


    时间: 2010-03-18 09:42:23 来源: 南方日报  
        关键词: 科学家 HIV 二肽 艾滋病病毒 健康产业 
    内容摘要: 默沙东公司近日宣布,国家食品药品监督管理局已正式批准捷诺维(磷酸西格列汀)在中国上市。禾健总裁周骊女士表示:“维护消费者利益,创造一流消费环境,促进健康消费发展,并以诚信、优质的服务迎接上海世博会的开幕,是禾健在2010年的服务目标。









時間: 2010-03-18 09:42:23 來源: 南方日報
關鍵詞: 科學家HIV 二肽艾滋病病毒健康產業
內容摘要: 默沙東公司近日宣布,國家食品藥品監督管理局已正式批准捷諾維(磷酸西格列汀)在中國上市。禾健總裁週驪女士表示:“維護消費者利益,創造一流消費環境,促進健康消費發展,並以誠信、優質的服務迎接上海世博會的開幕,是禾健在2010年的服務目標。

1985年,在美國,每100例輸血中就有一例感染HIV病毒。 25年後,得益於HIV病毒關鍵診斷測試技術的創新性發展,每一年,數以百萬計的患者都能夠進行安全的輸血。 1985年3月2日,美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)批准了全球第一個用於篩查獻血者HIV抗體的診斷測試技術,這個由雅培開發的診斷試劑盒,立即被美國紅十字會和其它血液組織採用。







Scientists develop new method for detection of HIV
Time: 2010-03-18 09:42:23 Source: Nanfang Daily
Key words: Scientists HIV 2 peptide HIV Health Industry
Summary: Merck & Company recently announced that the State Food and Drug Administration had formally approved the Czech Republic, Novi (phosphoric acid Sigma, Januvia) in China's listed. Ho Kin-president of Miss Zhou Li, said: "to safeguard consumer interests, and create first-class consumption environment, promotion of healthy consumption, development, and to integrity, quality services to meet the opening of the Shanghai World Expo, is alive Wo 2010 target.
Nanfang Daily News (Xinhua / Li Jie) HIV diagnostic kit this year is the 25th anniversary of the birth, Abbott scientists in HIV research in the field has made another breakthrough --- Recently, Abbott submitted to the U.S. FDA an HIV (AIDS virus) Early Detection Technology The listing applications --- ARCHI-TECTHIVCombo (Ag / Ab) measured automatically immunoassay detection, the antibodies can be detected before the advent of HIV infection. Abbott scientists have also developed two kinds of the leading protease inhibitor drug therapy for HIV treatment.

In 1985, the United States, each had one case in 100 cases of blood transfusion infected with HIV. 25 years later, thanks to a key diagnostic tests for HIV, the innovative technology development, and each year hundreds of millions of patients are capable of safe blood transfusion. March 2, 1985, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the world's first screening of blood donors for HIV antibodies in diagnostic testing technology, which developed by the Abbott diagnostic kit was immediately the American Red Cross and other blood and tissue used.

The new mechanism of hypoglycemic agents of China's listed

Nanfang Daily News (Reporter / European Asahi River) today announced that Merck, the State Food and Drug Administration had formally approved the Czech Republic, Novi (phosphoric acid Sigma, Januvia) in China's listed. The drug is the world's first, is the first in China's listed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, dipeptidyl peptidase -4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. And currently on the market of any one blood glucose-lowering drugs mechanism of action is different, the Czech Novi can enhance the body's own ability to lower blood sugar.

According to reports, Czech Republic, Novi is the MSD for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, once-daily service dipeptidyl peptidase -4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. In the controlled clinical trial studies, the use of body weight after the Czech Novi, compared with the baseline, and did not increase, but the incidence of hypoglycemia with the use of a placebo control group, similar to.

Ho Kin actively involved in "3.15" large public service activities

Nanfang Daily News (Xinhua / Li Jie) "3.15 Consumer Rights Day" period, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, promoting enterprise credit management, consumer protection by the Shanghai Committee, Shanghai Municipal Health Industry Development Promotion Association and other units jointly in Shanghai and a number of Kin Wo integrity of enterprises to participate in the health industry, "service consumer, service Expo, heart care health" --- 2010 "3.15" International Consumer Rights Day event in Shanghai Jing'an large-scale public Park Plaza.

Ho Kin-era Shanghai Shanghai Health Industry Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. as Vice President of Development for the Association unit, by virtue of their outstanding contribution to the health sector to lead the participating enterprises to make "3.15" integrity pledge commitment to strictly abide by the "Consumer Rights Protection Law "and relevant laws and regulations, and resolutely put an end to selling counterfeit and shoddy products, fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and strive to quality, service, reputation trust companies. In the afternoon, the Shanghai Health Industry Development Promotion Association has invited the leadership of Shanghai, together with the Consumer Rights Protection Council Health Industry integrity of business leaders to convene a forum to further explore ways to incorporate healthy business, the World Expo, Expo and corporate services, norms and development issues, the real to safeguard consumer interests and regulate business interests. Ho Kin-president of Miss Zhou Li, said: "to safeguard consumer interests, and create first-class consumption environment, promotion of healthy consumption, development, and to integrity, quality services to meet the opening of the Shanghai World Expo, is alive Wo 2010 target.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-3-18    文章录入:nnb ]