

The 2010 TIME 100: The World's Most Influential People



Leaders 领导人

  1. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
  2. J.T. Wang  宏碁董事长王振堂
  3. Admiral Mike Mullen
  4. Barack Obama 奥巴马--美国总统
  5. Ron Bloom
  6. Yukio Hatoyama 鸠山由纪夫--日本首相
  7. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
  8. Nancy Pelosi
  9. Sarah Palin---萨拉·佩林,曾与麦凯恩搭档,参加美国总统竞选
  10. Salam Fayyad
  11. Jon Kyl
  12. Glenn Beck
  13. Annise Parker
  14. Tidjane Thiam
  15. Jenny Beth Martin
  16. Christine Lagarde
  17. Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  18. General Stanley McChrystal
  19. Manmohan Singh
  20. Bo Xilai 薄熙来
  21. Mark Carney
  22. Sister Carol Keehan
  23. Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan
  24. Robin Li 百度CEO李彦宏
  25. Scott Brown


  1. Bill Clinton 比尔 克林顿
  2. Kim Yu-Na
  3. Mir-Hossein Mousavi
  4. Ben Stiller
  5. Temple Grandin
  6. P. Namperumalsamy
  7. Nay Phone Latt
  8. Chen Shu-chu
  9. Phil Mickelson
  10. Didier Drogba
  11. Graça Machel
  12. Reem Al Numery
  13. Sachin Tendulkar
  14. Tristan Lecomte
  15. Liya Kebede
  16. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
  17. Zahra Rahnavard
  18. Jet Li 李连杰
  19. Serena Williams
  20. Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis
  21. Karls Paul-Noel
  22. Rahul Singh
  23. Valentin Abe
  24. Malalai Joya
  25. Will Allen


  1. Lady Gaga
  2. Conan O'Brien
  3. Kathryn Bigelow
  4. Oprah Winfrey
  5. Valery Gergiev
  6. Robert Pattinson
  7. Ashton Kutcher
  8. Suzanne Collins
  9. Taylor Swift
  10. Neil Patrick Harris
  11. Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof
  12. Prince
  13. Lea Michele
  14. Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik
  15. Simon Cowell
  16. Neill Blomkamp
  17. Elton John
  18. Marc Jacobs
  19. David Chang
  20. Banksy
  21. Chetan Bhagat
  22. Sandra Bullock
  23. Ricky Gervais
  24. Han Han 韩寒
  25. James Cameron


Best-selling novelist, champion race-car driver, wasp-tongued enfant terrible of China's literary world — Han Han has been all these things. But the Shanghai native, 27, has vaulted into a unique new role in the past year. In mid-2009, Han became China's most popular blogger. He doesn't focus on the mundane details of his daily life or celebrity gossip. Instead, he zeroes in on the ills of contemporary Chinese society, his barbed posts targeting topics from official venality to the failings of a state-produced movie about Confucius.

So far, Han has been adept at negotiating the authorities' unspoken boundaries on permissible criticism. He is aware of the responsibility that comes with his new prominence. "All of us standing on this stage...should strive to slowly remove those high walls," he wrote in a recent post in which he discussed government restrictions on the Internet. "Then, when the sun shines in, it will be such a light that no one will ever be able to extinguish it again."


“最后说回到所谓的影响力,我经常非常的惭愧,我只是一介书生,也许我的文章让人解气,但除此以外又有什么呢,那虚无缥缈的影响力?在中国,影响力往往就是权力,那些翻云覆雨手,那些让你死,让你活,让你不死不活的人,他们才是真正有影响力的人。但是不知道是因为他们怕搜呢还是不经搜,往往在搜索引擎上还搜不到他们。我们只是站在这个舞台上被灯光照着的小人物。但是这个剧场归他们所有,他们可以随时让这个舞台落下帷幕,熄灭灯光,切断电闸,关门放狗,最后狗过天晴,一切都无迹可寻。我只是希望这些人,真正的善待自己的影响力,而我们每一个舞台上的人,甚至能有当年建造这个剧场的人,争取把四面的高墙和灯泡都慢慢拆除,当阳光洒进来的时候,那种光明,将再也没有人能摁灭。”--han han's blog (据说已成为敏感词)


  1. Zaha Hadid
  2. Elizabeth Warren
  3. Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak
  4. Michael Pollan
  5. Atul Gawande
  6. Jaron Lanier
  7. Victor Pinchuk
  8. Lee Kuan Yew
  9. Deborah Gist
  10. Kathleen Merrigan
  11. Steve Jobs---苹果CEO乔布斯
  12. Tim White
  13. Lisa Jackson
  14. Elon Musk
  15. Edna Foa
  16. Jaime Lerner
  17. Paul Volcker
  18. Amy Smith
  19. Matt Berg
  20. Amartya Sen
  21. Michael Sherraden
  22. Sanjit 'Bunker' Roy
  23. Tim Westergren
  24. David Boies and Theodore Olson
  25. Sonia Sotomayor
