江西2009年传染病致死369人 传染病发病166126例 艾滋病病例上升快

江西2009年传染病致死369人  传染病发病166126例 艾滋病病例上升快


江西2009年传染病致死369人  传染病发病166126例 艾滋病病例上升快
2010年03月11日 09:42 来源:中国江西网 

  据省卫生厅通报,2009年,全省无甲类传染病发病、死亡报告。丙类传染病中,除斑疹伤寒、包虫病、丝虫病无发病、死亡病例报告外,其他共报告发病60895例,死亡26人,报告发病率为138.40/10万,死亡率为0.06/10万,分别较2008年上升45.60%、186.89%。报告发病数居前5位的病种依次为其他感染性腹泻病、手足口病、流行性腮腺炎、流行性感冒和风疹,占报告发病总数的99.71%。报告死亡数均是手足口病病例。(江南都市报 徐明 姜海 李凯)
赣去年传染病发病166126例 艾滋病病例上升快
( 2010-03-11 08:27:52) 稿件来源:新华网江西频道综合






    此外,我省在应急管理方面实现了从“经验管理”到“科学管理”的转变。记者了解到,全省已制定省级卫生应急预案19个、市级预案196个、县级预案2115个、单位预案3217个,基本形成 了“横向到边、纵向到底”的卫生应急预案体系,卫生应急管理工作逐步迈上了科学化、规范化、制度化轨道。



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  • 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
  • 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
  • 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
  • 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
  • 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
  • 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
  • 三合皂甙,康生丹片

    2010年03月11日09:42 來源:中國江西網

    據省衛生廳通報,2009年,全省無甲類傳染病發病、死亡報告。丙類傳染病中,除斑疹傷寒、包蟲病、絲蟲病無發病、死亡病例報告外,其他共報告發病60895例,死亡26人,報告發病率為138.40/10萬,死亡率為0.06 /10萬,分別較2008年上升45.60%、186.89%。報告發病數居前5位的病種依次為其他感染性腹瀉病、手足口病、流行性腮腺炎、流行性感冒和風疹,佔報告發病總數的99.71%。報告死亡數均是手足口病病例。 (江南都市報 徐明 薑海 李凱)
    ( 2010-03-11 08:27:52) 稿件來源:新華網江西頻道綜合

    據江西省衛生廳通報,2009年,全省無甲類傳染病發病、死亡報告。丙類傳染病中,除斑疹傷寒、包蟲病、絲蟲病無發病、死亡病例報告外,其他共報告發病60895例,死亡26人,報告發病率為138.40/10萬,死亡率為0.06 /10萬,分別較2008年上升45.60%、186.89%。報告發病數居前5位的病種依次為其他感染性腹瀉病、手足口病、流行性腮腺炎、流行性感冒和風疹,佔報告發病總數的99.71%。報告死亡數均是手足口病病例。



    近日,記者從2010年全省衛生應急工作會議上了解到,去年我省在應對突如其來的甲型H1N1流感疫情中,積極應對、聯防聯控、依法科學處置,最大限度減輕了疫情的流行和擴散,全省發病率和死亡率均低於全國平均水平。 5年來,我省衛生應急管理從薄弱到漸成體系,已有效應對重大、較大突發公共衛生事件150多起,保障了人民群眾健康安全。

    5年來,我省實現了衛生應急組織和指揮體係從無到有的轉變。 2008年竣工驗收的省衛生廳應急指揮中心項目,目前已實現與衛生部、省政府和國家疾控中心應急指揮平台的對接聯通,做到了數據、語音、視頻等信息的交換、匯總與共享;我省還健全了衛生應急隊伍,目前有省專家諮詢委員會委員51名,專家庫專家300餘名,涉及傳染病、食物中毒、職業中毒、群體性不明原因疾病等7個類別。




    Jiangxi Province in 2009 killed 369 people infectious disease infectious diseases 166,126 cases of AIDS cases increased rapidly
    At 09:42 on March 11, 2010 Source: China Jiangxi Net
    10, (Jiangxi) Province, Jiangxi Province Health Department informed the legal infectious diseases in 2009, the province reported a total of 166,126 cases of legal infectious diseases and death 369 people. Compared with the 2008 AIDS cases are rising faster, an increase of 36.71 percentage points.

