
  文|张华  图|IC
  王佳芬,正是那位曾执掌光明乳业15年、被业界称之为“乳业女皇”的女强人。她2008年离开光明后,进入风险投资(VC)行业,任纪源资本投资合伙人。  张桓,尚道营销投资公司董事长,被称为“中国女性营销第一人”,以咨询的形式投资入股哎呀呀、仟佰惠等连锁企业,可谓独辟蹊径。


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  中国企业亦不甘落后。深圳一家汽车GPS导航生产商也打出女性牌,尽管只在外表和使用特点上加以了改进,但至少开启了一种新思维。笔者在采访今年4月在A股上市的国内最大的GPS生产和销售商合众思壮董事长郭信平时,他也称正在开发专门针对女性的新产品。  同样,热水器市场,无论是电热水器还是太阳能热水器,不少企业也在从性别上细分市场,一家江苏热水器生产商告诉我,他们研制的无论在外形还是在功能(能边洗澡边听MP3)上都为城市单身女性订制的热水器已投产。


  月,《时代》周 市场更蓝——女权主义会进一步助推女性消费。
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  很有趣的是,中国针对女性企业家、女性营销、女性经济等的话题和评也越来越热门, 2009年10月底,第五届“中国女性消费高层论坛”在北京举行,一项针对女性消费的调查显示,过半受调查者在2009年参与了股票、基金、房产等投资,且消费支出不断增长。“要引导妇女在家庭消费决策中唱主角”,全国妇联副主席黄晴宜说,“充分挖掘女性的消费潜力。”
  中国连锁企业一个通病是,成为资本的宠儿后,娇嗔、激进的劣根性暴露无遗。哎呀呀董事长叶国富2009年在中国企业“未来之星”年会上“许多企业多元化的成功仅仅是生意方面的成功,也是阶段的成功,包括李嘉诚” 真正伟大的企业莫不是如哎呀呀等专注某一个行业的企业”等言论显然理不糙,但狂傲风格尽现,令人唏嘘。
  Entrepreneur who loves women
  Freelance Writer ZHANG Huan  
  Zhang Hua  IC  
    ZHANG Huan hanged up the telephone, not concealed excitement. There might be generation gap between he and WANG Jiafen who immediate enter ‘Er Shun’ age if only from the terms of age, however they can be best friends by the same exciting point.
  WANG Guifen who used to be in charge of Bright Diary for 15 years, known as ‘Queen of Diary’ within the market field. After left Bright Diary at 2008 she then entered VC industry, as the investment partner of GGV Capital; ZHANG Huan, the Chairman of Thindo Marketing Investment Company, known as ‘the first Female Marketing person in China’, invested chain cooperation like Aiyaya and Canbah by the form of consultancy, can be described as inventive.
  WANG Jiafen intentionally invested into Aiyaya which is the top chain store brand in accessory market field, so she asked ZHANG Huan; Accessory market is a ‘blue ocean market’. The procession of female accessory among Chinese women was less than 10 %, while this rate is over 50% among Asian countries like South Korea、Malaysia according to one survey report, especially 70% in Japan. There is no doubt that WANG Jiafen showed her interests.
    More and more VC and entrepreneurs show their rich interest. Legend Capital took part into Beauty in Fashion and ST&SAT Shoes, Zero2IPO Capital invested female underwear retailer Moonbasa, SHI Yuzhu showed his rich interest on love & marriage website… what are the logic and metaphor after such trend?

