预防治疗双管齐下 全球艾滋病疫情趋稳定

预防治疗双管齐下 全球艾滋病疫情趋稳定


预防治疗双管齐下 全球艾滋病疫情趋稳定

2010年03月05日07:56  来源:人民网-《人民日报》

  人民网巴西利亚、约翰内斯堡3月4日电 (记者吴志华、裴广江)第六届中美洲艾滋病大会1日至5日在哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞举行。会上有关艾滋病防治经验、保障艾滋病感染者权益,特别是青少年预防艾滋病等议题,再次引起人们对艾滋病疫情的关注。


























2010年03月05日07:56 來源:人民網-《人民日報》







巴西的最新調查表明,1982年至2009年6月底,巴西有近1.2萬名13歲至19歲的青少年感染艾滋病,其中女性與男性患者的比例從1986年的1∶15發展到8∶10 據估計,超過70%的女性感染者的感染原因是不安全性行為。在15歲至49歲的育齡婦女中,感染艾滋病已經成為患病或死亡的主要原因之一。




調查報告顯示,撒哈拉以南非洲地區仍是受艾滋病影響最嚴重的地區。 2008年,該地區的艾滋病感染人數約為2240萬,佔全球感染總人數的67%;死於艾滋病相關疾病的人數約為140萬,佔全球艾滋病死亡總數的72%。艾滋病對該地區的家庭、商業和公共服務乃至國家經濟帶來了嚴重影響。












盧西安娜是一名20歲出頭的母親,其母在懷她時因輸血感染了艾滋病毒,使盧西安娜生來就成了艾滋病毒攜帶者。 20年來,她堅持不斷地接受“雞尾酒療法”的治療,病情得到了有效控制,血液中的艾滋病病毒數量逐年減少。如今的她,是一名健康嬰兒的媽媽。

近年來,原本在拉美國家中疫情最嚴重的巴西,由於防控措施得當,在抗擊艾滋病的行動中取得了很大成績。 1998年至2008年,全國艾滋病感染者的比例下降了64.4%,每10萬人感染艾滋病的病例從原來的34.3例下降到12.2例。根據巴西全國防治艾滋病計劃,政府指定了一些藥廠生產抗艾滋病藥物,並免費發放給感染者使用。巴西每年要為感染者免費發放3000多萬份藥物。


A two-pronged global AIDS epidemic prevention and treatment to stabilize

At 07:56 on March 5, 2010 Source: People's Network - "People's Daily"

People's Network in Brasilia, Johannesburg, March 4 (Xinhua Louis Ng, Pei Guang Jiang) at its sixth Central American AIDS Conference from 1 to 5 was held in Costa Rica's capital San Jose. Conference on AIDS prevention and control experience, to protect the rights of HIV-infected persons, especially young people to prevent AIDS and other issues, has once again aroused people's concern about the AIDS epidemic.

The proportion of women increased

UNAIDS announced plan of action, focused on solving the issue of women infected with HIV

During the Congress, on the 3rd of UNAIDS released a 5-year action plan focused on solving the issue of women infected with HIV, the AIDS epidemic and will take measures to improve the collection and analysis in order to strengthen prevention of disease.

In the past 10 years, have emerged in many parts of the world's HIV-infected women in the proportion of all infected persons upward trend. According to statistics, the number of women infected with HIV accounted for nearly half of the total number of global infections, or about 15.7 million cases. In sub-Saharan Africa, 60% of people living with HIV are women, and young age of infected women is three times more men infected person.

Haiti is the Caribbean country with the largest number of people infected with HIV. In the event of a major earthquake before, Haiti, 12 million AIDS infected people, of which 53% are women.

Brazil's latest survey shows that from 1982 to the end of June 2009, Brazil has nearly 12000 13-year-old to 19-year-olds infected with HIV, of which the ratio of female and male patients from 1986 1:15 to 8:10 the development of . It is estimated that more than 70% of women infected with the infection due to unsafe sexual behavior. The age of 15 to 49-year-old women of childbearing age, infection with AIDS has become one of the major illness or death.

