



作者:王峥        文章来源:搜狐健康      更新时间:2010-07-17 16:28 


  据华盛顿消息,卫生和福利部秘书Kathleen Sebelius日前称,美国预斥资2500万美元帮助国家为HIV感染者和艾滋病患者购买抗艾滋病药物。





  艾滋病患者的倡导组织美国艾滋病协会代理执行主任Carl Schmid说:“2500万美元的益处显然易见,不过还远远不足。”








TAG:艾滋病患者  抗艾滋病药物  

According to Washington sources, the Ministry of Health and Welfare Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently said the U.S. expected to spend 25 million U.S. dollars to help countries to HIV infection and AIDS, to buy anti-AIDS drugs.

Supporters say the previous government's input is not enough to wait for treatment to eliminate candidates, because AIDS patients have lost work because of no health insurance, and countries are reducing this budget.

Sebelius Secretary said that the Government will invest 25 million U.S. dollars for those waiting for treatment of drug candidates to provide.

July 1 this year, 11 states have some 2100 patients with AIDS drug assistance programs into the list of candidates, including Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah.

As the number and drug restrictions, other states are undergoing a strict screening, a move affecting thousands of AIDS treatment.

AIDS advocacy organizations, the U.S. AIDS Society, said Acting Executive Director Carl Schmid: "25 million U.S. dollars of the benefits of obvious, but far from enough."

Advocacy organizations and government officials hope the Government will provide 126 million U.S. dollars for emergency assistance, Congress has approved 835 million U.S. dollars up to provide more reasonable.

Three Republican senators have already pleaded Sebelius Secretary of the assistance to AIDS as a public health crisis, and said the service does not meet the 2100 candidates for treatment.

Many HIV infected people with antiretroviral treatment through the life even longer. But the average annual cost of 12,000 U.S. dollars. Many patients have no public assistance for not afford it.

Schmid said: "Once patients start taking these drugs, they must stop taking the rest of your life."

AIDS drug assistance program targeted low-income, uninsured people, mostly minors.

Last year, 168,000 patients received through this project drug treatment, 45% of patients in income poverty line (10,830 U.S. dollars) The following, only 2% of the patients income is 4 times the poverty line (43,320 U.S. dollars) or less.

TAG: AIDS, anti-AIDS drugs

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-7-17    文章录入:nnb ]