


      我在资深经济学家洪文达教授(1923-----)师门内是最后一届的硕士,而且还是破例插进去,违反了当时的消防规定(这段经历也是一个惊心动魄,大打 出手、勾心斗角、重复博弈的精彩故事,以后有机会再讲),成为最后一个关门硕士。在整个师门弟子中,迄今我成就估计也是最差的几个。姜纬师姐一直是师门中 的学术神话人物,真正的浙江杭州美女加才女,身高178厘米、瓜子脸,身材一级棒,1970年出生,读复旦大学少年班,15岁读大学本科,其读博经历可以和北大 林毅夫教授媲美,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者芝加哥大学商学院米勒教授(1921----2000)来复旦做报告,她去做翻译,极为出彩,回去以后米勒教授直接 一纸博士生奖学金邀请其去就读,并成为其关门博士弟子。其丈夫也是芝加哥大学经济学博士毕业。她现已经成为华人世界在北美经济学界的杰出女性学者代表,估 计不久正教授马上就要到手。她的文章都是发在经济金融学的国际最顶级刊物,绝对是牛群中的牛姐姐,令许多在北美工作的华人男经济学家汗颜。我曾在2003 年导师80大寿的时候见过她,早知她的威名,不敢过去搭讪陶瓷,实在是底气不足啊!导师也有空给我讲其生活故事以此更加打击我脆弱的幼小心灵,使我无地自 容,差点精神崩溃,愧为男儿身,无法正常茁壮成长,以至于长成了现在这个歪瓜裂枣的傻样。




第27期 (经济学院研究生课程表中的讲座6,ECON8115)
Wei Jiang (姜纬) 姜纬简历.pdf
Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School
Topic: Empirical Methods in Applied Microeconomics and Corporate Finance Fudan Syllabus Empirical Methods.pdf
Classroom: Rm. 205, School Building

5月24日 周一 晚6:30-9:00   5月26日 周三 晚6:30-9:00
5月27日 周四上午9:00-11:30 5月31日 周一 晚6:30-9:00
6月2日  周三 晚6:30-9:00   6月3日 周四 上午9:00-11:30

6:30-9:00 pm May 24 Monday           6:30-9:00 pm May 26 Wednesday
9:00-11:30 am May 27 Thursday     6:30-9:00 pm May 31 Monday
6:30-9:00 pm June 2 Wednesday   9:00-11:30 am June 3 Thursday

分别于1989、1992年获复旦大学世界经济系学士、硕士学位,2001年获芝加哥大学经济学博士学位。曾任教于复旦大学经济学院、芝加哥大学经济系、 数学系、宾 夕法尼亚大学沃顿学院、哥伦比亚法学院,并曾获得多项研究经费和教学奖项。是Management Science的副主编,论文发表于以下杂志:Journal of Financial Economics、Financial Analyst Journal、Journal of Finance、Journal of Financial Services Research、Review of Financial Studies、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics、Journal of Accounting and Economics、Financial Research Letters、Journal of Empirical Finance。
CV Syllabus

Wei Jiang (姜纬)简历
Columbia Business School, Uris Hall 803
New York, NY 10027
Tel: (212) 854 9002
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Chicago
Ph.D. in Economics, June 2001.
M.A. in Economics, July 1997.
Prelims: Financial Economics, Econometrics, July 1998.
Fudan University, China
M.A. in International Economics, July 1992.
B.A. in Economics, July 1989.
Fast-Track College Preparatory Program for Talented Students (replacing high-school),
February – July 1985.
Columbia Business School
Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, with tenure, July 2009 – present.
Sidney Taurel Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, July 2006 – June 2009.
Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, July 2005 – June 2006.
Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics, July 2001 – June 2005.
Courses taught: Corporate Finance (MBA), Business Finance (Executive MBA), Global
Immersion—China (MBA), Doctoral Seminar in Corporate Finance (Ph.D.).
Columbia Law School
Scholar in Residence.
Senior Fellow, Center for Law and Economics Studies, September 2009-June 2010.
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Visiting Associate Professor of Finance, July 2006-June 2007.
Course taught: Advanced Corporate Finance (MBA).
University of Chicago
Department of Economics
Lecturer, September 1998-June 2000. Courses taught: Introduction to
Econometrics, Introduction to Finance.
Financial Mathematics Master Program, Department of Mathematics
Lecturer, March 2000-June 2001. Courses taught: Financial Econometrics.
Prudential Securities (New York Office)
Consultant, international division, October 1997-June 1998.
Prudential Securities (Shanghai Office)
Associate, December 1994-August 1996.

