一。病毒生存時間 艾滋病病毒對溫度很敏感,56℃30分鐘時間就能殺滅它,溫度越高,生存時間越短;許多化學物質很容易殺滅它,20%的酒精、2.5%漂白粉液只要5分鐘浸泡,就可以完全殺滅它;我們飲食中吃的油鹽醬醋和胃中的胃液都能殺死艾滋病病毒;完整無破損的皮膚是防禦艾滋病病毒入侵最好的屏障;除了黑猩猩能得艾滋病外,其他任何動物和昆蟲都不會感染艾滋病毒,所以與日常生活中的家禽家畜接觸或被跳蚤、蝨子、蚊子等叮咬都沒有被傳染上艾滋病的危險。另外,艾滋病病毒感染者的唾液和淚液中可含有病毒,但含量很低,但這種病毒在空氣中存活時間很短,而且必須直接接觸到對方的傷口或直接進入到血液中才能感染,所以通過咳嗽、打噴嚏的呼吸道傳播是不可能的。 艾滋病病毒的特性 在室溫下,液體環境中的HIV可以存活15天,被HIV污染的物品至少在3天內有傳染性。近年來,一些研究機構證明,離體血液中HIV病毒的存活時間決定於離體血液中病毒的含量,病毒含量高的血液,在未乾的情況下,即使在室溫中放置96小時,仍然具有活力。即使是針尖大小一滴血,如果遇到新鮮的淋巴細胞,艾滋病毒仍可在其中不斷複製,仍可以傳播。病毒含量低的血液,經過自然乾涸2小時後,活力才喪失;而病毒含量高的血液,即使乾涸2-4小時,一旦放入培養液中,遇到淋巴細胞,仍然可以進入其中,繼續複製。所以,含有HIV的離體血液可以造成感染。但是HIV非常脆弱,液體中的HIV加熱到56度10分鐘即可滅活。如果煮沸,可以迅速滅活;37度時,用70%的酒精、10%漂白粉、2%戊二醛、4%福爾馬林、35%異丙醇、0.5%來蘇水和0.3%過氧化氫等消毒劑處理10分鐘,即可滅活HIV。 儘管艾滋病毒見縫就鑽,這些病毒也有弱點,它們只能在血液和體液中活的細胞中生存,不能在空氣中、水中和食物中存活,離開了這些血液和體液,這些病毒會很快死亡。只有帶病毒的血液或體液從一個人體內直接進入到另一個人體內時才能傳播。它也和乙肝病毒一樣,進入消化道後就會被消化道內的蛋白酶所破壞。因此,日常生活中的接觸,如:握手,接吻,共餐,生活在同一房間或辦公室,接觸電話、門把、便具,接觸汗液或淚液等都不會感染艾滋病。 艾滋病病毒對疾病的影響 HIV (艾滋病病毒)代表人類免疫缺陷病毒。一個人感染了HIV 以後,此病毒就開始攻擊人體免疫系統,人體免疫系統的一個功能是擊退疾病。經過幾年, HIV 削弱了免疫系統,這個時候,人體就會感染上機會性感染病,如,肺炎,腦膜炎,肺結核。一旦有機會性感染髮生,這個人就被認為是患了艾滋病。艾滋病( AIDS )代表獲得性免疫缺陷綜合徵。艾滋病本身不是一種病,而是一種無法抵抗其它疾病的狀態或綜合徵狀。人不會死於艾滋病,而是會死於與艾滋病相關的疾病。 艾滋病病毒的感染 艾滋病病毒感染者是指已經感染了艾滋病病毒,但是還沒有表現出明顯的臨床症狀,沒有被確診為艾滋病的人;艾滋病病人指的是已經感染了艾滋病病毒,並且已經出現了明顯的臨床症狀,被確診為艾滋病的人。二者之間的相同之處在於都攜帶艾滋病病毒,都具有傳染性。不同之處在於艾滋病病人已經出現了明顯的臨床症狀,而艾滋病病毒感染者還沒有出現明顯的臨床症狀,外表看起來跟健康人一樣。這一時期叫做潛伏期,潛伏期為無症狀感染期,本期除HIV抗體陽性外,無自覺症狀和陽性體徵。潛伏期長短不一,半年到12年不等,少數可達20年以上。艾滋病病毒在人體內的潛伏期平均為6年。 根據艾滋病病毒的生物學特性和它的生存情況,我們可以知道艾滋病病毒通過呼吸道、消化道和完整皮膚的接觸是不會傳播的。據此,下列情況是不可能傳播艾滋病的:①集會、遊行、看電影、逛商店或在人群眾多擁擠的場所;②幼兒院,學校集體學習和生活的環境;③公共娛樂和服務場所:公共浴池、公共廁所、理髮館、美容廳、賓館和旅社、游泳他、餐廳和食堂;④與艾滋病病毒感染者社交性的接觸,如共同進餐、談話、乘車或禮節性的握手、擁抱和接吻都不會被感染;⑤蒼蠅、蚊子能傳播一些傳染病,但它們不會傳播艾滋病,因為艾滋病不會在這些昆蟲體內生存。所以,即使與艾滋病病人同居一室,也不用擔心會被蚊子叮咬而相互傳染。 了解了上面的一些情況後,我們在日常的工作和生活中,也不必過分的擔憂和恐懼了。 二。診斷標準 若抗體陽性者體重減輕、發熱、腹瀉症狀接近上述第1項時,可為實驗確診艾滋病病人。 1.艾滋病病毒抗體陽性,又具有下述任何一項者,可為實驗確診艾滋病病人。 (1)近期內(3-6個月)體重減輕10%以上,且持續發熱達38℃一個月以上; (2)近期內(3-6個月)體重減輕10%以上,且持續腹瀉(每日達3-5次)一個月以上。 (3)卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎(PCR) (4)卡波濟肉瘤KS。 (5)明顯的黴菌或其他條件致病感染。 2.若抗體陽性者體重減輕、發熱、腹瀉症狀接近上述第1項時,可為實驗確診艾滋病病人。 (1)CD4/CD8(輔助/抑制)淋巴細胞計數比值<1,CD4細胞計數下降; (2)全身淋巴結腫大; (3)明顯的中樞神經系統佔位性病變的症狀和體徵,出現癡呆,辯別能力喪失,或運動神經功能障礙。 三。預防 〔一〕、特異性預防 1。隨著1993年美國CDC分類診斷標準,擴大了AIDS的診斷範圍,有利於AIDS的預防及治療,依據CD4T淋巴細胞減少,給予一定的投藥; 2。艾滋病疫苗:美國對含有gp120成份的兩種艾滋病疫苗進行了第二期296人的試驗,由於已有6人發生了感染,而暫時終止。泰國進行UBI合成疫苗試驗; 3。阻斷母嬰傳播:CD4+T 淋巴細胞>;200/μl的艾滋病孕婦,用AIT於產前,產程內及嬰兒治療,有一定的保護效果。 〔二〕、綜合預防 1。普及宣傳艾滋病的預防知識,了解傳播途徑和臨床表現及預防方法; 2。加強道德教育,禁止濫交,尤其與外籍人員性亂行為,取締暗娼; 3。避免與HIV感染者、艾滋病病人及高危人群發生性接觸; 4。禁止與靜脈藥隱者共用注射器、針頭; 5。使用進口血液,血液成份及血液製品時,必須進行HIV檢測; 6。國內供血者嚴格排選,應逐步做到檢測HIV陰性方能供血,嚴防HIV傳播; 7。獻血、獻器官、組織及精液者應做HIV檢測; 8。建立艾滋病檢測中心; 9。提倡使用避孕套和避免肛交; 10。艾滋病或HIV感染者應避免妊娠,出生嬰兒應避免母乳喂養。 四。 【傳染途徑】 艾滋病傳染主要是通過性行為,體液的交流而傳播。體液主要有:精液,血液,陰道分泌物,乳汁、腦脊液和有神經症狀者的腦組織中。其他體液中,如眼淚、唾液和汗液,存在的數量很少,一般不會導致艾滋病的傳播。 唾液傳播艾滋病病毒的可能性非常小。所以一般接吻是不會傳播的。但是如果健康的一方口腔內有傷口,或者破裂的地方,同時艾滋病病人口內也有破裂的地方,雙方接吻,艾滋病病毒就有可能通過血液而傳染。汗液是不會傳播艾滋病病毒的。艾滋病病人接觸過的物體也不可能傳播艾滋病病毒的。但是艾滋病病人用過的剃刀,牙刷等,可能有少量艾滋病病人的血液;毛巾上可能有精液。如果和病人共用個人衛生用品,就可能被傳染。因為性亂交而得艾滋病的病人往往還有其他性病,如果和他們共用個人衛生用品,即使不會被感染艾滋病,也可能感染其他疾病。所以個人衛生用品不應該和別人共用。 一般的接觸並不能傳染艾滋病,所以艾滋病患者在生活當中不應受到歧視,如共同進餐、握手等都不會傳染艾滋病。艾滋病病人吃過的菜,喝過的湯是不會傳染艾滋病病毒的。艾滋病病毒非常脆弱,在離開人體,如果暴露在空氣中,沒有幾分鐘就會死亡。 (1)性交傳播 艾滋病病毒可通過性交傳播。生殖器患有性病(如梅毒、淋病、尖銳濕疣)或潰瘍時,會增加感染病毒的危險。艾滋病病毒感染者的精液或陰道分泌物中有大量的病毒,通過肛門性交,陰道性交,就會傳播病毒。口交傳播的機率非常小,除非健康一方口腔內有傷口,或者破裂的地方,艾滋病病毒就可能通過血液或者精液傳染。一般來說,接受肛交的人被感染的可能非常大。因為肛門的內部結構比較薄弱,直腸的腸壁較陰道壁更容易破損,精液裡面的病毒就可能通過這些小傷口,進入未感染者體內繁殖。這就是為什麼男同性戀比女同性戀者更加容易的艾滋病病毒的原因。這也就是為什麼在發現艾滋病病毒的早期,被有些人誤認為是同性戀特有的疾病。由於現在艾滋病病毒傳播到全世界,艾滋病已經不在是同性戀的專有疾病了。 (2)血液傳播 輸血傳播:如果血液裡有艾滋病病毒,輸入此血者將會被感染。血液製品傳播:有些病人(例如血友病)需要注射由血液中提起的某些成份製成的生物製品。有些血液製品中有可能有艾滋病病毒,使用血液製品就有可能感染上HIV。 在1980年代及1990年代,因為驗血的時候還沒有包括對艾滋病的檢驗,所以有很多普通的病人因為接受輸血,而被感染艾滋病病毒。現如今,全世界都已經認識到這個問題,所以在發達國家因為接受輸血而感染艾滋病病毒的可能性幾乎是零。 (3)共用針具的傳播: 使用不潔針具可以使艾滋病毒從一個人傳到另一個人。例如:靜脈吸毒者共用針具;醫院裡重複使用針具,吊針等。不光是艾滋病病毒,其他疾病(例如:肝炎)也可能通過針具而傳播。另外,使用被血液污染而又未經嚴格消毒的注射器、針灸針、拔牙工具,都是十分危險的。所以在有些西方國家,政府還有專門給吸毒者發放免費針具的部門,就是為了防止艾滋病的傳播。 (4)母嬰傳播 如果母親是艾滋病感染者,那麼她很有可能會在懷孕、分娩過程或是通過母乳喂養使她的孩子受到感染。但是,如果母親在懷孕期間,服用有關抗艾滋病的藥品,嬰兒感染艾滋病病毒的可能就會降低很多,甚至完全健康。有艾滋病病毒的母親絕對不可以用自己母乳喂養孩子。 艾滋病雖然很可怕,但該病毒的傳播力並不是很強,它不會通過我們日常的活動來傳播,也就是說,我們不會經淺吻、握手、擁抱、共餐、共用辦公用品、共用廁所、游泳池、共用電話、打噴嚏等,而感染,甚至照料病毒感染者或艾滋病患者都沒有關係。 為什麼蚊蟲不會傳染艾滋病病毒? 蚊蟲的叮咬可能傳播其他疾病(例如:黃熱病,瘧疾等),但是不會傳播艾滋病病毒。因為,當它們叮咬一個人的時候,它們並不會將自己或者前面那個被吸過血的人血液注入。相反,它們將自己的唾液注入,這樣可以防止此人的血液發生自然凝固。而且艾滋病病毒在昆蟲體內只會生存很短的時間,不會在昆蟲體內不斷繁殖。昆蟲本身也不會得艾滋病。 五。 【疾病防治】 防止艾滋病的最簡單的辦法就是每次性交的時候,為了避免有體液的交流,一定用避孕套。所以在西方一些國家,有些學校和組織都發放免費的避孕套。但是沒有必要同時使用二個避孕套,反而容易造成破裂。吸毒者,絕對不可以和別人共用針具。艾滋病病毒不會通過空氣、食物、水等一般日常生活接觸傳播。艾滋病的傳播主要與人類的社會行為有關,完全可以通過規範人們的社會行為而被阻斷,是能夠預防的。 六。 【易感人群】 人們經過研究分析,已清楚地發現了哪些人易患艾滋病, 並把易患艾滋病的這個人群統稱為艾滋病易感高危人群,又稱之為易感人群。艾滋病的易感人群主要是指男性同性戀者、靜脈吸毒成癮者、血友病患者,接受輸血及其它血製品者、 與以上高危人群有性關係者等。 (1).男性同性戀者 包括雙性戀者因為肛交,所以是艾滋病的高危人群。但同性戀不等於艾滋病! (2).吸毒者 經靜脈注射毒品成癮者約佔全部艾滋病病例的15%~17%,主要是因為他們在吸毒過程中反複使用了未經消毒或消毒不徹底的注射器、針頭,而其中被艾滋病毒污染的注射器具無疑造成了艾滋病在吸毒者中的流行和傳播,使吸毒者成為第二個最大的艾滋病危險人群。濫用成癮性藥物和毒品是艾滋病多發和流行的一個重要原因。在歐美使用毒品的風氣盛行並逐漸蔓延到亞洲(特別是泰國),據美國國家毒品濫用問題研究所最近作出的調查報告指出,在全美國2.4億人口中,約有1億人非法使用過毒品, 有3000萬到4000萬人經常使用一種或多種毒品,另有200萬人經常使用迷幻藥,而迷幻藥可直接抑制免疫系統的功能。在亞洲的泰國,估計有10萬靜脈吸毒者,其中75%在曼谷。有不少吸毒者同時又是同性戀者或其他性淫亂者,艾滋病在這些危險因素重疊者中發病更多。美國吸毒人群中艾滋病抗體陽性者約40萬人之多,男性為女性的兩倍,另外據報導,與男性吸毒者有性接觸史的婦女,艾滋病發病率比一般人群高30多倍,表明因吸毒而引起的艾滋病發病率之高。但在不同地區,因社會文化、風俗和生活方式的不同,因吸毒而染上艾滋病毒的比例也大不一樣。美國大部分艾滋病人來自男性同性戀者和雙性戀人,而在歐洲來自吸毒的艾滋病患者較多,比如因注射吸毒成癮者而受感染的在意大利特別高,在羅馬、馬蘭等大城市中,估計約為20%~70%。據1986年的資料,在意大利有51%的艾滋病是來自註射吸毒者;在西班牙48%的艾滋病患者來自吸毒者,瑞典為32%~ 42%,而在美國則為17%。由於吸毒者使用未消毒的針頭,還可染上其他傳染病如乙型肝炎等,並對免疫功能造成直接損害作用,從而使吸毒者更易成為艾滋病的攻擊者。 (3).血友病患者 第三大易感人群為血友病患者,在所有艾滋病患者中,因血友病而感染病毒的佔1%左右。因為血友病是一種因體內缺乏凝血因子Ⅷ而得的疾病,如果不輸入外源性凝血因子Ⅷ,則病人可以在受輕微外傷後就流血不止。據報導,凝血因子Ⅷ主要存在於治療血友病的血液製品凍乾濃縮製劑中。而這種凍乾濃縮製劑是近年的產品,暴露於傳染性病原體的危險性較大,每一批號濃縮劑來自2000 至5000個不同供血者的血漿,目前在美國約有6%~8 %的供血者帶有艾滋病毒,故有許多例子證明用美國生產的凝血因子Ⅷ引起血友病病人感染艾滋病。據統計,接受這種因子Ⅷ 治療的A型血的血友病人,血清艾滋病抗體陽性率高達60% ~90%。在我國大陸曾有數例因使用因子Ⅷ而染上艾滋病的報導;在香港的一次調查中,有71.2%的感染者為血友病患者。另外,根據對血友病的檢測分析,普通血友病患者本身機體中淋巴細胞成份已有輕度失調,這種免疫功能本身就有輕度異常的患者,就更易感染上艾滋病病毒。 (4).接受輸血或血液製品者 除了抗血友病製劑外,其他血液與血液製品(濃縮血細胞、血小板、冷凍新鮮血漿)的輸注也與艾滋病的傳播有關。首次報告的與輸血相關的艾滋病患者是一名嬰兒,該嬰兒接受了1名艾滋病病人提供的血液後發病。最近,有人總結了美國18例與輸血有關的艾滋病病例的資料,這18例患者從接受輸血到臨床症狀出現的時間為10~43個月(平均24.5個月) 出現卡波濟氏肉瘤的時間是在受血後16個月。這18例艾滋病病例分別接受了濃縮血細胞(16例)、冷凍血漿(12例)、全血(9例)和血小板(8例)。在調查中至少發現8名供血者屬於艾滋病危險人群。所以受血者受染與否與供血者是否艾滋病人或是否屬艾滋病危險人群有關。另據廣州衛生檢所在1986年9月至1989年期間對我國進口的10批丙種球蛋白進行艾滋病毒檢測,其中有8份(80%)艾滋病抗體陽性,這表明使用進口丙種球蛋白者也可成為艾滋病毒感染對象。 因為現在全世界已經認識到這個問題,所以以上二類病人因為輸血而得艾滋病病毒的機率是越來越小了。 (5).與高危人群有性關係者 與上述高危人群有性關係者是艾滋病的又一易感人群。同性戀的易感性在前面已提過,這裡主要講一下與高危人群有異性性關係者對艾滋病的易感性。有許多例子可以證明艾滋病可以在異性性生活中相互傳播。有人報告過兩例非靜脈吸毒成癮者的女性艾滋病患者,她們也沒有輸血史,但是她們都有固定的男性艾滋病患者的性夥伴,儘管這種性關係是在男患者診斷之前就已存在,但是輕症或無症狀的艾滋病同樣有傳染性。與同性戀者、血友病患者、受血者、靜脈吸毒者等高危人群發生性關係都可能染上艾滋病,因而成為艾滋病傳播的易感人群。另據我國10個省市性病及艾滋病感染聯合調查組最近報導,對性病高危人群中的2687人進行了分析統計,男性1027名,佔38.2%,女性1660名,佔61.8%、 15~29歲年齡組的2119名,佔78.9%,平均年齡24.3%歲。在2687名被調查者中,發現性病患者885例,以淋病為主(佔74.3%),女性患病率(34.0%),是男性(16.0%)的2.1 倍,2687人中,艾滋病抗體雖然全部陰性,但是為艾滋病發病危險人群。如有艾滋病流行,這批人將為主要發病對象。 (6).艾滋病的其他高發人群 艾滋病從理論上說任何人群都可易感,但真正的艾滋病易感人群主要為上面所提的五類人群。從年齡上,艾滋病雖可發生於任何年齡階段,但事實說明90%以上發生於50歲以下的人群,而其中又主要發生在兩個年齡組,即20~40歲的成人組和嬰幼兒組。據從美國對21726例艾滋病的分析中可看出,發病率以中青年為主,20~49歲佔89%,其中30~39 歲佔47%。在扎伊爾病人中,平均患病年齡為33.6歲,其中3/4的病人在20~39歲之間。這說明青少年在艾滋病發病者中居於重要位置。而且青少年艾滋病患者在以前大多為男性, 但是統計數字表明女性患者正在增加,男女性別比例已由1985年的4:1下降到1988年的3:1,在1987年~1988年間女性患者增加了80%,那麼,青少年患艾滋病的危險因素有哪些呢?低年齡組(20歲以下)主要因使用血製品和接受輸血而感染。據報導在15~16歲因接受輸血或血製品患者的比例為72%,但隨著年齡增長,這個比例則下降,到17~19歲降為20%;但是因性行為而染上艾滋病的則隨年齡的增加而增加,從13~14歲的9%上升到15~16歲的24%和17~18 歲的69%,而20~24歲的男性患者中,90%以上是由於性接觸而染上艾滋病的,其中36%的患者是因同性戀行為而感染,有7%還有靜脈注射毒品史。在女性中,最常見的原因是異性戀接觸(約佔44%);其次為靜脈注射毒品成癮者(佔28%),但是在所有女性青年成人的艾滋病患者中,有28%的人其配偶為男性靜脈注射毒品成癮者。由於性別、民族或種族的不同,青少年艾滋病的發病率及發病原因也不同。在美國13~19歲年齡組中艾滋病發病率男性(18/百萬)為女性(4/百萬)的4.5倍,黑人患者(27/百萬) 和拉丁美洲人患者(25/百萬)分別為白種人(7/百萬)的3.8 倍和3。6倍。在白人青少年中,大部分(50%)經血製品感染。 24%經同性戀接觸感染;在黑人中,44%的艾滋病患者經同性戀接觸感染,19%因異性關係感染;在拉丁美洲青少年患者中有35%經靜脈注射毒品感染,29%經同性戀性接觸感染。與白人相比,黑人和拉丁美洲青少年中異性戀性接觸和靜脈注射毒品者比例較大,這是因為他們中女性患者所佔比例較多。