乡镇女性成防艾"盲点" 农村防治艾滋病性病形势严峻
【时间: 2010年04月17日 】【来源: 西江都市报】【作者:罗新云】【编辑:梁馨予】
【時間: 2010年04月17日】【來源: 西江都市報】【作者:羅新雲】【編輯:梁馨予】
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鄉鎮女性成防艾"盲點" 農村防治艾滋病性病形勢嚴峻
Rural women into AIDS prevention "blind spots" grim situation of AIDS prevention in rural areas
【Time: April 17, 2010】 【Source:】 【of Xijiang Metropolis: Luo Xinyun】 【Editor: Liang Xin I】
Reporter from the recently held in Wuzhou City in 2010 working meeting on women and children, in 2009 the city part of the township of women infected with HIV, the rate of increase significantly the proportion of sexually transmitted diseases. Relevant analysis, a relatively primitive medical facilities in rural areas, the rural masses lack of knowledge is an important factor leading to this phenomenon.
It was noted that the city part of the county, township and female sexually transmitted HIV cases is up sharply. If Cangwu County in 2009 to 209 cases of venereal disease cases, compared with an increase of 55.97 percent in 2006, AIDS, venereal disease prevention and control situation is very grim.
Wuzhou Center for Disease Control AIDS Prevention and Control Section, Chung Chien said that rural women sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infections increased, one of the reasons is due to increased male migrant workers, some of them back to the venereal disease, AIDS virus, which infected his wife, of course, does not exclude other means of transmission. Staff carrying out research work in the discovery of AIDS, rural health care facilities in the relative backwardness of women in some rural AIDS patients with very little knowledge about AIDS, rural women's awareness of the fight against AIDS needs to be improved. Hence, all the hospital to carry out widespread free testing for AIDS, and mobilize the initiatives of rural women to the medical sector for correlation to strengthen AIDS prevention from the source.