Fudan University, School of Economics
Lecturer, September 1992-December 1994. Courses taught: Microeconomics,
Macroeconomics, Investments.
The Q-Group Research Grant, “Do Institutional Investors Have an Ace Up Their Sleeves?
Evidence from Confidential Filings of Portfolio Holdings,” Co-Investigator with Vikas
Agarwal, Yuehua Tang, and Baozhong Yang, 2009-2010.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant, “A Micro View of the Mortgage Crisis: Evidence
from Loan-Level Data from a Large Bank,” Principal Investigator, with Ashlyn Nelson and
Edward Vytlacil, 2009-2012.
Journal of Finance Brattle Award, finalist (“Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and
Firm Performance”), co-recipient with Alon Brav, Frank Partnoy, and Randall Thomas, 2008.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Financial Research Grant, “Simultaneous Holding
of Debt and Equity by Institutional Investors,” Co-Investigator with Kai Li and Pei Shao,
The Roger F. Murray Best Paper Award by the Q Group, 2nd Place, co-recipient with Alon Brav,
The Institute for Quantitative Investment Research (INQUIRE UK) Annual Best Paper Prize, corecipient
with Alon Brav, 2007.
Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Annual Academic Competition Best Paper Award, 2nd
Place, co-recipient with Alon Brav, 2007.
“Shareholders and Corporate Governance Research Agenda and Conference” grant, the Millstein
Center for Corporate Governance and Performance, Yale School of Management, Co-
Investigator with Alon Brav, 2007.
Journal of Finance Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Prize ("Offering versus Choice in 401(k)
Plans: Equity Exposure and Number of Funds”), co-recipient with Gur Huberman, 2006.
The Q-Group Research Grant, “Hedge Fund Activism,” Co-Investigator with Alon Brav, 2006-
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Financial Research Grant, “Hedge Fund Activism,”
Co-Investigator with Alon Brav, 2006-2007.
Chazen Fellowship, 2006.
Whitebox Scholar, Yale International Center of Finance, summer 2005.
TIAA-CREF Institute Research Grant, “Director Ownership of Mutual Funds,” Co-Investigator
with Qi Chen, 2004-2005.
PER Seed Grant for economics, 2004.
Chazen Fellowship, 2004.
INQUIRE grant on quantitative investment research, “Market Timing by Mutual Funds,” 2004.
Eugene Lang Fellowship, 2003.
Chazen Fellowship, 2002.
Francis Yuen Dissertation Scholarship, September 2000-June 2001.