Loving beauty is more than Power人
  Early 2010, the case of SHI Yuzhu entered love& marriage website market was heat discussed among the society. Coincidentally ‘Survey Report Chinese Marriage Status of 2009’ has been released by institutions like China Marriage and Family Institute, the main content indicated Chinese people had encountered unprecedented ‘single storm’, including 40% single female were worried about their marriage situation.
  ‘If divided male and people into four grades separately’ the report visually indicates ‘the result shows top group in female and bottom group of male remained the largest amount.’
  Let’s take a look at the popularity on shows like ‘Let’s go for a date’ of Hunan TV and ‘If you are the one’ of Jiangsu TV, you may see the future of love and
  marriage market. Although there were hype exist on those TV shows, remaining men and women become the urban landscape by then. It might be caused by many reasons, such as rebounding of housing price after financial crisis, view of marriage further link together with economic conditions, this phenomenon spread like virus to some extent.
  SHI Yuzhu was so clever that he saw the inside momentum, also eager to take advantage from this business. iResearch forecasted the online marriage market size would expand to 1.2 billion Yuan in 2010, 60 times of the figure of 6 years old. There was also another interesting point that SHI Yuzhu had not married after divorced with his ex-wife DONG Chunlan in 1990. His enthusiasm for marriage market was another explanation of ‘loving beauty is more than power’.
  SHI Yuzhu’s enthusiasm towards women was swiftly and violently warmed up during these years. He rhetoric said he would build online game ‘Ju Ren’ to be the ‘most female player choices’ two years before, and at the first half of 2010 he invested studio of FAN Bingbing, and FAN was not only represents ‘KOK3’ under SHI Yuzhu’s cooperation, but also acting as leading actress on the
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  3D film of same series.
  ZHANG Huan the Chairman of Thindo Marketing Investment Company loves to see and hear the butterfly effect caused by SHI Yuzhu. Thindo, the 4 year old consultancy company with the slogan of ‘win the female market leading the victory of the whole market’, build a chain specialized for female marketing consultancy, the invisible champion from the view of German Management Scientist Hermann Simon. WANG Jiafen focus on communication and one of the main part on Thindo for her investment on Aiyaya, which also regarded as one commercial metaphor‘Talents are everywhere, however seldom can they be recognized.’
  WANG Jiafen has preference in female consumer market, probably relates to the fact that she is a woman entrepreneur. She is shrewd and experienced for seeking ‘prey’ and resources integration. GGV Capital only invested 3 projects in China in 2008, however this figure arrives to 10 in 2009, including one related to female ——Bi Sheng Yuan. According to their official website, the annual growth rate has reached 60% between Chang Run Tea and Diet Tea. The desire of landing on domestic market attracts WANG Jiafen’s rich interests
    Besides SHI Yuzhu and WANG Jiafen, there are many Chinese entrepreneurs and VC shows their only preferences to ‘women’. Legend Capital announced to invest ‘Beauty in Fashion’ in September 2009, this cooperation is similar to Aiyaya, which was a conjugal shop ten year ago but one of the largest female accessory enterprises in China nowadays.
  March this year Fidelity Funds(Sister fund in the USA) invested over 10 million US dollars into TCT Medical which is one of the biggest medical appliances dealers and service suppliers in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in China, this news occurred a shock in the industry.
‘Female market has been subdivided, that is the industrial gender revolution.’ ZHANG Huan said.

Which came the first, the chicken or the egg?
  ‘Industrial gender revolution’ is a meaningful concept. ‘Gender revolution’ comes the first on people mind, they always explain the transformation by a talk in ‘Times’ the USA version ——Basically husbands paid for their wife’s’ ‘Times’ magazine 40 years ago in the USA, and husbands preferences also affected wives during the
  period of general election, however this situation has been an apparent change during the recent ten-years time. The result of the survey launched by ‘Times’ magazine and Rockefeller Foundation shows that women became the backbone in the US society, it was the first time in the history when number of female employees has majority proportion, it was in the same line as another report called ‘wife rise abruptly’ published not long before.
  There had actually experienced the same gender revolution in China before. ‘Wife rise abruptly’ makes the blue ocean market become bluer in female consumption, then feminism further advanced female consumption.
  Many businesses had noticed this trend, so they began their intention as the fashion guide among market consumption. A typical case is the first female special air route was established in 2007 by an English young entrepreneur, the ‘Pink Airline’ which has small scale but full of fashion elements was launched, customers only can be female, they also invited a famous consultancy company for marketing promotion together with a popular female singer as image representative……
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    Playing gender cards, launch special female product and service become the new attempt among global cooperation during recent years. It is said there is a beach which coastline is 80km only opened to women locates near Milan of Italy. And a cigar manufacturer in Cuba released a female cigar product early this year.
Apparently one of the influences of ‘industrial gender revolution’ is there are more and more cooperation identify with the idea of’ demand after supply’, to be the ingenious fashion guide.
  There is also one gob smacked case, a Brazilian underwear brand released one underwear with GPS installed, frankly announced the target group was urban women who were pursuit of scientific and technological fashion and with high income; Designers explained although the product was expensive, in country of frequent violent ‘will bring more safe to let husband knows the exact location.’
  Chinese enterprises unwillingly lag behind. One GPS manufactory of Shenzhen also released female-oriented product, in spite of only surface and characteristics had been improved, at least it had exploited one new idea. When
  the writer interviewed GUO Xinping the Chairman of Unistrong which is the largest GPS producer and dealers in domestic market and listed on A share market in April this year, he said the R&D department was focus on new female product.
  At the same time many enterprises also subdivided the market by gender on the water heater market no matter by electric or solar energy. One water heater manufacturer in Jiangsu told me their product which specially designed for urban single women (listening to MP3 while having bath) had been put into operation.
  Bawang Group which has listed on stock market in mid 2009 is also commendable. The main product was ‘Bawang’ shampoo at the very beginning, at the point of hair treatment with Chinese herbal, and Jackie CHAN. To avoid spin a cocoon around them Chairman Couple CHEN Qiyuan and WAN Yuhua launched ‘Royal Wind’ brand, invited Faye WONG as its representative. It deserved special attention that they entered herbal tea industry after they saw this market was under fast developing process, at least after IPO was not short of money. After this idea has been presented there were argument and discussion arose
  no matter among board meeting or investors. WAN Yuhua was on the end of a line, she asked ZHANG Huan in mid June 2010.
  ‘Can we position Bawang Herbal Tea as specialized product for female’ ZHANG Huan came straight into the point,‘Wong Lo Kat mainly focus on male product, it may cause an impressive start if Bawang stand opposite to Wong Lo Kat.