由於患有艾滋病的母親也可通過胎盤、產道、乳汁傳播給出生前或出生後的嬰幼兒,因而由患有艾滋病的婦女所生的小孩,也是艾滋病的易感者。 七。 【機會感染】 所謂機會感染,即條件致病因素,是指一些侵襲力較低、致病力較弱的微生物,在人體免疫功能正常時不能致病,但當人體免疫功能減低時則為這類微生物造成一種感染的條件,乘機侵襲人體致病,故稱作機會性感染。屍檢結果表明,90%的艾滋病人死於機會感染。能引起艾滋病機會感染的病原多達幾十種,而且常多種病原混合感染。主要包括原蟲、病毒、真菌及細菌等的感染。 1.原蟲類 (1)卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎:卡氏肺囊蟲是一種專在人的肺內造穴打洞的小原蟲。人的肉眼看不見,而且用一般的生物培養方法也找不到。卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎主要通過空氣與飛沫經呼吸道傳播。健康人在感染艾滋病毒後,免疫功能受到破壞,這時卡氏肺囊蟲便乘虛而入,在病人體內大量繁殖,使肺泡中充滿滲出液和各種形態的肺囊蟲,造成肺部的嚴重破壞。卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎在艾滋病流行前是一種不常見的感染,過去僅發現於戰爭、飢餓時期的嬰幼兒,或者接受免疫抑制治療的白血病患兒。卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎是艾滋病患者的一個常見死因,在60%以上的艾滋病患者中屬於最嚴重的機會感染,約有80%的艾滋病患者至少要發生一次卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎。艾滋病患者合併卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎時,首先有進行性營養不良、發熱、全身不適、體重減輕、淋巴結腫大等症狀。以後出現咳嗽、呼吸困難、胸痛等症狀,病程4~6週。發熱(89%)和呼吸急促(66%)為肺部最常見的體徵。某些人肺部還可聽到羅音。卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎常復發,病情嚴重,是艾滋病患者常見的致死原因。卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎病人胸片顯示兩肺廣泛性浸潤。但少部分患者(約佔23%)其胸片可示正常或極少異常。據對180例卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎X線胸片檢查所見,表現為兩側間質性肺炎的77例,間質及肺泡炎症45例,肺門周圍的間質炎症26例,單側肺泡及間質炎症24例,未見異常者8例。肺功能測定示肺總量及肺活量下降,隨著病程的進展而進一步加劇。氣管鏡或肺穿刺所取之標本可以查到卡氏肺囊蟲,有時還可以查到其它病原體,此時為混合性機會感染。本病病程急劇;亦可緩慢,終因進行性呼吸困難、缺氧、發展為呼吸衰竭而死亡,其病死率可達90%~100%。 (2)弓形體感染:艾滋病人得弓形體感染主要引起神經系統弓形體病,其發生率為26%。臨床表現為偏癱,局灶性神經異常,抽搐、意識障礙及發熱等。 CT檢查可見單個或多個局灶性病變。依據組織病理切片或腦脊液檢查可見弓形體。極少數弓形體累及肺部(1%)。該病是由寄生性原蟲動物鼠弓漿蟲所致的一種動物傳染病。人的感染途徑,先天性感染是由母親經胎盤傳給胎兒。後天性感染是因吃了含有組織囊蟲的生肉或未煮熟的肉而感染。 (3)隱孢子蟲病:孢子蟲是寄生於家畜和野生動物的小原蟲,人感染後,附於小腸和大腸上皮,主要引起吸收不良性腹瀉,病人表現為難以控制的大量水樣便,每日5~10次以上,每天失水3~10升,病死率可高達50%以上。診斷靠腸鏡活檢或糞便中查到原蟲的卵囊。 2.病毒類 (1)鉅細胞病毒感染:根據血清學調查表明,鉅細胞病毒廣泛存在,多數鉅細胞病毒感染者無症狀,但鉅細胞病毒感染的病人可在尿、唾液、糞便、眼淚、乳汁和精液中遷延排出病毒。並可經輸血、母親胎盤、器官移植、性交、吮哺母乳等方式傳播。艾滋病伴鉅細胞病毒感染時,常表現為肝炎、鉅細胞病毒肺炎、鉅細胞病毒性視網膜炎、血小板和白細胞減少、皮疹等。確診鉅細胞病毒感染必需在活檢或屍解標本中找到包涵體或分離出病毒。根據Guarda等對13例艾滋病人屍解的研究,最常見的診斷是鉅細胞病毒感染(12例),其次是卡波濟氏肉瘤(l0例)。所有12例鉅細胞病毒感染均為播散性,並且經常影響兩個或多個器官。 (2)單純皰疹病毒感染:其傳播途徑主要是直接接觸和性接觸,也可經飛沫傳染,病毒可由呼吸道、口、眼、生殖器粘膜或破報皮膚侵入人體。孕婦在分娩時亦可傳給嬰兒。感染病毒後可引起艾滋病患者皮膚粘膜損害、累及口周、外陰、肛周、手背或食道以至支氣管及腸道粘膜等,以唇緣、口角的單純皰疹最常見,其損害呈高密集成群的小水皰,基底稍紅,水皰被擦破後可形成潰瘍,其潰瘍特點為大而深且有疼痛,常伴繼發感染,症狀多較嚴重,病程持續時間長,病損部位可培養出單純皰疹病毒,活檢可查到典型的包涵體。 (3)EB病毒:該病毒在艾滋病人中感染率很高,有96%的艾滋病人血清中可檢測到EB病毒抗體,EB病毒可致原發性單核細胞增多症,伴溶血性貧血、淋巴結腫大、全身斑疹,T細胞減少等。 3.真菌類 (1)念珠菌感染:白色念珠菌是一種條件致病真菌,常存在於正常人的皮膚、口腔、上呼吸道、腸道和陰道粘膜上,可從皮膚和粘膜分泌物、大小便、痰液中培養出來。當人體抵抗力降低或機體菌群失調時,可使白色念珠菌變為致病菌導致念珠菌感染。可分為皮膚念珠菌病和粘膜念珠菌病,後者多見為鵝口瘡--口腔粘膜、舌及咽喉、齒齦或唇粘膜上的乳白色薄膜,易剝離,露出鮮濕紅潤基底。多見於嚴重疾病的晚期,或艾滋病毒感染者。如果同性戀者持續有鵝口瘡無其他原因解釋時,往往表明患者已感染了艾滋病毒或將發展為艾滋病的指徵。念珠菌性食道炎可造成吞嚥困難及疼痛或胸骨後疼痛,食道鏡檢查可見食道粘膜有不規則潰瘍和白色偽膜。其它尚有念球菌性口角炎、念珠菌性陰道炎、念珠菌性龜頭包皮炎、內臟念珠菌病等。皮膚、粘膜念珠菌病的診斷有賴於臨床表現和求助於真菌檢查。 (2)隱球菌病:是由新型隱球菌感染引起的一種急性或慢性深部真菌病。當機體抵抗力減弱時,容易經呼吸道,偶可經腸道或皮膚入侵致病。隱球菌腦膜炎是艾滋病常見的並發症。有很高的病死率,表現為發熱、頭痛、精神錯亂及腦膜刺激症狀。肺部隱球菌,以亞急性或慢性發病,伴咳嗽、粘痰、低熱、胸痛、乏力、X線檢查為非特異性改變。對隱球菌病的診斷主要依據臨床表現和真菌檢查確診。 4.細菌類 (1)結核桿菌:結核病常發生於有艾滋病感染但尚無艾滋病的病人,這可能因為結核桿菌的毒力強於其它與艾滋病相關的病原體,如卡氏肺囊蟲等,所以結核病更易發生於免疫缺陷早期。 74%~100%的艾滋病感染伴結核病人有肺結核,其症狀和體徵常很難鑑別於其他艾滋病相關的肺部疾病。艾滋病患者常表現為擴散性的感染。艾滋病感染病人並發結核最突出臨床特徵是高發肺外結核,艾滋病伴結核病人或發現結核而診斷艾滋病人中70%以上有肺外結核。艾滋病伴肺外結核最常見的形式為淋巴結炎和粟粒性病變,還常波及骨髓、泌尿生殖道和中樞神經系統。 (2)非典型分枝桿菌感染:為艾滋病的重要並發症之一,常波及肝、肺、脾、腎、血液、骨髓、胃腸道、淋巴結等,其表現為發熱、消瘦、吸收不良、淋巴結腫大、肝脾腫大。實驗室檢查為非特異性,確診靠病原分離培養及活檢。 (3)其他常見的致病菌:綠膿桿菌、大腸桿菌、傷寒桿菌、淋球菌等均可引起機會感染。 八。艾滋病大方向小細節 浴池的修腳刀必須徹底消毒,否則也可能引起艾滋病病毒感染。浴室內的溫度和濕度均適宜於染有血液的修腳刀上的艾滋病病毒的生存。 根據艾滋病傳播途徑的不同,個人預防艾滋病是有規則可循的。 防母嬰傳播 婚前體檢應化驗艾滋病病毒抗體,婚後雙方都必須嚴格遵守性道德,互相絕對忠誠。 已經感染上艾滋病病毒的婦女要避免懷孕。 感染艾滋病病毒的婦女如果懷孕,應考慮作人工流產。 感染艾滋病病毒婦女生產的嬰兒,不論其血液中的艾滋病病毒抗體是否陽性,都不應由產婦本人哺乳。 防性傳播 青少年和未婚者不要有婚前性行為或濫交。 已婚者不要有婚外性行為。 絕對不能參與危險的賣淫嫖娼活動。 同性戀者必須停止多性伴的性亂行為,即使選定一個固定性伴,也必須非常了解這個人的性行為和是否已受艾滋病病毒感染。 獨身者必須在性行為上作嚴格的自我約束。 任何人都不應參與性亂活動。 避孕套雖然有一定的預防作用,但並不能保證不受艾滋病病毒感染。 防血液傳播 絕對不可嘗試吸毒,已有毒癮的人必須立即戒毒,因為靜脈注射毒品最容易引起艾滋病病毒傳染,而吸毒者很容易接受經靜脈注射毒品的吸毒方式。 在必須接受輸血時,事前一定要了解血液來源是否安全。當患者本人不能這樣做時,家屬一定要重視了解情況。 不自行從國外帶回血液製品,不注射可用可不用的血液製品。 參加無償獻血,不賣血,更不可到非法的地下採血點去賣血。 了解自己的孩子在接受計劃免疫注射時,是否做到一人一針一管,拒絕接受數人合用注射器或針頭的預防注射。 在去醫院或診所接受拔牙或其他口腔治療、注射、針刺治療等時,必須了解這一醫療機構是否認真執行消毒措施。 能服藥治療的就不打針,不論是皮下、肌肉或靜脈注射都應盡可能避免。 不到消毒不嚴格的理髮館、美容院去理髮或美容。理髮、美容的刀具、針具如不消毒或不嚴密消毒,也有可能在刮臉、穿耳、紋眉時傳播艾滋病病毒。 浴池的修腳刀必須徹底消毒,否則也可能引起艾滋病病毒感染。浴室內的溫度和濕度均適宜於染有血液的修腳刀上的艾滋病病毒的生存。 電動剃須刀、刮臉刀不要互相借用,因為刮臉、剃須時經常會使面頰皮膚發生輕微擦傷。 牙刷必須每人自備自用。刷牙時出血的現像是經常發生的,有牙齦炎時出血更多,所以不能共用。 不要紋身。紋身針刺破皮膚有可能造成艾滋病病毒感染。 救護流血傷員時,要設法不讓血液直接沾染自己的皮膚,尤其是在自己身上發生皮膚破傷時更應重視。可以用衣服、塑料單來隔開傷員。 醫生、護士、化驗員在為艾滋病病毒感染者或艾滋病人服務時,要嚴防手術刀、注射用針頭損傷自己的皮膚。 在可能因劇烈衝撞而引起皮膚損傷流血的體育運動中,應該了解對方是否已感染艾滋病病毒。 不要打架鬥毆。打架鬥毆雙方難免流血,完全有可能造成艾滋病病毒感染。 九。防艾滋病知識10問題 性接觸傳播是HIV感染的主要途徑,通過性交(包括正常性交、肛交及口交)的方式在男男之間、男女之間傳播。 1、艾滋病的傳播途徑有哪些? 性接觸傳播:性接觸傳播是HIV感染的主要途徑,通過性交(包括正常性交、肛交及口交)的方式在男男之間、男女之間傳播。血液傳播:主要通過輸入被艾滋病病毒污染的血液及血製品或使用了被艾滋病病毒污染而又未經嚴格消毒的注射器、針頭。另外,文身、穿耳、針灸、與感染者共用剃須刀、牙刷和器官移植等。母嬰傳播:母親是艾滋病患者或感染者,在懷孕、分娩過程通過血液或產後通過母乳將艾滋病病毒傳播給胎兒或新生兒。 2、艾滋病常見的症狀? 一般性症狀:持續發燒、虛弱、盜汗、全身淺表淋巴結腫大,體重下降在三個月之內可達10斤以上,病人消瘦特別明顯。呼吸道症狀:長期咳嗽、胸痛、呼吸困難、嚴重時痰中帶血。消化道症狀:食慾下降、厭食、噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、嚴重時可便血。神經系統症:頭暈、頭痛、反應遲鈍、智力減退、精神異常、抽風、偏癱、癡呆等。皮膚和粘膜損害:瀰漫性丘疹、帶狀皰疹、口腔和咽部粘膜炎症及潰爛。腫瘤:可出現多種惡性腫瘤,位於體表的卡波希氏肉瘤可見紅色或紫紅色的斑疹、丘疹和浸潤性腫塊。 3、妻子(丈夫)感染了艾滋病病毒,可以有性生活嗎? 可以的。如一方感染了艾滋病病毒,仍然可以保持著正常的性生活,按摩、愛撫、擁抱和撫摸等。沒有體液交換的性活動,不會傳播艾滋病病毒,是“安全的性行為”。但要記住,每次在性交中要正確地使用安全套,能有效防止艾滋病病毒傳染。 4、艾滋病的易感人群有哪些? 艾滋病的易感人群主要是指男男同性戀者、靜脈吸毒成癮者、血友病患者,接受輸血及其它血製品者、與以上高危人群有性關係者等。 5、哪些病易與艾滋病混淆? 淋巴結腫大,需與引起淋巴結腫大的卡波濟肉瘤、淋巴瘤、何杰金氏病、淋巴結核、血友病相鑑別,尤其應注意與近年來在同性戀中發現的良性性病性淋巴結病綜合徵(GINS)相鑑別。 皮膚改變,艾滋病病人多發生的蕁麻疹、全身性搔癢症及尖銳濕疣、接觸性軟疣等需與伴皮膚改變的卡波濟肉瘤、皮膚粘膜紫癜、白血病的某些皮膚症狀相鑑別。 艾滋病能通過性接觸傳播,它所表現出的皮膚粘膜表徵需與其他性病相鑑別,如淋病、梅毒、軟性下疳和性病性淋巴肉芽腫等。 艾滋病的血液學與免疫學的改變需與單核細胞增多症,以及使用免疫抑製劑和其他原因引起的免疫抑制疾病的鑑別。 在艾滋病早期表現出的疲乏、抑鬱、嗜睡等症狀尚需與稱為“假性艾滋病綜合徵”的精神症狀相鑑別。另外,在兒童艾滋病診斷時,也需注意與兒童發育遲緩症等相鑑別。 6、得了艾滋病去到哪裡做檢測? 現在全國各市、縣兩級疾控中心全部建立了艾滋病免費自願諮詢檢測室。如抗體檢測呈陽性反應,表明這個人已經被艾滋病病毒感染,3至6個月後還需去醫院複查。 7、艾滋病的流行趨勢及特點? 中國自1985年報告首例艾滋病病例以來,疫情逐漸擴散蔓延,已經呈現出3大特點:遞增速度達每年30%;發病死亡高峰已經出現;高危行為的人數增加。另外,女性化低齡化現像出現;“男男性行為”人群艾滋感染者增加,大量少年兒童感染艾滋病,約七成艾滋感染者沒檢測。 8、不慎接觸病毒應做何應急處理? 艾滋病病毒對外界環境的抵抗力較弱,離開人體後常溫下可存活數小時到數天。 100℃20分鐘可將其完全滅活、乾燥以及常用消毒藥品都可以殺滅這種病毒。一旦皮膚被劃破並有接觸病毒的危險,最簡單有效的方法是把傷口表面的血液擠出來,然後用消毒劑清洗,如果沒有消毒劑,用肥皂或大量的清水沖洗也可降低被感染的可能性。 9、艾滋病在哪些情況下不傳染? 大量事實已證明,艾滋病病毒在體外環境的生存能力相當弱,如果暴露在空氣中則很快死亡。因此艾滋病病毒不會藉助空氣、水或食物進行傳播,在日常工作和生活中與艾滋病人和感染者的一般接觸,如握手、擁抱、共同進餐、共用工具、辦公用具、馬桶圈、電話機、臥具、游泳池或公共浴池等公共設施也不會被傳染。也不會通過一般社交上的接吻、擁抱傳播或通過咳嗽、蚊蟲叮咬等方式傳播。 10、哪些人要接受艾滋病病毒抗體篩查? 外科手術病人;需要使用血液或血製品治療的病人;臨床表現免疫力低下或艾滋病可疑病症者;有性亂史、吸毒史、使用血液或血製品治療史、供血漿史等既往高危史的就診者;接受性病診療者及其性伴;提供或接受人體組織、器官、細胞、骨髓等。 Nine HIV 〔〕 decrypt problem: the virus survival time, diagnosis, prevention and related details of 1. Virus survival time HIV is sensitive to temperature, 56 ℃ 30 minutes to be able to kill it, the higher the temperature the shorter the survival time; a number of chemical substances is very easy to kill it, and 20% alcohol, 2.5% bleaching powder solution as long as the 5-minute soak, we can totally kill it; Youyanjiangcu eat in our diet, and stomach of the gastric juice can kill HIV; integrity of damaged skin is the best defensive barrier of AIDS viruses; In addition to chimpanzees can get AIDS, any other animals and insects are not infected with HIV, so daily life in contact with poultry or livestock fleas, lice, mosquitoes and other biting have not been infected with AIDS. In addition, HIV-infected persons saliva and tears may contain the virus, but the content is very low, but the virus in the air for a very short survival time, and must directly come into contact with each other's wounds or directly into the blood can be infected, so by coughing, sneezing or respiratory transmission is impossible. The characteristics of HIV At room temperature, the liquid environment HIV can survive for 15 days, items contaminated by HIV, at least 3 days infectious. In recent years, a number of research institutions that, in vitro HIV virus in the blood