Francis Yuen Fellowship, September 1997-June 2000.
University of Chicago Graduate Scholarship, September 1996-June 1997.
Executive MBA Award for Commitment to Excellence, graduating class of 2009.
Executive MBA Award for Commitment to Excellence, graduating class of 2007.
Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence in a Core Course, 2006.
Executive MBA Award for Commitment to Excellence, graduating class of 2005.
Best Instructor, voted by the class, Financial Mathematics Master Program, University of
Chicago, 2000.
Faculty Teaching Award, Fudan University, 1994.
“Outstanding Woman in Finance,” nominated by China Futures Association, 1995.
“Best Graduate of the Year” (equivalent summa cum laude), Fudan University, 1989.
First Prize, National Competition on Chinese Language and Literature for junior middle school
students, 1984.
􀂃 In Refereed Journals:
[13] “Payoff Complementarities and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Mutual Fund Outflows,” with
Qi Chen and Itay Goldstein, Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.
[12] “Activist Arbitrage: A Study of Open-Ending Attempts of Closed-End Funds” with Michael
Bradley, Alon Brav, and Itay Goldstein, Journal of Financial Economics, 2010, vol. 95 (1), 1-19.
Lead article.
[11] “Returns to Hedge Fund Activism,” with Alon Brav, Frank Partnoy, and Randall Thomas,
Financial Analyst Journal, 2008, vol 64, 45-61.
[10] “Directors’ Ownership in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry,” with Qi Chen and Itay Goldstein,
Journal of Finance, 2008, vol 63(5), 2629-2677.
[9] “Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance,” with Alon Brav, Frank
Partnoy, and Randall Thomas, Journal of Finance, 2008, vol. 63 (4), 1729-1775, finalist for the
Brattle Award, and ranked among the “Top 10 most-cited articles from Journal of Finance” by
Scientific Direct in 2009.
[8] “Defined Contribution Pension Plans: Determinants of Participation and Contribution Rates,”
with Gur Huberman and Sheena Iyengar, Journal of Financial Services Research, 2007, vol.
31(1), 1-32. Lead article.
[7] “Price Informativeness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Prices,” with Qi Chen and Itay
Goldstein, Review of Financial Studies, 2007, vol. 20 (3), 619-650.
[6] “Offering vs. Choices in 401(k) Plans: Equity Exposure and Number of Funds,” with Gur
Huberman, Journal of Finance, 2006, vol. XLI(2), 763-801, winner of the Smith-Breeden
Distinguished Paper Prize.
[5] “Analysts’ Weighting of Private and Public Information,” with Qi Chen, Review of Financial
Studies, 2006, vol. 19(1), 319-355.
[4] “A Nonparametric Approach to Measuring and Testing Curvature,” with Jason Abrevaya, Journal
of Business and Economic Statistics, 2005, vol. 23(1), 1-19. Lead article.

[3] “Investor Learning about Analyst Ability,” with Qi Chen and Jennifer Francis, Journal of
Accounting and Economics, 2005, vol. 39(1), 3-24. Lead article.
[2] “Positive Hurdle Rates without Asymmetric Information,” with Qi Chen, Financial Research
Letters, March 2004, 1(2), 106-112.
[1] “A Nonparametric Test of Market Timing,” Journal of Empirical Finance, 2003, vol. 10(4), pp
399 – 425. Lead article.
􀂃 Other Publications:
[3] “How Much Choice Is Too Much?: Contributions to 401(k) Retirement Plans,” with Gur
Huberman and Sheena Iyengar, chapter in Pension Design and Structure: New Lessons from
Behavioral Finance, edited by Olivia Mitchell and Stephen Utkus, Oxford University Press, 2004,
pp 83-96.
[2] “How Do Analysts Weight Private Information and Why?” with Qi Chen, in Corporate
Governance: Implications for Financial Services Firms, Proceedings of the 39th Chicago Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, 2004, pp 336-353.
[1] “Commodity Futures Market in China,” with David Wall, The Futures and Derivatives Law
Review, Volume 2 Issue 1, Cavendish Publishing Limited, London, January 1995, pp 13-42.
Reprinted in Financing China Trade and Investment, ed. Kui-Wai Li, Praeger, Westport &
London, 1997, pp183 – 214.
“When Creditors are Shareholders: Effects of Simultaneous Holding of Debt and Equity by
Institutional Investors,” with Kai Li, and Pei Shao.
“Takeover Activities and Target Valuations: Feedback Loops in Financial Markets,” with Alex
Edmans and Itay Goldstein.
“Liar’s loan?—Effects of Origination Channel and Information Falsification on Mortgage
Delinquency,” with Ashlyn Nelson and Edward Vytlacil.
“Do Institutional Investors Have an Ace Up Their Sleeves? Evidence from Confidential Filings of
Portfolio Holdings,” with Vikas Agarwal, Yuehua Tang, and Baozhong Yang.
“Hedge Funds in Chapter 11,” with Kai Li and Wei Wang.
“Mortgage Securitization and Loan Performance: A Contrast of Ex Ante and Ex Post Relations,” with
Ashlyn Nelson and Edward Vytlacil.
“Inferring Reporting Bias in Hedge Fund Databases from Hedge Fund Equity Holdings,” with Vikas
Agarwal and Vyacheslav Fos.
􀂃 Conferences
􀂃 American Finance Association Annual Meeting, January 2002*.
􀂃 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, April 2002.

