


2010-03-09 07:00:00 来源: 都市时报(昆明)



(本文来源:都市时报 ) 

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  • 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
  • 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
  • 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
  • 三合皂甙,康生丹片

    2010-03-09 07:00:00 來源: 都市時報(昆明)



    (本文來源:都市時報 )

    AIDS-prone areas proposed mandatory premarital examination
    2010-03-09 07:00:00 Source: City Times (Kunming)
    Accredited on behalf of the Bi-Dong Fu Xing-Bo Yang Junsong from Beijing People's Congress of proposals to further reform and pre-marital medical examination system, some areas can be implemented mandatory premarital examination.

    Yangjun Song said, "Marriage Law" stipulates that "suffering from medically unfit for marriage," prohibit marriage, but not clearly specify the type of disease. Mandatory Premarital Medical Examination after the abolition of marriage registration only need to show both sides of the ID card, residence booklet and other proof of their identity, residence of the materials, the health status of the two sides are not close examination, that no marriage how to prove their own health situation? How to examine the suffering against the "Marriage Law" provisions of the disease? The existing Marriage Registration Ordinance, contrary to the operating procedures with the Dharma, and there are some loopholes in the verification and should be improved. She believes that the marriage registration department of civil affairs must strictly scrutinize the registration of both sides issued a valid medical certificate.

    She suggested that the contents of an unsuitable design of the project is now pre-marital examination, the project becomes uniform, the specific is not strong, the lack of specificity, with little difference between the general health check and lost its unique, targeted functions. Should be reasonable to set pre-marital examination content, to provide personalized medical examination items; pre-marital examination personal privacy issues, but pre-marital examination institutions were not strict confidentiality management system, resulting in a lot of people deliberately evasive, unwilling to accept pre-marital examination. Marriage registration department and pre-marital examination institutions to fully respect personal privacy and right to information, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties marital physical examination. In addition to the provisions of laws and regulations, the institutions are not allowed to pre-marital examination antemarital examination of parties other than the department or individual disclosure of pre-marital examination results; in cost, each couple's pre-marital examination will review the basic project cost about 140 yuan, for some poor, low-income groups, the is still a not a small fee. Should be based on different areas, with people, at their own expense, free, voluntary, mandatory pre-marital examination combined. Such as AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases are more serious, can be implemented mandatory premarital examination, for poverty-stricken areas and the implementation of appropriate subsidies to low-income populations.

    (This article Source: City Times)


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