佛山三患者治血友病染上艾滋 索赔3000万元

佛山三患者治血友病染上艾滋 索赔3000万元
2010-04-08 09:20   南方都市报  


  本报讯 佛山三艾滋病患者告上海生物制品研究所(简称上生所)索赔案,昨日在禅城区法院一审第二次开庭。庭审中,广东南粤法医临床司法鉴定所对三患者伤残程度作出“一级伤残”鉴定结论,据此昨日三患者家长申请索赔总额度由600万提升至3000万人民币,对此上生所表示将申请更高级别的司法鉴定机构进行第二次鉴定。






  昨日,广东南粤法医临床司法鉴定所出具的司法鉴定意见显示,“每名原告A ID S期评定为一级伤残,建议后续医疗费每年暂计172585 .95元,先期赔付期限不得少于16年。”对此,三位患者的父母递交申请认为,应按这个标准赔偿50年,加上原来索赔的精神抚慰金、医疗费、伤残生活补助等,每位患者的索赔总额增加至1000余万,三名患者总额逾3000万。




  同时,上生所还认为,在不能确定被告产品存在缺陷以及被鉴定人感染H IV、H C V和使用被告的产品之间存在法律上的因果关系之前,被鉴定人做相关伤残等级、后续治疗费用的鉴定没有任何意义,即和本案不具关联性。











  采写:本报记者 海鹏飞

“世界卫生日”关注非洲艾滋病   2010-04-07 09:46:00 中国少年网



  非洲有两大杀手:一个是艾滋病,另一个是疟疾。世界上有一半以上的艾滋病患者和病毒携带者都在非洲。南非是世界上艾滋病疫情最为严重的国家之一。根据联合国艾滋病规划署提供的数字,南非现有艾滋病患者和艾滋病感染者约570万,在15岁至49岁的人群中,艾滋病感染率约为18.1%。根据2007年制订的艾滋病防治战略规划,自今年4月1日起,南非政府将为更多的孕妇提供艾滋病治疗,同时为所有1岁以下艾滋病检测呈阳性的婴儿提供免费治疗。南非卫生部长阿伦·莫索阿莱迪近日宣布,南非将于4月15日在豪登省正式启动一项耗资14亿兰特(1美元约合7.37兰特)的艾滋病防治新计划。南非政府表示,新计划的目标是到2011年底将艾滋病感染率降低50%,让80%需要治疗的患者得到治疗。   非洲有两大杀手:一个是艾滋病,另一个是疟疾。世界上有一半以上的艾滋病患者和病毒携带者都在非洲。南非是世界上艾滋病疫情最为严重的国家之一。根据联合国艾滋病规划署提供的数字,南非现有艾滋病患者和艾滋病感染者约570万,在15岁至49岁的人群中,艾滋病感染率约为18.1%。根据2007年制订的艾滋病防治战略规划,自今年4月1日起,南非政府将为更多的孕妇提供艾滋病治疗,同时为所有1岁以下艾滋病检测呈阳性的婴儿提供免费治疗。南非卫生部长阿伦·莫索阿莱迪近日宣布,南非将于4月15日在豪登省正式启动一项耗资14亿兰特(1美元约合7.37兰特)的艾滋病防治新计划。南非政府表示,新计划的目标是到2011年底将艾滋病感染率降低50%,让80%需要治疗的患者得到治疗。 


佛山三患者治血友病染上艾滋 索赔3000万元
2010-04-08 09:20   南方都市报  


  本报讯 佛山三艾滋病患者告上海生物制品研究所(简称上生所)索赔案,昨日在禅城区法院一审第二次开庭。庭审中,广东南粤法医临床司法鉴定所对三患者伤残程度作出“一级伤残”鉴定结论,据此昨日三患者家长申请索赔总额度由600万提升至3000万人民币,对此上生所表示将申请更高级别的司法鉴定机构进行第二次鉴定。






  昨日,广东南粤法医临床司法鉴定所出具的司法鉴定意见显示,“每名原告A ID S期评定为一级伤残,建议后续医疗费每年暂计172585 .95元,先期赔付期限不得少于16年。”对此,三位患者的父母递交申请认为,应按这个标准赔偿50年,加上原来索赔的精神抚慰金、医疗费、伤残生活补助等,每位患者的索赔总额增加至1000余万,三名患者总额逾3000万。




  同时,上生所还认为,在不能确定被告产品存在缺陷以及被鉴定人感染H IV、H C V和使用被告的产品之间存在法律上的因果关系之前,被鉴定人做相关伤残等级、后续治疗费用的鉴定没有任何意义,即和本案不具关联性。











  采写:本报记者 海鹏飞
Foshan three hemophilia patients infected with the HIV treatment claim 30 million yuan
Southern Metropolis Daily 2010-04-08 09:20

Coagulation factor that causes AIDS case in the District Court hearing Chancheng. Photo reporter Guoji Jiang

AIDS patients reported three PRC Shanghai, Foshan Institute of Biological Products (referred to as the student is) claims, the Court of First Instance yesterday Chancheng second trial. Court trial, clinical forensic forensic southern Guangdong Guangdong are made on the three patients with disability, "a disability" conclusions, thus parents yesterday for the total amount claimed three degrees were from 600 million to 30 million yuan, which the student is said it would apply for a higher level forensic identification of a second body.