􀂃 The 13th Financial Economics and Accounting Conference (at the University of Maryland),
November 2002.
􀂃 Midwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting, April 2003*.
􀂃 Wharton PRC Annual Conference, April 2003.
􀂃 Chicago Federal Reserve Bank 2003 Bank Structure Conference, May 2003*.
􀂃 Western Finance Association Annual Meeting, June 2003*.
􀂃 The 14th Financial Economics and Accounting Conference (at Indiana University), November
􀂃 Wharton Workshop on Household Financial Decision-Making and Portfolio Choice, March 2004.
􀂃 The 6th Texas Finance Festival, April 2004*.
􀂃 The Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference on Banking, Insurance and
Intermediation, May 2004*.
􀂃 European Finance Association Annual Meeting, August 2004*.
􀂃 The Swedish Institute of Financial Research (SIFR) Conference on Portfolio Choice and Investor
Behavior, September 2004.
􀂃 NBER Behavioral Finance Meeting, October 2004.
􀂃 Mitsui Life Symposium “Institutional Investors: Issues in Asset Management and Governance”,
University of Michigan Business School, invited participation, June 2005.
􀂃 Columbia Law School Center on Corporate Governance and the UCLA-Sloan Research Program
on Business Organizations conference “Shareholder Democracy: Its Promises and Perils,”
invited participation, December 2005.
􀂃 Financial Research Association Conference, December 2005.
􀂃 Columbia Business School Chazen Institute conference “China at the Crossroads: FX and
Capital Markets Policy for the Next Decade”, Session Chair, February 2006.
􀂃 The Second FIRS Conference on Banking, Corporate Finance and Intermediation, June 2006.
(Two papers and discussant)*.
􀂃 Western Finance Association Annual Meeting, June 2006 (paper and discussant)*.
􀂃 NBER Summer Institute Corporate Governance Workshop, July 2006.
􀂃 The Swedish Institute of Financial Research (SIFR) Conference on Institutions, Liquidity, and
Asset Prices, August 2006.
􀂃 UNC-Duke Corporate Finance Conference, September 2006 (discussant).
􀂃 Conference on Investor Activism, Vanderbilt, October 2006*.
􀂃 New York Fed/NYU Joint Conference on Financial Intermediation, November 2006 (discussant).
􀂃 Five-Star Conference, December 2006 (discussant).
􀂃 American Finance Association Annual Meeting, January 2007.
􀂃 Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, January 2007.
􀂃 Conference on Activist Investors, Hedge Funds, and Corporate Governance, Vanderbilt
University Law School's Law and Business Program and the University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, March 2007.
􀂃 Wharton Workshop on Household Financial Decision-Making and Portfolio Choice, March 2007
􀂃 American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, May 2007*.
􀂃 The Fourth Annual Conference of the Caesarea Center at the Arison School of Business, IDC,
May 2007 (discussant).
􀂃 European Financial Management Association Meetings, June 2007.
􀂃 IESE Conference on Complementarities and Information, Barcelona, June 2007.

