One. from the price. As Ugg Boots of raw materials is expensive, is the Australian production of the whole small sheep skin, fur, sole special constructs, even by Ugg Boots Cardy production plant in ex-factory price wouldn't be 200, please be sure to remember mm, those "make you of price when buying back the Ugg shoes is a fake.
Tow. from the color. Genuine Ugg Boots, color Cardy, Ugg Boots official Web site of colors prevail ( And the color of the inside and outside the plush colors are the same.
Three. from the model. On the surface of the touch is quite smooth and soft, delicate shoes-and more precise. The inside of the sheared very neatly, length of uniform density, feel very comfortable, bare feet and very comfortable to wear. The important thing is to put on the back will feel a sense of light, no weight. Quite warm.
Four. from the ugg shoes constructed.
1. There are also joint shoe washing quality drinking water (the above style, name, number, materials, code number, origin, etc.) 2)-box side mark affixed code (above a style name, number, color, code number, men's shoes or shoes) 3). the same parts is a pair of shoes to be consistent with, to be consistent with the pattern color, shoes, high or low to consistent after help.
4. the upper thread basically the same, no jump needle acupuncture, leakage, breakage.
5. the shoes and clean, smooth, without deformation.
6) .Ugg bailey button on the sole ‘ R ’ notation registration identity and which must have been the Ugg bailey button.
7) .ugg australia traditional shoes-trademark on Innertube Department (uggs brand) slippers, home of the shoe with a trademark is a machine in the shoe leather.
8. all Uggs boots bailey button products are handmade works.