
Ice-cream, and then call ice cream and call "snow cake" again, is a kind of refrigeration the milk make of sweetmeat, one of the food that relieve summer heat familiarly in summer.In it the most simple form, the ice-cream is the ice-cold food which makes use of a familiar food(milk, cream cheese, butter...etc.) to make into with some sweet articles and other seasoning mixtures.They need to decline the environment temperature to to be very low to become by insuring a kind of more loose and soft form and isn't a big ice-cubes after aring hybrid together.The ice-cream that the industry makes into is generally in the molding tool which places hybrid good ice-cream liquid infusion mixture in the ice salt.The ice salt mixture will absorb a great deal of heat in the process of melting, can be very convenient of will already the system good liquid freeze ice-cream.The American federal food laws settles, in the ingredient of ice-cream butter at least is 10/1000.

冰淇淋,又称雪糕、又称 "雪饼",是一种冷冻奶制的甜食,夏季常见的消暑的食品之一。在它最简单的形式中,冰淇淋是利用常见的食品(牛奶、乳酪、奶油等) 与一些甜品和其他调味料混合制成的冰凉食品。将它们混合在一起后需要将环境温度降到非常低,以确保形成一种比较松软的形式而不是一个大冰块。工业制成的冰 淇淋一般是将混合好的冰淇淋液体注入置於冰盐混合物的模具中。冰盐混合物在融化的过程中,将吸收大量的热,可以很方便的将已经制好的液体冷冻成冰淇淋。美 国联邦食品法规定,冰淇淋的成份中奶油至少为千分之十。