determined by in vitro survival time of virus in the blood levels of high blood viral load, in dry conditions, even if placed at room temperature for 96 hours, still have vitality. Even the needle the size of a drop of blood, if you encounter fresh lymphocytes, which can keep HIV replication, can still be transmitted. With low blood viral load after 2 hours of natural drying, the energy was lost; while a high blood viral load, even if the dry 2-4 hours, once placed in culture medium encounter lymphocytes, which can still be entered and continue to copy . Therefore, HIV-containing blood from the body can cause an infection. However, HIV is very fragile, liquid, HIV-heated to 56 degrees 10 minutes inactivated. If you boil, you can quickly inactivated; 37 degrees, with 70% alcohol, 10% bleaching powder, 2% glutaraldehyde, 4% formalin, 35% isopropanol, 0.5% to 0.3% water, and Su Guo Hydrogen peroxide disinfectants for 10 minutes, you can inactivate HIV. Although HIV see the seam on the drill, these viruses also have weaknesses, they can only live in the blood and body fluids in the cells to survive, can not be in the air, water and food to survive, leaving blood and body fluids of these, these viruses will soon be死亡. Only infected blood or body fluids from one person to another, directly into the body when the body can be propagated. It is also, and hepatitis B viruses into the digestive tract and could be easily destroyed by proteases within the digestive tract. Therefore, the daily contact, such as: shaking hands, kissing, sharing meals, living in the same room or office, contact telephone, door handles, then a contact with sweat or tears and so will not be infected with HIV. The impact of HIV on disease HIV (AIDS virus) on behalf of human immunodeficiency virus. A person infected with HIV since the virus began to attack the human immune system, the human immune system function is to repel an illness. After several years, HIV weakens the immune system, this time, the body will be infected with opportunistic infections, such as pneumonia, meningitis, tuberculosis. Once opportunistic infections occur, that person was considered to be suffering from AIDS. AIDS (AIDS) on behalf of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS itself is not a disease but a resistance to other diseases can not be state or syndrome-like. People do not die of AIDS, but will die from AIDS-related diseases. HIV infection HIV-infected persons is already infected with HIV, but it did not show obvious clinical symptoms, have not been diagnosed with AIDS; AIDS patients referred to is already infected with HIV, and has shown a significant clinical symptoms, was diagnosed with AIDS. The similarities between the two is that all living with HIV, are contagious. The difference is that AIDS patients have shown a significant clinical symptoms, while the HIV-infected persons has no obvious clinical symptoms, appearance and appear healthy people do. This period is called the incubation period, incubation period of asymptomatic infection, current HIV antibody positive, inter alia, no symptoms and positive signs. The incubation period of varying lengths, ranging from six months to 12 years, a few up to 20 years. AIDS virus in the human body average incubation period of 6 years. According to the biological characteristics of HIV and its survival, we can know the AIDS virus is spread by respiratory, digestive and complete contact with the skin will not spread. Accordingly, the following is not the spread of AIDS: ① assembly, of procession, watching movies, go shopping or in crowded places of crowds; ② child care centers, schools, collective learning and living environment; ③ public entertainment and service establishments: Public baths, public toilets, hair salons, beauty salon, hotels and hostels, swimming him, restaurants and canteens; ④ sociability with people living with HIV exposure, such as common meals, conversation, or a courtesy car shaking hands, hugging and kissing will not be infected; ⑤ flies, mosquitoes can spread some infectious diseases, but they do not spread AIDS, because AIDS is not the body of these insects to survive. So, even if living together in a room with AIDS patients, but also do not have to worry about mosquito bites and the transmission. Understanding of some of the above circumstances, we are in their daily work and life, also do not have to excessive worry and fear. 二. Diagnostic Criteria If the antibody-positive weight loss, fever, diarrhea close to the above item 1, can the experiment confirmed AIDS patients. 1. HIV-positive, but also has any of the following persons for experiment confirmed AIDS patients. (1) in the near future (3-6 months) weight loss over 10%, and continuous fever up to 38 ℃ for more than one month; (2) in the near future (3-6 months) weight loss over 10%, and continuous diarrhea (up to 3-5 times a day) more than a month. (3), Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCR) (4), Kaposi's sarcoma KS. (5) was significantly pathogenic fungal infections or other conditions. 2. If the antibody-positive weight loss, fever, diarrhea close to the above item 1, can the experiment confirmed AIDS patients. (1) CD4/CD8 (Auxiliary / suppressor) lymphocyte count ratio <1, CD4 cell count decline; (2) lymphadenopathy; (3) a clear space-occupying lesions in the central nervous system symptoms and signs, there dementia, figuring incapacity, or motor nerve dysfunction. 三. Prevention 〔1〕, special preventive 1. With the 1993 U.S. CDC diagnostic criteria for classification, expanding the scope of the AIDS diagnosis is conducive to AIDS prevention and treatment, according to CD4T lymphocyte decline to give a certain dosage; 2. AIDS Vaccine: The United States contains the gp120 component of the two kinds of HIV vaccines in the second phase 296 trial, six people have already occurred due to an infection, while the suspension. Thailand UBI synthetic vaccine trials; 3. Interrupt mother to child transmission: CD4 + T lymphocytes>; 200/μl of HIV pregnant women, with the AIT in the pre-natal, labor and the baby inside the treatment has some protective effect. 〔2〕, comprehensive prevention 1. Outreach AIDS prevention knowledge, understanding of transmission and clinical manifestations and prevention methods; 2. Strengthening moral education and to prohibit promiscuity, especially with foreign persons, sexual promiscuity, to ban commercial sex workers; 3. To avoid HIV infection, AIDS patients and high risk sexual contact; 4. Prohibit sharing of intravenous drug hermit syringes, needles; 5. The use of imported blood, blood components and blood products, the need for HIV testing; 6. National blood donor row strict election, should be gradually done can only detect HIV-negative blood supply, prevent HIV transmission; 7. Blood donation, the political contributions of organs, tissues and semen should make HIV testing; 8. The establishment of HIV testing centers; 9. Promoting the use of condoms and avoidance of anal sex; 10. AIDS or HIV infection should avoid pregnancy, birth should avoid breastfeeding. 