WAN Yuhua unfolded frown afterwards.
  It is a pie and also trap
  Higher risk of divorce come with more financial freedom of female under traditional custom , however early this year this view had been overturned by a report from New York Times which stated‘statistical data shows in general situation possibility of maintaining marriage is higher while women have more financial independence and higher education background. From a year 2009 report of USA indicates the trend of divorce rate is higher within states which less wife are employed.’
  It is funny that topics and commentary like female entrepreneurs、female marketing and female financial are becoming more popular in China. At the end of October
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  2009 the fifth ‘High Level Forum of Chinese Female Consumption’ was held in Beijing, one survey which focused on female consumption shows half of respondents participated into investments such as stock、fund and real estate during 2009, and the consumption was increased. ‘should guide women to be in leading role in family consumption’, HUANG Qingyi the vice-chairman of All-China Women’s federation said,‘to excavate potential of female consumption sufficiently.’
  Although women consumption market become popular by elements such as domestic demand and feminism, the term of loving women is beyond reproach but can not be spoiled towards entrepreneurs and VC. For instance regarding marriage website industry, many people step in after transmigration, as well as many capitals show their interests, however the creative of business mode is quite poor. If one day portal site which have huge potential customers on hand like Tencent build up their own love and marriage website without any advantage, it will lost at the end, blue ocean will suddenly change to red ocean.
  There is also another organization in radical type. Actually although WANG Jiafen and ZHANG Huan have eyes only on Aiyaya as well as Aiyaya has rapidly gone on the trend of entering major main business districts, the question is whether your team and management mode are stable, and crisis solution and emergency mechanism is integrity?
    There is a common failing among Chinese chain businesses which is deep-rooted bad habits fully exposed after being spoiled by capital. YE Guofu the Chairman of Aiyaya gave his speech on annual conference of China Enterprises ‘Future Star’ as ‘many enterprises of multi-line operation only achieved success in business running, which is also the stage success, including K.S. Li’‘the real great organization focus on particular industry and market as Aiyaya’ such opinions on public represented arrogant style.

  You should know the real nature of capital is chasing profit, VC assists you on IPO, but disappear after lockups. They are doing their business not your career, especially sign unclear gambling agreement equals to plant a detonated mine.
  The third kind is cooperation or institution of paranoid on female consumption market. ZHANG Huan was not optimistic on Doov mobile phone which claims as the ‘Top brand of female mobile phone’, he even
  pointed out the planner behind Doov female mobile phone YE Maozhong who known as the ‘First person of planning and advertising in China’, said he‘didn’t know women well’.
  ‘Do women really need special designed mobile phone’ ZHANG Huan said ‘YE Maozhong designed slogan of ‘good-looking and safe’ was a little bit unnecessary —— whether women or men need information safe and security?’
  ZHANG Huan’s opinion has risen a certain debate, there were supporters as well as detractors, the interesting part is the critical side —— although ZHANG Huan is one of the pioneers in marketing planning field as YE Maozhong, but should he have humble heart as a budding young talent?
  ‘That’s totally different’ ZHANG Huan said‘What I wanted to express was it requires market segmentation in the marketing consultancy industry, the era of large and compre