Polo boots short story

The basic characteristics of a polo boots would be that it is made only from the best pique knit fabric that gives you the most comfortable wearing experience and it's also a very breathable fabric that keeps your body cool through hot days. As it was traditionally used by polo players solely, during games and matches, it was never thought to be worn outside of a polo game until a brave one, Rene Lacoste, picked one out while she hit the courts to play tennis in 1926.
After she retired from the game, she started her own line of clothing, hence the brand Lacoste by producing polo boots, her all time favourite sportswear. It can be said that Lacoste was one of the first brands to launch the boots but you must know that it was created long before that. So then started the manufacturing of polo shoes by the bulk from the land of France first in 1933 and then slowly it hit the sands of the United States in 1950s. Polo shirts picked up a trend from here on and people started wearing them casually as you see in times of today.
Polo boots, as you may have become a famous wear for all sorts of events, days, types of functions and so on. It caters for men and women and is also available for kids today. It being called polo comes from the fact that it was the polo players in the 1800s that came up with this shoes design and wore them for their games and soon it spread through golf, tennis and now casual wear too.