海南启动艾滋全球基金 目标暗娼感染率小于1%
来源:人民网 2010年03月16日08:41
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來源:人民網 2010年03月16日08:41
縱觀海南省的艾滋病流行情況,自1991年檢出首例艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者以來,截止至2009年12月31日,累計報告HIV陽性者773例,其中感染者635例,病人138例。 HIV傳播途徑方面,海南省已經從“以共用注射器吸毒傳播為主的模式”發展為“以性接觸傳播和共用注射器吸毒傳播並重的模式”。就全國范圍來看,海南省仍屬艾滋病低流行地區,HIV感染者和病人的數量呈逐年緩慢上升的趨勢。
Hainan to start the Global Fund to target HIV-infection rate of less than 1% of the CSWs
Source: People's Network at 08:41 on March 16, 2010
March 15 afternoon, Hainan Province, officially launched the Global Fund AIDS project. Hainan Province, in 2010-2012 the project will get a 8.9 million yuan of the funding for the province's AIDS prevention and control work. This is also in Hainan Province so far received the amount of the largest and most extensive coverage, benefiting the most populous assistance projects of international organizations, covering 18 cities and counties in Hainan, which Wuzhishan, Lingshui, Tunchang and fixed security zone as a model for international cooperation.
Hainan Provincial Health Department, the provincial Public Security Department, the Red Cross, Hainan University, and infection, including 15 units of organization composed of major leaders of Hainan Province Global Fund AIDS Project Coordination Leading Group and the establishment of the provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention as the main body Project Management Office.
According to the Global Fund by the Government, civil society, the private sector and affected communities, representing a new approach to international health financing. Since its inception in 2002, the Global Fund to Combat AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria project's main source of finance. Hainan Province has so far received TB and Malaria, the Global Fund project funding, the province of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria prevention and control of the three diseases, played a huge boost.
Throughout the AIDS epidemic in Hainan Province, since 1991 annual out of the first case of AIDS virus (HIV) infection has been ended December 31, 2009, the cumulative reported HIV-positive 773 cases, of which 635 cases of infection, the patient 138 cases. HIV transmission, the Hainan Province, from the "spread-based drug syringe sharing model" development "to sexual contact and sharing of syringes equal emphasis on drug mode of transmission." The national point of view, Hainan Province, is still a low HIV prevalence areas, HIV infection and the number of patients was slowly rising year by year.
The next step, Hainan Province in the 23 areas 180 a number of activities, integrating all aspects of the province's AIDS prevention and control of resources. And strive to achieve the commercial sex workers in 2012, HIV prevalence is less than 1%, injecting drug users with HIV infection rates are not more than 9% of men who have HIV infection rates are not more than 8%, the positive pregnant women receive anti-viral therapy reduce the risk of mother to child transmission of AIDS as well as the proportion of not more than 90%, HIV infection, patients and their families access to care, support and services to the ratio of no less than 70% and a series of indicators.