage and competitive strategy

3.1.3 IPA-related concepts

3.2 Characteristics, categories and functions of IPA

3.2.1 Analysis over characteristics of IPA

3.2.2 Categories, functions and forms of IPA

3.3 Analysis over forming mechanism of IPA

3.3.1 Analysis over competition rules

3.3.2 Analysis over motivation mechanism

3.3.3 Game analysis over stimulating and restricting mechanism

3.4 IPA competition model

3.4.1 Influence of development stage

3.4.2 Influence of competition environment of market

3.4.3 Influence of competitors

3.4.4 Key elements affecting national and enterprise IPA

3.5 Analysis over competition mechanism

3.5.1 Composition of motivation axis and its mechanism

3.5.2 Competition process and possible recycling mechanism

3.6 Summary of this chapter

4. Analysis over industrial composition and structure of IPE

Introductory example


4.1 Analysis over connotation of IPR industry

4.1.1. Definition of IPR industry in foreign countries

4.1.2 Understanding of IPR industry in China

4.1.3 Connotation of IPR industry


4.2 Industrial composition of IPE

4.2.1 Hi-tech industry formed on basis of patent, technical secret and standard

4.2.2 Copyright industry formed on basis of literature, idea, film, TV program, animation and software

4.2.3 Franchise and licensed industry formed on basis of trademark, brand, production and service model

4.2.4 IPR service and wisdom industry formed on basis of IPR resource

4.2.5 Modification and improvement made upon traditional industry by new product, geographic mark, protection of origin and other IPRs.

4.2.6 Other IPR-related industries

4.3 Analysis over production factors of IPR industry

4.3.1 Evolution of production factors

4.3.2 Composition of production factors in IPR industry

4.3.3 Relation among production factors in IPR industry

4.4 Structural analysis and competition rules of IPR industry

4.4.1 Technical structure and features

4.4.2 Organizational structure and features

4.4.3 Industrial layout and management system features

4.4.4 Main competition rules

4.5 Summary of this chapter

5. Analysis over business pattern of IPR industry

Introductory example


5.1 Connotation and category of business pattern of IPR industry

5.1.1 Connotation of business pattern of IPR industry

5.1.2 Category of of business pattern of IPR industry

5.2 Strategic pattern

5.2.1 Strategic re-organization

5.2.2. Strategic offence

5.3.3. Strategic defense

5.3.4. Strategic balancing

5.3 Integration and efficiency-improving pattern

5.3.1 Central concentration

5.3.2 Bush rule

5.3.2. Small-devours-big

5.3.3. Snowball-rolling

5.4 Innovation and value-addition pattern

5.4.1 Advantage-occupation

5.4.2. Imitation and innovation

5.4.3 Integrated innovation

5.5 Operating value-addition pattern

5.5.1. Monopoly value-addition

5.5.2. Platform service value-addition

5.5.3. Marketing value-addition

5.5.4. Multiplier amplification

5.5.5. Integrated value-addition

5.6. Protection and value-addition pattern

5.6.1. “The strongest is the king.”

5.6.2. Comprehensive tactics

5.6.3. Adaptability

5.7 Summary of this chapter


Part II  Actual Practice

6. Cultural basis for IPE

6.1 Analysis over cultural basis of innovative countries

6.1.1 Knowledgeable people are becoming main wealth creators

6.1.2 Wealth and values

6.1.3 Basis of economic system

6.1.4 Basis of laws, regulations and policies

6.1.5 Basis of moral concept

6.2 Analysis of connotation of culture

6.2.1 Definition and category of culture and cultural isologue

6.2.2. Elements and duplicity of traditional Chinese culture

6.3 Connotation, category and influencing factors of IPR culture

6.3.1. Origin and development of IPR culture

6.3.2. Analysis over connotation of IPR culture

6.3.3. Category of IPR culture

6.3.4 Model of IPR culture

6.4. Composing elements of IPR culture and their relation

6.4.1. Spiritual elements of IPR culture

6.4.2. System elements of IPR culture

6.4.3. Material elements of IPR culture

6.5. Current conditions of IPR culture in China and related measures

6.5.1. Current conditions of IPR culture in China

6.5.2. Basic measures to foster and build IPR culture

6.6. Summary of this chapter

7. Strategic measures of IPA of enterprises and industries

Introductory example


7.1. Category of enterprise and its connotation

7.1.1. Leading enterprises and their characteristics

7.1.2. Challenging enterprises and their characteristics

7.1.3. Surviving enterprises and their characteristics

7.2. Common problems and corresponding measures

7.2.1. Problem of strategic adjustment -- A double-engine development strategy of “Innovation & Intellectual Property Advantages (DEMCIIPA)

7.2.2. Problem of competition model – involve in global competition on a higher layer

7.2.3. Problem of cultural re-generation—foster and re-generate enterprise culture suitable for competition in global market

7.3 Unique problems and corresponding measures

7.3.1 Strategic measures of leading enterprises

7.3.2. Strategic measures of challenging enterprises

7.3.3. Strategic measures of surviving enterprises

7.4 Strategic measures for industrial upgrading

7.4.1. Set up and perfect policy environment beneficial to development of IPR industry

7.4.2 Emphasize both fostering of strategic new industry and upgrading of traditional industry

7.4.3. Foster and strengthen the main body of the market of IPR industry

7.5. Summary of this chapter

8. Strategic measures of national and regional IPA

Introductory example


8.1 Analysis over connotation of national IPR strategy

8.1.1. Purpose and significance for formulation of national IPR strategy

8.1.2. Connotation of national IPR strategy

8.2 Analysis over position of national IPR strategy

8.2.1. Position of national IPR strategy

8.2.2. Analysis over relation between national IPR strategy and existing important national development strategies

8.2.3. Main contents and shortcomings of national IPR strategy

8.3. Main features and tasks of regional IPR strategy

8.3.1. Main features of regional IPR strategy

8.3.2. Main tasks of regional IPR strategy – with Henan Province as an example

8.4. Analysis over ways to realize national IPR strategy

8.4.1. Foster IPR culture and create atmosphere for innovation

8.4.2. Strengthen IPR creation and protection to materialize results of innovations

8.4.3. Construct platform for public service to systemize agency service

8.4.4. Develop IPE to industrialize IPR

8.4.5. Implement IPR strategy to optimize competitive advantages

8.5 Summary of this chapter


9. Appraisal methods for IPE and its advantages

Introductory example

9.1. Introduction to hierarchy analysis

9.2. 3D analytical method for IPA

9.2.1. Dimensional analysis over competition body

9.2.2. Dimensional analysis over competition target

9.2.3. Dimensional analysis over competition result

9.3. Thinking method for IPE appraisal

9.3.1. New economic index system of America

9.3.2. Primary design of appraisal index system for IPE

9.4 Multi-factor comprehensive appraisal of IPE and IPA

9.4.1. Basic frame of IPCAI index system

9.4.2. Explanation about IPCAI index system

9.4.3. Weight design in IPCAI index system

9.5 Summary of this chapter

10. Empirical analysis of IPE and its competition advantages in Henan Province

Introductory example


10.1. Investigation in enterprise innovation and IPR in Henan Province

10.2. Initial analysis over the questionnaire about enterprise innovation and IPR in Henan Province

10.2.1. Analysis over innovation situations

10.2.2. Analysis over creation, management, protection and operation of enterprise IPR

10.3. Initial research conclusions

10.4 Summary of this chapter

11. Conclusions and expectations

Introductory example


11.1. Conclusions

11.2. Expectations

11.2.1. Predictions about changes of IPR system in the future

11.2.2. Problems that need profound research and research direction