Deteriorating trend under control

To AIDS prevention and treatment of HIV-infected persons, protection combined, effectively controlling the epidemic trend of deterioration

According to UNAIDS survey, in 2008 the total number of people infected with HIV around the world reached 33.4 million, of which 2.7 million new HIV infected persons. It is estimated that Latin America in 2008 there are two million people living with HIV, including 170,000 new cases that year. The agency's investigation report said that the figures indicate that the epidemic situation in the development of the Latin American region was stable, largely due to the region, many countries have developed effective and feasible prevention and control policy, AIDS prevention and treatment of HIV-infected persons protection combined effectively contain the epidemic trend of deterioration.

Survey, sub-Saharan Africa remains the worst affected by the epidemic areas. In 2008, the number of HIV infections in the region of about 22.4 million, accounting for the total number of global infections and 67%; died of AIDS-related diseases, there were about 1.4 million, accounting for the total number of global AIDS deaths 72%. AIDS in the region of the domestic, commercial and public services as well as the national economy severely affected.

Central America is second only to sub-Saharan Africa hardest hit by the epidemic, the proportion of adults infected with the second-highest ranking in the region. Central American AIDS epidemic prevention agency staff said that poverty and lack of education is the spread of AIDS in this region the main reason.

Free treatment to alleviate the epidemic

Since many people have benefited from free medical treatment, the number of African countries, a substantial decline in new infections

Many African countries are actively fight against AIDS, and has made more remarkable achievement. The implementation of related measures in the region decline in new HIV infection rates, number of new infections in 2008 compared with the peak in 1995 declined by about 25%. This is mainly due to multi-national government has increased investment in the fight against AIDS, many people received free medical treatment.

The end of 2008, sub-Saharan Africa the proportion of drug treatment to be up 44%, while five years ago, the figure was only 2%. In Kenya, access to treatment due to the rising number of AIDS deaths, like in most parts of the world, showing a clear downward trend.

At present, South Africa remains the world's population infected with HIV than any other country, in 2007, when approximately 5.7 million people are infected. However, since 2009, South Africa, the new government has increased the publicity in the fight against AIDS inputs, television and roads adjacent to the prevention of AIDS, often see public service ads.

Late last year, South African President Jacob Zuma said the government has launched the national implementation of the mobilization plan where all are encouraged to accept HIV testing in order to carry out effective prevention and control.

In addition, starting in April this year, South Africa, all under the age of an HIV-infected children will receive free medical treatment. In the meantime, the South African government has also reduced the right people with TB are also infected with AIDS and those who provide free treatment threshold.

Luxianna Story

Although the birth was HIV-positive, but now she is the mother of a healthy baby

Brazil has many effective fight against AIDS success story.

Luxianna in his early, a 20-year-old mother, pregnant with her mother in HIV-infected blood transfusion, so that became Luxianna born with HIV. 20 years, she insisted on constantly to accept the "cocktail therapy" treatment, the condition has been effectively controlled in the blood decreasing the number of AIDS virus. Today, she is a healthy baby's mother.

In recent years, originally in Latin American countries, the most serious epidemic in Brazil, due to adopt appropriate measures for prevention and control, the operation in the fight against AIDS, has made great achievements. From 1998 to 2008, the national AIDS proportion of infected persons decreased by 64.4% every 10 million people infected with AIDS cases dropped from the original 34.3 cases to 12.2 cases. According to the Brazilian National AIDS Program, the Government appointed a number of pharmaceutical companies producing anti-AIDS drugs, and distributed free of charge for the use of infected persons. Infected persons in Brazil every year for free distribution of more than 3000 million of drugs.

In the intensive treatment at the same time, the Brazilian Government recognizes that the fight against AIDS should be on prevention. To this end, the Brazilian Government has adopted various measures to strengthen AIDS prevention efforts. Preganglionic carnival every year, the Brazilian health sector, condoms should be distributed free of charge to the community. During the carnival in February of this year, the Brazilian government distributed free of charge to the community 55 million condoms. In addition, the government also decided to free distribution of condoms in the country's high schools, and youth to strengthen AIDS prevention education.



[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-3-5    文章录入:nnb ]