    According to Provincial Health Office Bulletin, 2009, the province's non-CPI infectious diseases, deaths have been reported. Class C infectious diseases, in addition to typhus, echinococcosis, filariasis without morbidity, mortality, case report, the other a total of 60,895 cases of reported incidence of death 26 people, reported incidence rate of 138.40/10 million, the mortality rate of 0.06 / 10 million, respectively, compared with 2008 increased by 45.60%, 186.89%. Number of reported incidence of disease among the top five followed by other kinds of infectious diarrhea, hand foot and mouth disease, mumps, influenza and rubella, accounting for 99.71% of the total reported incidence. Report the number of deaths were cases of hand, foot and mouth disease. (Jiangnan Metropolitan Xu Jiang Hai Kai)
    Jiangxi 166,126 cases of infectious diseases last year, AIDS cases increased rapidly
    (2010-03-11 08:27:52) Source: Xinhuanet Jiangxi channel integrated
    10, the Jiangxi Provincial Health Department informed the legal infectious diseases in Jiangxi Province in 2009, the province reported a total of 166,126 cases of legal infectious diseases and death 369 people. Compared with the 2008 AIDS cases are rising faster, an increase of 36.71 percentage points.

    According to Jiangxi Provincial Health Department Bulletin, 2009, the province's non-CPI infectious diseases, deaths have been reported. Class C infectious diseases, in addition to typhus, echinococcosis, filariasis without morbidity, mortality, case report, the other a total of 60,895 cases of reported incidence of death 26 people, reported incidence rate of 138.40/10 million, the mortality rate of 0.06 / 10 million, respectively, compared with 2008 increased by 45.60%, 186.89%. Number of reported incidence of disease among the top five followed by other kinds of infectious diarrhea, hand foot and mouth disease, mumps, influenza and rubella, accounting for 99.71% of the total reported incidence. Report the number of deaths were cases of hand, foot and mouth disease.


    Jiangxi, a major five-year deal with a larger more than 150 cases to public health emergencies

    Recently, the reporter learned from the 2010 conference on the province's health emergency response learned in our province last year, in response to the sudden outbreak of Influenza A H1N1 influenza, the positive response, joint prevention and control, according to the scientific disposal of the maximum to reduce the prevalence and spread of the epidemic , the province of morbidity and mortality rates are lower than the national average. 5 years, the province health emergency management system from the weak to greater and greater, has been effective in dealing with major, the larger public health emergencies of more than 150 cases to protect the health and safety of the people.

    5 years, the province achieved a health emergency response organizations and command structure from scratch and change. 2008 completion and acceptance of the Provincial Health Office of Emergency Command Center project, has now achieved with the Ministry of Health, the provincial government and the National CDC emergency command platform, docking Unicom, so that data, voice, video and other information exchange, compilation and sharing; our province has also improved the health emergency response teams, there are Provincial Advisory Committee of Experts of 51, the expert database experts, more than 300, involving infectious diseases, food poisoning, occupational poisoning and diseases of unknown causes mass of 7 categories.

    In addition, the province achieved in emergency management from the "experience management" to "scientific management" changes. This reporter learned that the province has drawn up contingency plans for 19 provincial health, municipal plans for 196 county-level plans for 2115, the unit plans for 3217, basically forming a "horizontal-to-edge, vertical in the end" health emergency plan system, Health and emergency management gradually onto a scientific, standardized and institutionalized the track.

    Our province has also improved its monitoring and early warning of public health emergencies of the first line of defense, at present the province's medical institutions above the county level, township health centers infectious disease outbreaks, and direct reporting to public health emergencies network coverage up to 100%. At the same time improve the management of the live poultry markets and migratory bird habitat in Poyang Lake, the poultry breeding industry, high-exposure group of bird flu monitoring network, strengthening of the plague, SARS, avian influenza and human cases of pneumonia of unknown causes for monitoring, in response to sudden onset of acute infectious diseases the prevention and control has laid a solid foundation. The same time, Provincial Health Office through centralized training, distance education and other means, the cumulative training of various types of emergency response personnel two thousand passengers, the province's health department has organized and carried out at all levels of human avian influenza, plague, food poisoning, as well as chemistry major accident on-site medical Rescue and other emergency simulation training for more than 40 times.

    According to Provincial Health Department person in charge, five years, health emergency management in our province there is a major breakthrough is to achieve a health emergency coordination mechanism from a single unit to the multi-sectoral collaborative linkage changes, the provincial health department and the agriculture, education, meteorology, railway, transport, entry-exit inspection and quarantine, and civil aviation department has established a linkage mechanism, together successful handling of the industrial barium salt poisoning, hand, foot and mouth disease outbreaks and food poisoning and other unexpected events, along with the successful completion of Ruichang earthquake, cold rain and snow Frozen disasters, Wenchuan earthquake, the Olympic torch relay in Jiangxi Province activities, medical and health emergency rescue and security missions.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:197    更新时间:2010-3-11    文章录入:nnb ]