四. Transmission 【】 HIV infection is mainly through sex, the exchange of body fluids spread. Body fluids are: semen, blood, vaginal secretions, breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid and neurological symptoms of brain tissue. Other body fluids, such as tears, saliva and sweat, there is a small number, generally will not lead to the spread of AIDS. The possibility of transmission of HIV in saliva is very small. It is generally kissing is not transmitted. However, if the party of oral health, there are wounds, or broken parts, while the population of AIDS patients there is also a breakdown of where the two kissing, HIV may be transmitted through the blood. Sweat is not spread HIV. AIDS patients can not come into contact with objects spread of HIV. However, AIDS patients used razors, toothbrushes, etc., there may be a small amount of blood of AIDS patients; there may be semen on the towel. If you and patients to share personal hygiene items, can be transmitted. Because of sexual promiscuity derived from AIDS patients often have other sexually transmitted diseases, if their share personal hygiene items, if not be infected with HIV may also be infected with other diseases. So, personal hygiene items should not be shared with others. General contact and can not be transmitted AIDS, so AIDS patients should not be discriminated against them in their lives, such as common meals, shaking hands and so can not be transmitted AIDS. AIDS eaten the food, drink the soup is not infected with HIV. AIDS virus is very fragile, leaving the human body, if exposed to air, will die a few minutes. (1) sexual intercourse spread AIDS virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Genitals with venereal diseases (such as syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts), or ulcers, it will increase the risk of viral infection. HIV-infected semen or vaginal secretions of a large number of viruses, through anal intercourse, vaginal intercourse, they will spread the virus. Oral sex is very small chance of transmission, unless the health side there is a wound inside the mouth, or broken areas, HIV may be transmitted through blood or semen. In general, the acceptance of anal sex of persons who are infected may be very large. Because of weak internal structure of the anus, rectal wall more prone to breakage than the vaginal wall, semen inside the virus may be through these small wounds into the body is not infected breeding. This is why gay lesbian easier than the AIDS virus. This is why the early detection of HIV, was that some people mistakenly believed to be homosexuals specific diseases. Because HIV is now spread all over the world, AIDS is no longer the exclusive homosexuality illness. (2) blood-borne Transfusion-transmitted: If the blood with HIV, those who enter this blood will be infected. Dissemination of blood products: Some patients (such as haemophilia) require injection of the blood brought by some of the ingredients made from biological products. Some blood products are likely to have HIV, use of blood products is likely to become infected with HIV. In the 1980s and 1990s, because of the time does not include blood tests for AIDS testing, so there are a lot of ordinary patients who had received a blood transfusion, which were infected with HIV. Now, the whole world has recognized this problem, receiving a blood transfusion in developed countries because of the possibility of contracting HIV is almost zero. (3) the dissemination of shared needles and syringes: The use of unclean needles and syringes can spread HIV from one person to another person. For example: intravenous drug users sharing needles and syringes; hospital, re-use needles, Diaozhen so. Not only is the AIDS virus, other diseases (such as: hepatitis) may also be transmitted through needles and syringes. In addition, the use of the blood contaminated and not strictly sterile syringes, acupuncture needles, extraction tools, are very dangerous. Therefore, in some Western countries, the government there are also special distribution of free needles and syringes to drug users, the department is to prevent the spread of AIDS. (4) mother to child transmission If the mother is HIV infected, then she is likely to pregnancy, childbirth or through breast-feeding her child were infected. However, if the mother during pregnancy, taking such anti-AIDS drugs, the baby will be infected with HIV may be much lower rates, or even completely healthy. With AIDS-infected mothers breastfeed their children must not use their own. Although AIDS is terrible, but the spread of the virus is not a very strong force, it does not through our daily activities to spread, that is, we do not by superficial kiss, shaking hands, hugging, sharing meals, sharing of office supplies, shared toilets, swimming pool, shared telephone, sneezing, etc., but infection, or even care for patients with HIV or AIDS does not matter. Why mosquito can not transmit HIV? Mosquito bites can transmit other diseases (for example: yellow fever, malaria, etc.), but does not spread HIV. Because, when they bite a person when they do not, or will be in front of their own that had the blood of people being sucked into the blood. On the contrary, they will inject their own saliva, so that you can prevent this natural person's blood coagulation. And the AIDS virus in the insect would survive a very short period of time, not continuously breeding insect. Insect itself, will not get AIDS. 五. 【Disease Control and Prevention】 Prevention of AIDS, the easiest way is to have sexual intercourse every time, in order to avoid the exchange of body fluids, always use condoms. Therefore, in some Western countries, some schools and organizations for free distribution of condoms. However, there is no need to use two condoms at the same time, but easily lead to rupture. Drug addicts, must not share needles with others. HIV is not transmitted through the air, food, water and other ordinary everyday contact. AIDS virus is spread primarily concerned with human social behavior is entirely possible to regulate people's social behavior by being blocked, is able to be prevented. 六. 【Susceptible】 People passing through research and analysis, has clearly found in which people may develop AIDS, and to susceptibility to AIDS in this population susceptible to high-risk groups collectively known as AIDS, also known as susceptible populations. AIDS is susceptible mainly refers to male homosexuals, intravenous drug addicts, hemophiliacs, transfusion recipients, and other blood products who have sexual relations with more than high-risk groups, etc.. (1). Male homosexual Including bisexual, who have anal intercourse, it is a high risk of AIDS. But homosexuality is not equal AIDS! (2). Abusers After intravenous drug addicts, all AIDS cases account for about 15% ~ 17%, mainly because of their drug use during the repeated use of unsterilized or sterilized incomplete syringes, needles, and one was HIV-contaminated injection apparatus no doubt contributed to the prevalence of AIDS among drug users and spread, so that drug addicts to become the second largest population at risk of AIDS. Drug addiction and drug abuse, AIDS epidemic-prone and an important reason. In Europe and the United States use of drugs, a common practice and gradually spread to Asia (especially Thailand), according to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that a recent survey conducted in the whole of the United States 240 million people, about 100 million people used illicit drugs , there is 30000000-40000000 often use one or more of the drug, and another 200 million people regularly use ecstasy, but ecstasy can directly suppress the immune system function. In Asia, Thailand, an estimated 100,000 intravenous drug users, of which 75% in Bangkok. Many drug addicts also are homosexuals or other sexual promiscuity, AIDS overlap in these risk factors in the pathogenesis of more persons. U.S. drug users are HIV-positive population of about 40 million people as much as twice as many men as women, was also reported that male drug abusers with a history of sexual