􀂃 Western Finance Association Annual Meeting, June 2007 (two papers and session chair)*.
􀂃 NBER Summer Institute Capital Markets and the Economy Workshop, July 2007.*
􀂃 The 18th International Conference on Game Theory, Workshop on Global Games, Center for
Game Theory in Economics in SUNY Stony Brook, July 2007.
􀂃 Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Annual Conference, September 2007.*
􀂃 FDIC/JFSR 7th Annual Bank Research Conference, September 2007.
􀂃 Shareholders and Corporate Governance Research Agenda and Conference, Yale School of
Management and Oxford University, October 2007. *
􀂃 University of Texas (Austin) Annual Institutional Investors Conference, November 2007
􀂃 UNICREDIT Group Conference on the Span and Scope of Banks, Stability and Regulation,
December 2007.
􀂃 Utah Winter Finance Conference, February 2008.
􀂃 NYU/Penn Law and Finance Conference, February 2008 (discussant).
􀂃 The Chinese Finance Association Annual Conference, July 2008 (session chair and discussant).
􀂃 NBER Summer Institute Corporate Finance Meeting, July 2008*.
􀂃 University of Oregon Conference on Institutional Investors and the asset management industry,
July 2008.
􀂃 NBER China Conference, October 2008 (discussant).
􀂃 The 5th Annual Conference on Corporate Finance at Washington University in St. Louis, October
31, 2008.*
􀂃 The UNC-Duke Corporate Finance Conference, October 31, 2008.*
􀂃 American Finance Association Annual Meeting, January 2009 (paper presentation and
􀂃 NYU/Penn Law and Finance Conference, February 2009.*
􀂃 The Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference on Banking, Insurance and
Intermediation, May 2009.
􀂃 NBER Summer Institute Market Institutions and Financial Market Risk Meeting, July 2009*.
􀂃 UBC Finance Summer Conference, July 2009.
􀂃 European Finance Association Annual Meeting, August 2009.
􀂃 FDIC and the Federal Housing Finance Agency Joint Symposium on Improving Assessment of
the Default Risk of Single Family Mortgages, September, 2009.*
􀂃 The Philadelphia Fed’s Conference on Recent Developments in Consumer Credit and Payments,
September 2009.
􀂃 The Northern Finance Association Annual Conference, September 2009.
􀂃 All-Georgia Finance Conference, October 2009.
􀂃 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 31st Annual Research
Conference, November 2009.
􀂃 Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, November 2009.
􀂃 American Economic Association Annual Meeting, January 2010.
􀂃 2nd Annual Conference on Hedge Funds, Centre d’Innovation Financière, Janyary 2010.
*: Presenting author.
􀂃 Seminars and Workshops (including scheduled)
Chicago Department of Economic (2001)
Chicago Graduate School of Business (2001)
Cornell Johnson School of Management (2001)
UIUC Department of Finance (2001)
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School (2001)

UC Davis Graduate School of Business (2001)
Columbia Business School (2001)
Columbia Law School (2003)
New York Federal Reserve Bank (2003)
New York University Stern School of Business (2003)
Federal Reserve Board of Governors (2004)
Duke Fuqua School of Business (2004)
Fudan University School of Economics (2004)
Peking University Guanghua School of Management (2004)
CEIBS Department of Finance (2004)
NYU-Columbia Joint Seminar (2004)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business (2004)
UC Berkeley Department of Economics (2004)
UC Davis Graduate School of Business (2004)
London Business School (2004)
Cheung Kong School of Business (2005)
Yale School of Management (2005)
UC Berkeley Haas School of Business (2005)
Rice University Graduate School of Management (2005)
SUNY Binghamton School of Management (2006)
Stockholm School of Economics (2006)
Tsinghua School of Economics and Management (2006)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Corporate Finance Research Workshop (2006)
Drexel University College of Business (2006)
Wharton School (2007)
University of Florida College of Business Administration (2007)
Columbia Law School (2007)
Inquire (U.K.) Seminar (2007)
Goldman Sachs Asset Management Seminar (2007)
University of Massachusetts School of Management (2007)
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (2007)
University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management (2007)
Kellogg School of Management (2007)
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School (2007)
UBC Sauder School of Business (2007)
Penn State Smeal College of Business (2007)
Boston College Carroll School of Management (2008)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business (2008)
Yale University School of Management (2008)
University of Texas at Dallas School of Management (2008)
Harvard Business School (2008)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Corporate Finance Research Workshop (2008)

Queens University School of Business (2009)
Georgia State University College of Business (2009)
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (2009)
Columbia Law School (2009)
George Mason University School of Management (2010)
􀂃 Other Talks and Speeches
o “Corporate Governance and Limits to Arbitrage,” China National Accounting Institute (Shanghai)
Incubator Program Conference on Corporate Governance, Distinguished Speaker, November
o “Do Activist Hedge Funds Create Value?” Ivy Asset Management Corporation/Columbia
Business School “Thought Leadership” Hedge Fund Research Forum, speaker, June 2007 and
December 2007.
o “Financial Crisis and the Columbia Core,” orientation to all incoming MBA students, September
􀂃 Professional Services
􀂃 Editorial Service:
􀂃 Associate Editor, Management Science, since 2009.
􀂃 Ad hoc reviewer:
􀂃 Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of
Business, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of
Empirical Finance, Journal of Applied Econometrics, American Economic Review, Review of
Economic Studies, Management Science, National Science Foundation, Journal of Financial
Markets, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Public Economics,
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Financial Management, Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics.
􀂃 Program Committee:
􀂃 Western Finance Association Annual Meeting, since 2007.
􀂃 The Chinese Finance Association Annual Conference, since 2008.
􀂃 The Corporate Finance Conference at Washington University in St. Louis, since 2009.
􀂃 Jose Martinez, sponsor and main advisor, 2006. Oxford University Said School of Business.
First placement: Swedish Institute for Financial Research (SIFR).
􀂃 George Murillo, sponsor and main advisor, graduate with distinction, 2008. First placement:
Goldman Sachs & Co.
􀂃 Linying Zhao (Department of Economics), sponsor and main advisor, 2009. First placement:
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
􀂃 Huidan Lin (Department of Economics), committee member, 2009. First placement: IMF.
􀂃 Xiaozheng Wang, committee member, 2009. First placement: Criterion Economics Consulting.

