2010-06-25 04:00:00 来源: 四川日报(成都)
(本文来源:四川在线-四川日报 )
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艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考 New model of AIDS prevention in key areas to explore
2010-06-25 04:00:00 Source: Sichuan Daily (Chengdu)
The State Council AIDS Working Committee of Sichuan Province AIDS policy propaganda television and telephone will require
(Reporter Shi Xiaohong) June 24, the State Council AIDS Working Committee of Sichuan Province AIDS policy propaganda television and telephone will be held in Chengdu, Health Minister Chen Zhu and China on the global AIDS epidemic situation of AIDS on the health hazards and socio-economic the impact of AIDS and other challenges to address with countermeasures. Provincial Standing Committee, Vice Governor Wei chair.
Chen Zhu pointed out that the rise in China's AIDS epidemic showed further slow; sexually transmitted continue to be the major route of transmission; National AIDS generally showed a low prevalence situation, a serious epidemic in some areas; National affected people increased diversification of the four features of popular models. Speaking about AIDS challenges and responses, Chen Zhu said that one should improve understanding of ideas, further improve the prevention and control mechanisms. Second, we must adhere to extensive, in-depth, sustained public awareness and education. Third, we must further improve coverage of HIV interventions. Fourth, we should further implement the "Four Frees and One Care" policy. Fifth, we must strengthen the management of infected patients with antiretroviral treatment and to strengthen key areas and population efforts, the outcome of measures to promote demonstration area. 6 to mobilize and guide the social forces to participate in AIDS prevention. 7 to strengthen the scientific control, to expand international cooperation and exchanges.
Chen Zhu fully affirmed the province AIDS. He said, attaches great importance to AIDS prevention and control in Sichuan Province, the initial establishment of the leadership system, working mechanism and gradually improved implementation of regulations and policies, increase financial input control the epidemic know the truth initially clarify the key areas to promote effective prevention, control network basically established, integrated control capacity to improve.
Prevention and control work on the next step, Chen Zhu required to fully understand the enormity of prevention and treatment, long-term, particularity and complexity, balance and coordination, strengthening the responsibilities and see. Integrated prevention and control of resources and enhance the combat capabilities, the focus of subsidence, the full implementation of AIDS prevention and control measures, and explore key areas to establish a new model of AIDS prevention and treatment.
Wei asked cities across the province, especially focused on states to strengthen AIDS prevention and liability, and integrated control capability, strengthening the work to further promote the prevention of AIDS in our province.
(This article Source: Sichuan Online - Sichuan Daily)