The employees here at VIVID Video are pull
The employees here at VIVID Video are pull
Cat Picture of the Week: ChuckyWednesday May 7, 20tall winter boots women br>08This is Chucky; he is being fostered until
his foot heals. We're not sure just how it go
t smashed but everything in the foot and all
the toes are broken. The vet i sheepskin footwear s not even sure
we can save the foot. He is such a little tr
ooper through all of this. He needs his cast
changed every two weeks through the end of Ju
ne. He loves to play and lie in a spot of sun sheepskin lined boot
light and he is in heaven. He is the kind of
cat that just plops into your lap. Pick him u
s and he is one ball of purr. What a love, an
d with any luck, in a couple of months, he wi
ll find get free ugg boots his forever home. And he is beautiful
...? Verlene LeonardoChucky's photo was submi
tted for the Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery, and
I immediately fell in love with this sweet l
ittle cat with the woun ugg kids classic boots ded "wing." H.A.L.O. (
Homeless Animals Lifeline Organization) is an
active rescue in my neck of the woods, and I
often see its hard-working volunteers at my
local classic cardy boot pet food store. I'll keep my eyes open
in coming months for Chucky, in the hopes tha
t he finds a loving, forever home.Because of
a late start this month, Chucky's photo will youth uggs sale br>count as Cat of the Week for the week ending
last Saturday. The second Cat of the Week for
May will be posted Saturday, May 10, 2008.My
Cat Pictures of the Week are chosen from gen
eral photo subm kids uggs clearance ittals, but only those submitt
ed with all the information requested in my P
hoto Submittal Guidelines. More about: ???Com
ments (7)See All PostsSharePrevNextLeave a Co
m ugg patent paisley boots mentCommentsMay 7, 2008 at 12:19 pm(1) Cryst
alsays:Will Chucky be put down if his foot ca
nnot be saved? Im guessing not, but Im not s
ure. The employees here at VIVID Video are p
ulling for sheepskin shoes him. GO CHUCKY! (time to get back
to work )May 7, 2008 at 1:22 pm(2) mriazens
ays:Crystal, most likley not. Unlike horses,
cats do not need all four legs. Im sure Jan
et can provide further guida uggs boots on sale nce.May 7, 2008 a
t 3:56 pm(3) Nuriasays:Cats and dogs are very
resilient. Ive read they can live happy nor
mal lives with 3 legs and learn to adapt very
quickly.I hope Chucky will be able to keep navy blue ugg boots women's shoes h
is leg. Hes an adorable little guy!May 7, 20
08 at 5:24 pm(4) Janet Tobiassen DVMsays:mria
ze is correct cats are quite adaptable and a
re also great healers. Even if the foot/leg womens white winter boots c
annot be saved, Chucky should do just fine wi
th continued care. May 8, 2008 at 10:32 am(5
) Trishsays:Poor Chucky. He is so CUTE!!!! Th
is makes me want to sign cheap womens winter boots his little cast. Doe
s anyone know where we can send cards or care
packages to this sweetheart?May 8, 2008 at 2
:42 pm(6) Stevesays:Crystal.its nice to see a
woma ugg boots deals n like you take pride in your kitty.not
to say that is shocking for a woman in YOUR i
ndustry!! May 24, 2008 at 9:09 pm(7) ALsays:
The first time I that I saw Chuckys picture I
fell in love with him. winter boots on clearance He is a real sweethear
t and a tropper.The vet finally had to remove
his entire leg.I am trying to adopt him now
as he needs all the love and care anyone can
give to him.If I am able to adopt him he will
have a wonderful life.He is so precious.Leav
e a Comment