contact with women, the incidence of AIDS is 30 times higher than in the general population, indicating that due to drug caused the high incidence of AIDS. However, in different regions, due to social, cultural, customs and way of life different, because drug use and the proportion of people living with HIV a big difference. Most of the U.S. AIDS from homosexual and bisexual men, while in Europe, more people living with AIDS from drug use, such as a result of injecting drug addicts, while the infected are particularly high in Italy, in Rome, Malan and other large cities It is estimated about 20% ~ 70%. According to 1986 data, in Italy, 51% of AIDS from injecting drug users; in Spain, 48% of AIDS patients from the drug addicts, Sweden, 32% ~ 42%, while in the United States, compared with 17%. As the drug addicts using the non-sterile needles, but also infected with other infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and so on, and cause direct harm to immune function, so that drug addicts are becoming vulnerable to AIDS attackers. (3). Hemophiliacs The third-largest susceptible to hemophilia patients, in all AIDS patients, hemophiliacs infected with the virus due to accounting for about 1%. Hemophilia is a result of the body because of the lack of clotting factor Ⅷ derived from the disease, if not the importation of foreign-derived clotting factor Ⅷ, then the patient may be bleeding after minor trauma. It was reported that coagulation factor Ⅷ mainly in the blood products in the treatment of hemophilia in the freeze-dried concentrated formulations. Which freeze-dried concentrate formulations of products in recent years, exposed to greater risk of infectious pathogens, each batch concentrates from 2000 to 5000 persons of different blood plasma, is currently in the United States there are about 6% ~ 8 % of the blood donor with HIV, so there are many examples to prove with the United States caused by the production of coagulation factor Ⅷ HIV-infected hemophilia patients. According to statistics, to accept this factor Ⅷ treatment of hemophilia A blood type people, serum HIV antibody positive rate as high as 60% ~ 90%. The number of cases in China's mainland had contracted the use of factor Ⅷ coverage of AIDS; in Hong Kong, a survey, 71.2% of those infected as hemophiliacs. In addition, analysis based on the detection of hemophilia, hemophilia in patients with normal lymphocytes in the body composition itself has been mild disorders, the immune function of patients with mildly abnormal in itself, it more easily infected with HIV. (4). Received a blood transfusion or blood products were In addition to anti-hemophilic agents, other blood and blood products (concentrated blood cells, platelets, fresh frozen plasma), the infusion is also related to the spread of AIDS. The first report of patients with transfusion-associated AIDS was a baby, the baby received an AIDS patient's blood after the onset. Recently, someone summed up the U.S. 18 cases of transfusion-related AIDS cases in the data, which are 18 patients received a blood transfusion from the time to clinical onset of symptoms for 10 to 43 months (mean 24.5 months) appears Kaposi's sarcoma of time blood in the subject after 16 months. These 18 cases of AIDS were accepted concentration of blood cells (16 cases), frozen plasma (12 cases), whole blood (9 cases) and thrombocytopenia (8 cases). In the survey found at least eight blood donors are HIV-risk populations. Therefore, infected blood recipients and blood whether or not people with AIDS, or whether they are related to AIDS risk groups. According to Guangzhou, where the health inspection in September 1986 to 1989 on China's imports of 10 batches of gamma globulin for HIV testing, of which 8 were (80%) HIV-positive, which indicates that those who use imported gamma globulin may also be become a target of HIV infection. Because now the world has recognized this problem, the above two categories of patients because the risk of blood transfusion derived from the AIDS virus is becoming increasingly smaller. (5). With the high-risk groups who have sexual relations A sexual relationship with these high-risk population who are AIDS, another susceptible population. Susceptibility of homosexuality has been mentioned earlier, this is mainly to talk about the high-risk populations and those who are heterosexual sexual relations susceptibility to AIDS. There are many examples to prove that AIDS can be transmitted between heterosexual life. It was reported two cases of non-intravenous drug addicts, women with AIDS, they are not blood transfusion history, but they have a fixed male sexual partners of AIDS patients, although the sexual relationship is in the diagnosis of male patients had existed before, However, mild or no symptoms of AIDS are equally infectious. With homosexuals, hemophiliacs, blood recipients, intravenous drug users, high-risk populations such as sexual relations are the possibility of contracting AIDS, and thus the spread of AIDS in vulnerable populations. According to China's 10 provinces and cities in sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection in joint investigation team recently reported high-risk groups for sexually transmitted diseases in 2687 were analyzed to statistics, male 1027, accounting for 38.2%, females 1660, accounting for 61.8%, 15 to 29 years old age group, 2119, accounting for 78.9%, with an average age of 24.3% years. In the 2687 respondents, we found 885 cases of venereal diseases to gonorrhea dominant (74.3%), female prevalence rate (34.0%), men (16.0%) of 2.1 times 2687 people, although the HIV antibody were all negative, but the incidence of population at risk for AIDS. If the AIDS pandemic, incidence of these people will be the main target. (6). AIDS and other high-risk group AIDS, in theory, any population can be susceptible, but the real AIDS susceptible mainly five types of people mentioned above. From the age of AIDS can occur at any age although the stage, but the facts show that more than 90% occurred in people under the age of 50, which has mainly occurred in the two age groups, namely, 20 to 40-year-old adult group and the group of infants and young children . From the United States, according to an analysis of 21,726 cases of AIDS can be seen, the incidence rates to middle-aged mainly 20 to 49 years old accounted for 89%, of which 30 ~ 39 years old accounted for 47%. Patients in Zaire, the average age of illness was 33.6 years, of which 3 / 4 of the patients in 20 ~ 39 years old. This shows that the incidence of AIDS among young people who live in an important position. And young people living with AIDS in the past mostly men, but statistics show that female patients is increasing, male and female sex ratio of 4:1 by 1985 dropped to 1988, 3:1, in the years between 1987 to 1988 an increase of female patients 80%, then the risk factors for young people suffering from AIDS, what does? lower age group (20 years of age) mainly due to the use of blood products and acceptance of infection through blood transfusion. It is reported that 15 to 16 years of age received a blood transfusion or blood products due to the proportion of patients was 72%, but with age, this proportion dropped to 17 ~ 19-year-old fell to 20%; However, due to having sexual intercourse with infected AIDS increases with age, from 13 to 14 years of age 9% to 15 ~ 16 years of age, 24% and 17 ~ 18 years of age 69%, and 20 ~ 24-year-old male patient, 90% are due to sexual contact with infected with HIV, of which 36% of patients were infected by homosexual acts, there is still 7% history of intravenous drug use. In women, the most common reason is heterosexual contact (about 44%); followed by intravenous drug addicts (28%), but in all female young adults, AIDS patients, 28% of the people whose their spouses for male intravenous drug addicts. Because of gender, ethnic or racial differences in the incidence of young AIDS and causes of morbidity are also different. In the United States 13 to 19 age group the incidence of AIDS in men (18 / 1 million) were female (4 / 1 million) and 4.5 times that of black patients (27 / 1 million) and Latin America of patients (25 / 1 million) were white people (7 / 1 million) and 3.8-fold and 3.6-fold. In white youths, the majority (50%) blood product infusion. 