据中国医药报北京讯 北京协和医院研究发现,艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者较健康人群更易发生周围血管动脉粥样硬化性疾病,但使用特定的鸡尾酒疗法方案可以改善、预防或延缓周围血管疾病的发生。这一研究成果发表在2月最新一期的国际著名刊物《艾滋病杂志》上。 既往研究已明确HIV感染可显著增加冠状动脉疾病的风险,但是否增加周围血管动脉粥样硬化尚不明确。为了找到HIV感染与外周动脉粥样硬化之间的关系,北京协和医院感染科李太生教授与心内科曾勇等选取41例未经治疗的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者、41例接受了鸡尾酒治疗的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者,以及43位健康对照者为研究对象,进行了经典心血管危险因素、HIV感染指标以及用于诊断外周动脉疾病的脉搏波速度(PWV)及踝臂指数(ABI)等指标的检测。 PWV指数是目前较公认的测定动脉弹性功能的方法之一,ABI指数是踝部动脉收缩压与上臂动脉收缩压之比,临床上主要用于诊断下肢外周动脉疾病,与心脑血管疾病事件发生具有良好的相关性。PWV指数越高,表明血管的弹性越差;ABI指数越低,表明患病风险越大。研究数据表明:未经治疗的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者PWV指数显著高于正常,而ABI指数低于对照组,提示HIV感染可明显增加动脉粥样硬化疾病的风险。数据还表明:经过鸡尾酒疗法治疗的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者的PWV指数比未经治疗者明显下降,而ABI指数有所回升,提示特定的鸡尾酒疗法方案有望改善、预防或延缓外周血管疾病的发生。此外,多因素回归分析显示,HIV感染是降低ABI的独立风险因素,即HIV感染是外周血管动脉粥样硬化的独立危险因素。这也就意味着,HIV感染者和艾滋病患者更容易发生如高血压、脑梗塞或脑出血等严重威胁患者存活的血管疾病。 课题组负责人李太生教授介绍说,“鸡尾酒疗法的广泛使用,极大地延长了艾滋病患者的寿命,使我们有机会对长期感染HIV者的继发疾病展开深入的研究。本研究提示我们,应对HIV感染者和艾滋病患者易发生外周血管动脉粥样硬化疾病的情况予以关注,并积极采取措施预防和延缓其发生。” |
来源:中国医药报 |
作者:段文利 |
责编:江水 |
PWV指數是目前較公認的測定動脈彈性功能的方法之一,ABI指數是踝部動脈收縮壓與上臂動脈收縮壓之比,臨床上主要用於診斷下肢外周動脈疾病,與心腦血管疾病事件發生具有良好的相關性。 PWV指數越高,表明血管的彈性越差;ABI指數越低,表明患病風險越大。研究數據表明:未經治療的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者PWV指數顯著高於正常,而ABI指數低於對照組,提示HIV感染可明顯增加動脈粥樣硬化疾病的風險。數據還表明:經過雞尾酒療法治療的HIV感染者和艾滋病患者的PWV指數比未經治療者明顯下降,而ABI指數有所回升,提示特定的雞尾酒療法方案有望改善、預防或延緩外周血管疾病的發生。此外,多因素回歸分析顯示,HIV感染是降低ABI的獨立風險因素,即HIV感染是外周血管動脈粥樣硬化的獨立危險因素。這也就意味著,HIV感染者和艾滋病患者更容易發生如高血壓、腦梗塞或腦出血等嚴重威脅患者存活的血管疾病。
HIV infection is peripheral atherosclerosis independent risk factor for
March 2, 2010
It is reported that Beijing Chinese Medicine News Beijing Union Medical College Hospital study found that AIDS virus (HIV) infection compared with healthy people more likely to have peripheral vascular atherosclerotic disease, but using a specific cocktail therapy programs could be improved, to prevent or delay peripheral vascular disease, occurred. This research result was published in February the latest issue of the internationally renowned journal "AIDS 杂志" 上.
Past research has clearly HIV infection can significantly increase the risk of coronary artery disease, but whether the increase in peripheral vascular atherosclerosis is not clear. In order to find HIV infection and peripheral atherosclerosis in the relationship between the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Department of Infectious Diseases Professor Li Taisheng courage and heart and other internal medicine has selected 41 patients with untreated HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients, 41 patients received the cocktail treatment for HIV infected persons and AIDS patients, as well as 43 healthy controls for the study, carried out the classic cardiovascular risk factors, HIV infection indicators, and used to diagnose peripheral arterial disease, pulse wave velocity (PWV) and ankle-brachial index (ABI) and other indicators of testing.
PWV index is now more recognized as the determination of arterial elasticity function of one of the methods, ABI is the ankle systolic blood pressure index and arm ratio of systolic blood pressure in clinical practice is mainly used for diagnosis of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease events occur has a good correlation. The higher the PWV index, indicating the flexibility of blood vessels worse; ABI lower index, indicating that the greater risk. The data shows that: without the treatment of HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients PWV index was significantly higher than normal, while the ABI index is lower than the control group, suggesting that HIV infection can be significantly increased atherosclerotic disease risk. The data also show that: After a cocktail therapy for HIV-infected people and AIDS patients untreated PWV index were significantly decreased, while the ABI index rebounded, suggesting that a specific cocktail program is expected to improve, prevent or delay the occurrence of peripheral vascular disease . In addition, multivariate regression analysis showed that, HIV infection is an independent risk factor for lower ABI, that HIV infection is a peripheral vascular atherosclerosis independent risk factor. This means that, HIV infected persons and AIDS patients more vulnerable to problems like hypertension, cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage such as a serious threat to the survival of patients with vascular disease.
Research Group Leader Professor Li Taisheng, said, "cocktail therapy widely used, greatly extending the life of AIDS patients so that we have the opportunity to long-term infection of those with secondary disease, HIV-depth research. This study indicates that we are to cope with HIV infected persons and AIDS patients prone to peripheral vascular disease, atherosclerosis to be concerned about the situation and to actively take measures to prevent and delay its occurrence. "
Source: China Pharmaceutical News
Author: DUAN Wen-li
Zebian: river