Total claims to 30 million

Last year by the end of April, three AIDS patients Foshan gradually to the student is in court. They believe that their treatment of hemophilia because students are not using the drug to inactivated freeze-dried human coagulation factor Ⅷ (hereinafter referred to as "Factor VIII") and HIV infection.

Placed on file five months later, on September 9 last year, the case in the court of first instance district court Chancheng, Foshan lawsuit claims the three patients were joinder. The trial, the plaintiffs also raised the degree of disability of patients on the three judicial appraisal to determine the actual extent of damage to.

February 1 this year, Guangdong Nan Yue clinical forensic forensic patients are on the degree of disability to identify the three, the case yesterday, the second trial, conducted on the identification of cross-examination of this dialectic.

Yesterday's hearing, and, like last time, since his childhood suffering from hemophilia, HIV infection in recent years, two patients because of knee disability, the basic loss of walking ability, burdened by their father, and slowly climbed up the hall from the court in on the second floor of the court. Court trial, three patients appear pale and silent, from their parents and lawyers, took the statement. As a senior student is accused of the same does not appear, entrusted with a lawyer from Shanghai arrived Foshan court responding.

Yesterday, Guangdong, Guangdong, clinical forensic forensic forensic opinion issued by the show, "the plaintiffs A ID S each rated as one of the disabled, the proposed temporary total annual follow-up medical expenses 172,585.95 yuan, the initial period of not less than 16 Peifu years. "In this regard, the parents of three patients to submit their applications that should be the standard compensation for 50 years, with the original claims in emotional, medical expenses, disability living allowance, etc., the total amount of claims per patient increased from 1000 I million, three patients more than 30 million total.

It is learned that three patients had more than 10 million claims, the court asked each patient have been prepaid more than 40,000 yuan case acceptance fee. At present, the parents of the three patients had delayed payment of processing fee applications submitted to the court.

Required on the redo of Forensic Sciences Health

Yesterday, the Law on Health, said three plaintiffs in the identification of the conclusions of past medical expenses include costs of other treatments, such as the treatment of hemophilia, and the cost of the Rationality and not the court cross-examination, identification of institutions not past medical expenses arising for classification analysis, not to consider the country, medical insurance and other bear parts, general reference to the past to determine the total cost of future medical treatment costs, the lack of factual and legal basis.

At the same time, the student is also believed that the defendant can not be determined by identification of product defects, and human infection with H IV, HCV and the use of the product between the defendant law before a causal relationship has been identified related to disability level people to do follow-up treatment costs Identification does not make sense, that is, and the case does not have relevance.

In addition, the student is that if the court finds that the current disability rating, the follow-up treatment costs must be identified to require a higher level judicial commission to identify the accreditation bodies, such as the Ministry of Justice Identification Center. In this regard, Chancheng Court judge said at court that required students to re-identified above, the need today to apply in writing within ten days.

Trial hot spot

Knowingly selling defective products are still


Were sold only under strong demand

The student is also said yesterday that in 1995 the Ministry of Health issued the text of the ban, 55, canceled 31 December, 1994 after the approval, then he does not want to produce and sell without virus inactivation of V Ⅲ factors, including the National hemophiliacs the present case, the plaintiff urged the three sales, and offered money over, it sold to the other side.

In this regard, the three plaintiffs, said the parents, the student is July 29, 1995 received 55 paper, the knowledge that V Ⅲ factor product there are serious flaws with the disaster in the interests of the holding in front of luck, not only does not not approval of the V Ⅲ we did the recall, inform the disabled and other remedial work, but continues to sell defective products to the plaintiff, ultimately led to serious catastrophic consequences.

They think, V Ⅲ factor as hemophilia were the only "life-saving medicine", the plaintiff can not avoid the defendant the disastrous consequences of defective products, but this does not mean that the plaintiff became the victim of scientific development in the white rat.

Yesterday's hearing, the three plaintiffs parents also play in court as the student is the parent, legal representative of China Pharmaceutical Group and general manager of She Lulin end of last year with victims of domestic same interview will be open shot video discs, the reporter noted, She Lulin in speech that "the students are really really should, 10000 should not, be due to some, to be destroyed to prohibit the use of (V Ⅲ factor) sold to patients, resulting in the issue, which is a 1000 should not, 10000 should not matter. "

It is reported that when first hearing the case last year, the Ministry of Health AIDS Expert Advisory Committee, the Chinese Association of STD & AIDS Prevention Working Committee Director of Legal Policy Professor Li Dun specially come from Beijing, for the plaintiff to testify in court. The court, Professor Li Dun, said the Health Ministry of Health issued a document in 1995 by banning the production and clinical use without the virus removal or inactivation of blood coagulation factor products category, especially after it was previously known for the use of such blood products infected with HIV, failed to take positive remedial measures, recall of products already shipped, inform the user of the product and their spouses to the hospital for AIDS testing, resulting in increased damage, more inescapable responsibility.

Have written: reporter sea Pengfei


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