24% infected through homosexual contact; in blacks, 44% of AIDS patients infected through homosexual contact, 19% due to infection in heterosexual relationships; in Latin America, 35% of adolescent patients through intravenous drug infections, 29% through homosexual sexual contact infection. Compared with whites, blacks and Latin America, young heterosexual sexual contact and intravenous drug users, a larger proportion, it is because they are more in the proportion of female patients. As the mother suffering from AIDS through the placenta, birth canal, breast milk transmission are given during his lifetime or after the birth of infants and young children, and therefore suffering from AIDS by the children born to women who are also susceptible of AIDS. 7. 【Opportunistic infections】 The so-called opportunistic infections, or conditions of risk factors, was referring to the invasiveness of low pathogenic micro-organisms will be weak, in the normal immune function can not cause the disease, when compared with reduced immune function caused by a type of micro-organisms kinds of infection, took the opportunity to attack the human disease, so called opportunistic infections. Autopsy results showed that 90% of AIDS patients die of opportunistic infections. AIDS and opportunistic infections can cause dozens of kinds of pathogens, and often mixed infection of a variety of pathogens. Include protozoa, viruses, fungi and bacteria and other infections. 1. Protozoan class (1) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: Pneumocystis carinii is a special hole in the human-made holes in the lungs of small protozoa. The human eye can not see, but also with the general biological training methods to be found. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, mainly through the air and droplets spread through the respiratory tract. Healthy people infected with the HIV virus, the immune function damaged, when they take advantage of Pneumocystis carinii, in the large population of patient, so full of alveolar exudate and various forms of pneumocystis carinii, resulting in lung The severely damaged. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the AIDS epidemic, the former is an uncommon infection in the past, only found in the war, hunger period, infants, or accept the immunosuppressive therapy in children with leukemia. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is a common cause of death in patients with AIDS, more than 60% of AIDS patients belonging to the most serious opportunistic infections, about 80% of AIDS patients to take place at least once a Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. AIDS Patients with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, first of all there is progressive malnutrition, fever, general malaise, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes and other symptoms. After the cough, difficulty breathing, chest pain and other symptoms, course and 4 to 6 weeks. Fever (89%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most common signs of lung. Some people can hear the rale lungs. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, often recurrent, serious condition, is a common cause of death in AIDS patients. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with chest X-ray showed extensive infiltration of both lungs. But a small number of patients (about 23%) of their chest X-ray may show normal or minimal abnormalities. According to 180 cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in X-ray examination findings, showing for both sides of the 77 cases of interstitial pneumonia, interstitial and alveolar inflammation in 45 cases, hilar interstitial inflammation around the 26 cases, unilateral alveolar and interstitial inflammation in 24 cases, no abnormalities in 8 cases. Pulmonary function test showed total lung capacity and vital capacity decreased, with the course of the disease progressed even further. Bronchoscopy or lung biopsy specimens taken from can be found by pneumocystis carinii, and sometimes can be found in other pathogens, this time for the mixed opportunistic infections. Rapid course of the disease; can be slow, and the final because of progressive dyspnea, hypoxia, development of respiratory failure and death, the case fatality rate can reach 90% ~ 100%. (2) Toxoplasma gondii infection: toxoplasma infection in people with AIDS were the main cause nervous system toxoplasmosis, its occurrence rate was 26%. Clinical manifestations of paralysis, focal neurological abnormalities, convulsions, disturbance of consciousness and fever and so on. CT examination showed single or multiple focal lesions. Based on tissue biopsy or cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed Toxoplasma gondii. Very small number of toxoplasmosis involving the lungs (1%). The disease is a parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma animals, mice due to an animal disease. Human infection routes, congenital infection is transmitted from mother to fetus through the placenta. Acquired infection is a result of eating the raw meat containing the organization cysticercosis or undercooked infected meat. (3) Cryptosporidiosis: Cryptosporidium is a parasite in domestic and wild animals, a small protozoan, human infection, attached to the small intestine and large intestine epithelium, the main cause malabsorption diarrhea, the patient showed a large number of water samples is difficult to control it, 5 ~ 10 times a day for more than 3 to 10 liters per day water loss, mortality as high as 50%. Diagnosis by colonoscopy biopsy or stool parasite found in the egg sac. 2. Virus-like (1) Cytomegalovirus infections: According to the serological survey showed that, cytomegalovirus widespread, the majority of asymptomatic CMV infection, but patients with cytomegalovirus infection in urine, saliva, feces, tears, breast milk and semen persistent discharge the virus. Can be through blood transfusion, mother, placenta, organ transplantation, sex, sucking breast-feeding and so disseminated. AIDS associated with cytomegalovirus infection often appears as hepatitis, cytomegalovirus pneumonia, cytomegalovirus retinitis, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, skin rash. Cytomegalovirus infection diagnosed at biopsy or autopsy specimens must be found in inclusion bodies, or isolated from the virus. Guarda, etc. According to the autopsy of 13 cases of AIDS research, the most common diagnosis was cytomegalovirus infection (12 cases), followed by Kaposi's sarcoma (l0 cases). All 12 cases of cytomegalovirus infection were disseminated, and often affects two or more organs. (2) Herpes simplex virus infection: its main mode of transmission is direct contact and sexual contact, can also be transmitted via droplets, the virus may be respiratory tract, mouth, eyes, genital mucosa or broken skin, invades the human