􀂃 Yael Eisenthal, sponsor and main advisor, graduate with distinction, 2009. First placement:
Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
􀂃 Vyacheslav Fos, supervisor, on-going.
􀂃 “A Nonparametric Test of Market Timing”
􀂃 “12-Step Program to Index Funds,” Index Funds Advisors, 2003
􀂃 “Defined Contribution Pension Plans: Determinants of Participation and Contribution Rates”
􀂃 Wall Street Journal, May 1st, 2003, February 11, 2005
􀂃 The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2nd, 2003
􀂃 Reuters, November 12, 2003
􀂃 New York Times, January 5, 2005
􀂃 The Wall Street Journal, Money, May 2005
􀂃 Fortune, December 23, 2005
􀂃 CFO Magazine, May 1, 2007
􀂃 Institutional Investor, April 2004
􀂃 FRBSF Economic Letter, June 6, 2008
􀂃 “Directors’ Ownership in the Mutual Fund Industry”
􀂃 Money Management Executive, February 14, 2005
􀂃 “Hedge Fund Activism, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance”
􀂃 Economist, September 30, 2006; June 2, 2007
􀂃 New Zealand Herald, October 2, 2006
􀂃 Business Week, October 16, 2006
􀂃 Investor Dealers Digest, October 30, 2006
􀂃 New York Times, February 18, 2007; August 26, 2007
􀂃 Financial Times, February 19 and April 27, 2007
􀂃 HedgeWorld News, February 20, 2007
􀂃 Financial Post, March 6, 2007
􀂃 Merger & Acquisition, May 1, 2007
􀂃 CFO Magazine, June 1, 2007
􀂃 Alternative Universe, June 11, 2007
􀂃 Nikkei Financial News (Japan), August 24, 2007
􀂃 “Returns to Hedge Fund Activism”
􀂃 The Wall Street Journal, August 1, 2008
􀂃 “Liar’s Loan?”
􀂃 Business Week, July 21, 2009
􀂃 Seeking Alpha, July 23, 2009
􀂃 WSJ.com, September 1, 2009
􀂃 Mortgage News Daily, September 2, 2009
􀂃 MoneyShow, October 1, 2009
􀂃 “Hedge Fund in Chapter 11”
􀂃 Dow Jones Newswires, October 28, 2009

􀂃 Globe and Mail (Canada), November 9, 2009
􀂃 Other media quote
􀂃 “Not so Choice,” Institutional Investor, July 2005
􀂃 “How Activists Attack Bigger Game,” The Wall Street Journal, July 11, 2007
􀂃 “Activists Make More News,” Investment Dealers Digest, February 4, 2008
􀂃 “Ask a Professor: Hedge Funds,” NPR, December 16, 2008
􀂃 “Is Google Doing the Right Thing?” Financial Times, February 3, 2009
􀂃 “Schools Prepare for Next Downturn,” The Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2009
• School and University
o Member, finance recruiting committee, 2003, 2008.
o Co-organizer, finance seminars, July 2002-June 2003; July 2007-June 2008.
o Finance Core Course Coordinator, July 2007-June 2009.
o Member, MBA Committee, July 2007-June 2008.
o Member, Crisis and the Curriculum Committee, 2009.
o Member, University Institutional Review Bureau (IRB), July 2009 – present.
• Outside University
o TIAA-CREF Institute
Fellow, July 2005 - present.
o New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU)
Leading member, NYCLU Investment Committee, July 2009 - present