UGG, and is not a brand name, which is a type of shoes. UGG boots, commonly known as the snow boots, is the first world war era and the rise in Australia, Australia used two pilots into shoes in a sheep's package on my feet warm, later becoming popular in Australia. Now the more popular brands are: UGG Australia, Yellow Earth, UGGS etc.
The original name of UGG to boots by call ugly. Later the Australian nickname it as ugg. The fur is a LOGO of round-boots until 1994 by an American UGG Australia is a registered trademark and manufacturers of Australia into China.
After the United States beginning in countries of cybersquatting Ugg trademarks, however in Australia of cybersquatting Ugg brand when encounter against on the grounds that the Ugg is Australia's own brand, so in Australian Ugg can be local footwear manufacturers. Currently, native well-known fur shoe brand is Yale's (Yellow Earth). The company was later acquired in mainland Chinese factory, as well as American Uggs do processing.
ugg historical origin