body reported. Pregnant women in childbirth can be to their babies. Infected with AIDS virus can cause skin and mucous membrane damage, involving the perioral, genital, perianal, back of the hand or the esophagus as well as bronchial and intestinal mucosa, etc. to lips, mouth herpes simplex The most common, the damage was a high density of small clusters blisters, basal slightly red, blisters after being graze the formation of ulcers, which is characterized by large, deep ulcers and there is pain, often accompanied by secondary infection, symptoms of many more serious course of long duration, lesion site, they can nurture the herpes simplex viruses, biopsy can be found in the typical inclusion bodies. (3) EB virus: the virus in AIDS infection rates in the high 96% of AIDS can be detected in human serum EB virus antibodies, EB virus can be induced by primary mononucleosis syndrome, associated with hemolytic anemia, swollen lymph nodes, body rash, T cells decreased and so on. 3. Fungi (1) Candida infections: Candida albicans is a condition of pathogenic fungi often present in normal skin, mouth, upper respiratory tract, intestinal and vaginal mucosa, it can be from the skin and mucous secretions, urine, sputum liquid cultivated. Resistance when the body is reduced or when the body's flora, candida albicans can become pathogenic bacteria leading to candida infection. Can be divided into cutaneous candidiasis and mucosal candidiasis, which is more common as thrush - oral mucosa, tongue and throat, gums or the lip mucous membrane of the milk-white film, easy to peel, exposing fresh rosy wet basement. More common in the late serious illness, or HIV infection. If homosexuals have continued to thrush are no other reasons to explain, they often show that patients had been infected with the HIV virus or AIDS will be developed for the indication. Candida esophagitis can cause swallowing difficulties and pain or chest pain, esophageal endoscopy esophageal mucosa shows irregular ulcers and white pseudomembranous. Others are still studying bacteria angular cheilitis, candida vaginitis, candidal balanoposthitis, visceral diseases such as candidiasis. Skin and mucous membrane candidiasis diagnosis depends on clinical examination, and referral to fungi. (2), cryptococcosis: Cryptococcus neoformans infection is caused by an acute or chronic deep mycosis. When the body resistance weakened, it is easy through the respiratory tract, even through the gut or skin invasion may be pathogenic. Cryptococcal meningitis is a common complication of AIDS. Has a high fatality rate, expressed as fever, headache, mental confusion, and meningeal irritation. Pulmonary cryptococcosis in order to sub-acute or chronic disease, with cough, phlegm, fever, chest pain, fatigue, X-ray examination are non-specific changes. The diagnosis of cryptococcosis mainly based on clinical manifestations and fungi confirm the diagnosis. 4. Bacteria (1) Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Tuberculosis often occurs in HIV-infected, but there are no AIDS patients, which may be toxic because of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strong in other AIDS-related pathogens, such as Pneumocystis carinii, etc. Therefore, more of TB occurred in early immunodeficiency. 74% ~ 100% of the HIV-infected people with TB, tuberculosis, its symptoms and signs often difficult to identify in other AIDS-related lung diseases. AIDS patients usually manifested invasive infection. HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis complicated by the most prominent clinical feature is a high incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, AIDS and TB patients with TB and the diagnosis of AIDS or find people in more than 70% had extrapulmonary TB. AIDS with pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common form of lymphadenitis and miliary disease, also often spread to the bone marrow, urogenital tract and central nervous system. (2), atypical mycobacteria infection: an important complication of AIDS, often spread to the liver, lungs, spleen, kidney, blood, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes and so on, its manifestations were fever, weight loss, mal-absorption , lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory tests are non-specific, pathogen isolation, culture and confirmed by biopsy. (3) The other common pathogens: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, etc. can cause opportunistic infections. 8. AIDS in the general direction of the small details of the The pedicure baths should be thoroughly disinfected knife, or may also be caused by HIV infection. The bathrooms are suitable for temperature and humidity pedicure knife stained with the blood of HIV's survival. According to the different route of transmission of AIDS, AIDS prevention is a personal rule-based. Anti-child transmission Pre-marital medical examination to be HIV antibody tests, marriage both parties must strictly abide by the nature of morality, absolute loyalty to each other. Have been infected with HIV-infected women to avoid pregnancy. HIV-infected women, if pregnant, should be considered for an abortion. HIV-infected women produce babies, regardless of their blood is HIV antibody positive should not breast-feeding mothers I. Prevention of sexually transmitted Adolescents and unmarried persons will not have premarital sex or promiscuity. A married person will not have extra-marital sex. Absolutely can not participate in the activities of a dangerous prostitution. Homosexuals must stop the sexual promiscuity of multiple sex partners, even if the selection of a fixed-sex partners must also be well aware of the person's sex and whether the HIV infection. Single person must make a strict sexual self-restraint. No one should be involved in the activities of sexual promiscuity. Although condoms have some preventive effect, but can not guarantee against HIV infection. Prevention of blood-borne Never be experimenting with drugs or who have drug addiction treatment must be immediately, because most likely caused by intravenous drug use HIV transmission, while the drug is very receptive to the drug by intravenous drug injection method. Must accept a blood transfusion in advance is to understand the source of blood is safe. When the patient I could not do so, and the family must pay attention to understand the situation. Do not bring back their own blood products from abroad, non-injection of blood products may or may not. To participate in voluntary blood donation, do not sell blood, but not to the illegal underground blood collection point to sell blood. Understanding of their children receiving immunization injections, does it make a person a needle one, refused to accept the number of people sharing syringes or needles in vaccinations. Go to the hospital or clinic in the dental extraction or other oral treatment, injections, acupuncture treatment, it is important to understand the seriousness of the medical institutions in the implementation of disinfection measures. To medication therapy is not an injection, whether subcutaneous, muscle, or intravenous injection should be avoided. Disinfection is not strictly less than the barber shop, beauty salon, get a haircut or beauty. Hairdressing, beauty tools, needles and syringes, if not sterilized or disinfected imprecise, there are likely to shave, ear-piercing, tattoo when the spread of HIV. The pedicure baths should be thoroughly disinfected knife, or may also be caused by HIV infection. The bathrooms are suitable for temperature and humidity pedicure knife stained with the blood of HIV's survival. Electric shavers, razor do not borrow each other, as shave, shaving often cause minor skin abrasions cheek. Each bring their own toothbrush must be for personal use. Bleeding when brushing your teeth phenomenon is frequent, there are gingivitis, bleeding more, it can not be shared. Do not tattoo. Tattoo needle broke the skin may cause HIV infection. Ambulance bleeding wounded, we should try to prevent contamination of blood directly to their skin, especially in their own skin-breaking injuries happen when more attention should be paid. Can use clothes, plastic sheets to separate the wounded. Doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians for HIV infection or AIDS services, to prevent scalpel, needle injection injury of their own skin. Possible due to severe skin damage caused by collision bloody sport, we should understand each other is infected with HIV. Do not fight fight. The two sides fighting and bloodshed is inevitable, entirely possible that causes AIDS virus. 