杭州市疾控中心副主任陈树昶告诉记者,近年来,杭州市男性同性恋人群感染HIV的形势异常严峻,在2004~2009年短短的六年时间里,该人群HIV感染率从1.3%上升到6.8%。更令人堪忧的是, HIV感染已不再局限在高危群体当中,这颗危险的“种子”早已悄然播撒到大学校园,大学生感染人数逐年递增,仅仅在2009年全市就检出大学生感染者近20例。
本报记者 王蕊
本报通讯员 施水泉
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艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考HIV-infected college students in Hangzhou yearly
At 06:10 on the June 22, 2010 Zhejiang Online - Qianjiang Evening News
20 pm, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University International Conference Center of hundreds of student representatives, and a 30-year-old "special" through the President, before and after HIV infection face to face communication Zero various ideas and problems. The event was organized by Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang schools, hospitals, on the theme "Care for you and I, as the 'Ai' voyage!"
The name of the host Murong, was once a college student in the college, while infected with HIV because of homosexuality. He came from Hebei to the immediate exchange of experience and college students the practical problems of AIDS prevention.
CDC deputy director of Hangzhou Chenshu Chang told reporters that in recent years, HIV infection among gay men in Hangzhou situation are enormous, in 2004 and 2009, a short period of six years, the population HIV prevalence from 1.3% to 6.8 %. More worrying is that, HIV infection is no longer limited to high-risk groups among the Fengyun dangerous "seeds" sown long ago quietly to the campus, students increased the number of infections each year, only the city in 2009 on the detection of infected nearly Students 20 cases.
As of May 31, Hangzhou, newly discovered HIV infections this year were more than three digits, up 7.28% over last year, of which 3.7% of young students, the main route of transmission was sexual contact, including the proportion of gay men further increase in the ratio of 48.3%. Dirty gay sex infections in young students was increasing. Recently, the Hangzhou West Lake District, CDC, under the jurisdiction of three universities in the combination of physical examination, a sample of 2,000 college students from three universities, found that there are eight students infected with HIV, the positive rate of 0.4%.
Reporter Rui
Shi springs newspaper correspondent