九. 10 issue of anti-AIDS knowledge Sexual contact transmission is the main way HIV infection through sexual intercourse (including normal sexual intercourse, anal and oral sex) is between the way men and men, between men and women spread. 1 What are the route of transmission of AIDS? Sexual contact transmission: sexual contact transmission is the main way HIV infection through sexual intercourse (including normal sexual intercourse, anal and oral sex) between the way in men and men and between men and women spread. Of blood-borne: The main input is through HIV-contaminated blood and blood products, or use of HIV-contaminated and not subject to strict sterile syringes, needles. In addition, tattoos, body piercing, acupuncture, with an infected person sharing razors, toothbrushes and organ transplantation. Mother to child transmission: the mother is HIV infected patients or in pregnancy, childbirth or post-partum through the blood of HIV through breast milk will be transmitted to the fetus or the newborn. 2, common symptoms of AIDS? General symptoms: fever, weakness, sweating, general superficial lymphadenopathy, weight loss within three months up to 10 pounds or more, the patients weight loss is particularly evident. Respiratory symptoms: chronic cough, chest pain, breathing difficulties, severe bloody sputum. Gastrointestinal symptoms: loss of appetite, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cases may be blood in the stool. Nervous system disorders: dizziness, headache, reaction retardation, mental deterioration, psychosis, convulsions, paralysis, dementia and so on. Skin and mucous membrane damage: diffuse papules, herpes zoster, oral and pharyngeal mucosal inflammation and ulceration. Tumor: there may be a variety of malignant tumors, Kaposi's sarcoma in the visible surface of the red or purple rash, papules, and invasive tumor. 3, the wife (husband) were infected with HIV, you can have sexual life? Yes. If a party infected with HIV can still maintain a normal sex life, massage, caressing, hugging and touching and so on. There is no exchange of body fluids, sexual activity, do not spread AIDS virus, which is "safe sex." But remember, every time during intercourse is necessary to the proper use of condoms can effectively prevent HIV transmission. 4 What are susceptible of AIDS? AIDS is susceptible mainly refers to male homosexuals, intravenous drug addicts, hemophiliacs, transfusion recipients, and other blood products who have sexual relations with more than high-risk groups, etc.. 5, which disease easily confused with AIDS? Lymphadenopathy, enlarged lymph nodes caused by the need and the Kaposi's sarcoma, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, lymphatic system, hemophilia phase identification, with particular attention in recent years, sexually transmitted diseases, homosexuality found in benign lymphadenopathy syndrome (GINS) phase identification. Skin changes, AIDS patients in place of urticaria, generalized pruritus, and genital warts and warts and other soft contact with the skin need to be changed with the Kaposi's sarcoma, skin and mucous membranes purpura, leukemia differentiated from some of the skin symptoms. AIDS transmission through sexual contact, it demonstrated the need with the skin and mucous membranes characterized by differentiated from other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, soft chancre and sexually transmitted diseases such as lymphogranuloma. AIDS and changes in hematology and immunology needs with mononucleosis syndrome, and the use of immunosuppressive agents, and other causes of immune suppression of disease identification. In an early manifestation of AIDS, out of fatigue, depression, lethargy and other symptoms still need to and referred to as "pseudo-AIDS syndrome" differentiated from psychiatric symptoms. In addition, children's AIDS diagnosis, also need attention and differentiated from disorders such children are stunted. 6, got to go where to do AIDS test? Now the country cities, counties, two full establishment of CDC HIV voluntary counseling and testing room free of charge. Such as the antibody test was positive, indicating that the person has been infected with HIV, 3 to 6 months after the review needs to go to the hospital. 7, the AIDS epidemic trends and characteristics? China since the first reported AIDS cases in 1985, has been gradually spreading epidemic has shown three major characteristics: increasing speed of 30% per year; the peak incidence of death has emerged; increase in the number of high-risk behavior. In addition, the phenomenon of feminization of a younger age; "MSM," HIV-infected population increase, a large number of children infected with HIV, about Qi Cheng did not detect HIV-infected persons. 8, accidentally exposed to the virus should do what emergency? HIV resistance to the external environment is weak, leaving the human body can survive at room temperature for several hours to several days. 100 ℃ 20 minutes to be completely inactivated, dry and disinfect commonly used drugs can kill the virus. Once the skin has been scratched and have the risk of exposure to the virus, the most simple and effective way is to wound the surface of blood squeezed out, and then use disinfectant cleaning without disinfectant, soap, or a lot of clear water rinse will also reduce the infected possibilities. 9, AIDS is not transmitted under what circumstances? A large number of facts have proved that the AIDS virus in vitro environment, the viability of the very weak, if exposed to air, then quickly died. Therefore, HIV is not through air, water or food for distribution, in their daily work and life with AIDS and infected persons in general contact such as shaking hands, hugging, sharing a meal, share tools, office supplies, toilet seats, telephones, bedding, swimming pools or public baths and other public facilities will not be infected. Will not be passed on the general social kissing, hugging, or transmitted by coughing, mosquito bites, etc. spread. 10, who have to accept HIV antibody screening? Surgical patients; need to use blood or blood products treated patients; clinical manifestations suspicious illness or AIDS immunocompromised persons; sexual disorder history, drug history, use of blood or blood products treatment history, history, etc. for the plasma treatment the history of past high-risk persons; accept the STD clinic and their sexual partners; to provide or receive human tissues, organs, cells, bone marrow and so on. |
[ 作者:刘君 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2010-3-22 文章录入:nnb ]